word1用地面积:. 设计指标:statistics 建筑占地面积:site area
building 总建筑面积:print
foot 建筑面积 floor areatotal area ,building 地上建筑面积:area
地下建筑面积:ground area underground 整体面积需求area
: Demand for 公共绿地:built area
备用地用地:public green land 容积率:reserved land 建筑密度:FAR
绿地率:building coverage 绿化率:建筑高度:green landscape ratio green ratio 层数:building height 停车位:number of floors 地面停车:parking unit
地下停车ground parking :underground 使用面积:parking
公用面积:usable area 实用面积:public area effective area
居住面积:living area 计租面积 rental area?租用面得房率:积
开间进深 bay effien 坡度:跨度 depth span
净空:slope,grade 净高:clearance 净空(楼梯间下)clear height 净距::headroom 套内面积:clear distance
unit constraction 公摊面积:shared public 竣工面积:area
结构面积:辅助面积:交area通面积structural area service area 共building area
有,:communication 建passage area
筑面积:common 共有建筑面积分摊系数:common 公amount coefficient building 用建筑面积:
area public 销售面积building area
绿化覆盖率: :sales area
green coverage 层高:ratio
净高:floor height 公用建筑面积分摊系数:clear height
public amount coefficient building area 住宅用地: 其他用地: 公共服务设施用地:
residential area land 道路用地:for public facilities
公共绿地:land for roads 道路红线:public green space road property 建筑线line
(建筑红线):set back 用地红线:line
property line, boundary line
第一轮:计划和程1st序 round
:schedule 工program
and 程进度表:构造材料表:schedule
working list of building 设计说明:materials and construction 图纸目录和design statement 说明项目标准:drawings and descriptions :list of 总结:conclusion
project standards
文本及陈述:封皮: 目录:cover 技术经济指标:content
technical and 概economical index
master 念规划设计paln :conceptual and 基地分析:architectural design
项目区位分析图:location analysis of the region site description and city 概念构思说明:space view analyze
chief design 指导思想(设计主旨)concept
:key 概述:concepts
愿景及设计效果:mission statement
vision and 城design concept
市空间景观分析:urban 绿space landscape identity 化景观分析:landscape 交通分析:analysis
生态系统:traffic analysis 地块ecological system 模型照片:A:area A
案例分析:model images 草图:case study 设计构sketches
concept 鸟瞰图:site plan 功能分bird view
区图:function 单体透视图:organization
1-1立面图:剖面图:section 1-1 unit perspective 沿街立面图:elevation
平面图:street elevation 地下一层平面图:plan
basement 首层平面图:plan;B1 plan F1 plan;ground
二层平面图:floor plan
设计阶段2F floor plan 草图方案 sketch stages of design 初步设计 scheme
施工图 preliminary design 平面图 working drawing 平面放大图 plan
plan in enlarged 剖面图scale
立面图 节点详图 section elevation
透视图鸟瞰图 detail drawing 示意图 perspective drawings birds-eye view 区划图 位置图 schematic diagram block plan 示意图: location
背景介schematic diagram 绍:project 报background
告书目的:purpose of 专report
案区位背景:区of 域。交。。通
Context 架构:regional 区circulation framework
域活动架构:regional 区district framework
域发展基地分析:development 架构 framework :regional 现状土地利用:site understanding existing land 现use
状交通系统:existing 现状城市机理:circulation
existing 机fabric
city 遇与限制:opportunities 经济分析与策略:and constrains
economic 房strategies
地产经济:real estate
market 标高绝对标高 elevation
相对标高 设计标高 absolute elevation relative elevation 海拔标高: designed elevation altitude elevation 坐标above sea level 基准点 ordinate
等高线 datum mark 高差土 contour line
方difference in elevation 工程量 volume of technical and 设计进度economic index
设计范围 period of design 方comparison案比scope of design
较, scheme 建for competition
alter-native 筑形式 architectural 自然条件style
风玫瑰图 natural condition 地形图现场勘查 graphical map wind rose 地质勘察 field inspection 资料 geological 城建规划部门exploration data
city planning 防department
火等级 fire resistance 城市干道rating
回车场 city thoroughfares 地下水: turnarounds
subsurface water,地表水:ground water
汇水面积:surface water
water shed area,洪水位:catchment area
综合管沟flood:combination (tide) level of 循pipe line
消防系统:water system
环水系统:circulating 雨水:rain hydrant system water,storm
雨水管water(雨落管),drain water :淋浴喷头:rain water pipe
down pipe,水泵:透明度:water pump shower pipe 化粪池:transparency 管井:雨水井:tube well septic tank 合成树脂:gully
晶体:synthetic resin 检修孔crystal
:inspection hole, access hole
建筑设计规范 code for 防architectural design
火规范 建standards
fire protection 造投资 investment 景观设计construction
of 概算: 预算:budgetary estimate landscaping 决算:budget
final accounts
建筑绘图常用词线条: 曲线:lines 虚线:curve
实线:dotted line 斜线:full line 双曲线:bias line 轴线:定位轴线:axis
hyperbola;hyperbole 中心线:locating axis 等高线:center line 箭头:contour line 索引:arrow
index 垂直:vertical
水平:平行:horizontal 横向的:parallel
dimension 向尺寸:sectional 几何图形:圆形:geometrical figure 方形:round 矩形:square 平行四边形:rectangle
六角形:梯形:hexagon parallelogram 椭圆形:trapezoid 扇形:直角:sector
elliptic oval 圆角:right angle 半径:rounded angle 直径:radius 外径:diameter
内径:outside diameter
inside diameter 长度:展开长度:length
总长:宽度:overall developed length length 高度:width 厚度:height 薄:thickness 深度:thin 单位:depth 公里:units 米:分米:meter
kilometer 厘米:decimeter毫米:centimeter((dmcm) 重量:millimeter(mm)) 净重:weight 总重:net weight 公斤:total weight 克:kilogram 吨度::ton
gram 体积:degree 数量:volume quantity
描图纸:percentage tracing paper
一般建筑材料、轴词建筑构件常用对称:locating axis 线
,定位轴线:axis , 结构:symmetry 细节设计:structure 视线:Detailing 板:Sightline 热桥:Plank
斜线:Thermal bridge 扶手:Oblique line 钢结构:handrail, railing 饰面材料:steel structure 风口:facing materials 封堵:air duct 主墙:Sealing 铝板:Chief Wall
真空保Aluminum Sheet
温板:Vip=Vacuum 保温:insulation panel
吸音:thermal insulation 耐火材料:sound absorption
non-inflammable sandblased glass,玻璃砖:rubbed glass
油漆:glass brick 金:银:gold paint 铜(紫铜)silves 黄铜::copper 青铜:brass 铝:bronze 铸钢:aluminium 不锈钢:cast steel
纤维板:stainless steel 铁钉:fibre board 铆钉:nails rivet