【期刊名称】《制冷与空调(四川)》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)004
【摘要】Night ventilation is not only a potential way to save energy, but also good for the heath. Through the analysis on the temperature, humidity, and wind environment of the night in the air-conditioning season, exploring the climatic potential for night ventilation. According to the investigation on the thermal environment of apartments in a university, calculate the heat removal capacity of night ventilation. And by using the air-conditioning power consumption model, discuss the energy saving potential of night ventilation of residential buildings in the air-conditioning season in Chongqing.%夜间通风,不仅存在很大的节能潜力,而且有健康效益。通过对重庆市夜间温、湿度环境和风环境综合分析,探讨了重庆市空调季节夜间通风的潜力,并根据某大学校园公寓热湿环境测试结果,计算除热能力。最后通过重庆市空调耗电量模型,计算了重庆市空调季节夜间通风节能潜力。 【总页数】5页(325-328,334)
【关键词】居住建筑;空调季节;夜间通风节能 【作者】罗莉莉;廖显芳;肖益民
【作者单位】重庆大学 重庆 400045;杭州旅游投资发展有限公司 杭州 310012;重庆大学 重庆 400045; 重庆市气象科学研究所 重庆 401147