Multiple Choice
一.骨肌系统( The Musculoskeletal System)
1. What connects bone to bone?
A. Muscles B. Joints C. Cartilage D. Tendons 2. The sternum is located in the ____________
A. Lower leg B. Upper arm C. Chest D. Shoulder
3. The “ilium”髂骨 is a bone of the __________?
A. Shoulder girdle B. Pelvis C. Spine D. Upper extremity 4. How many cervical vertebrae are there in the human spine? A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven 5. Which bone “elevates” when you “shrug” your shoulders?
A. Sternum B. Humerus C. Scapula肩胛骨 D. Elbow 6. Which answer best describes the location of the fibula腓骨?
A. Hip to knee B. Knee to ankle (lateral side) C. Knee to ankle (medial side) D. Knee cap 7. The trapezius muscle斜方肌is located in the.....
A. Lower leg B. Back C. Forearm D. Buttocks臀部 8. What is the longest, strongest bone in the body?
A. Spinal column B. Humerus肱骨 C. Femur 股骨 D. Tibia 胫骨 9. The latissimus dorsi muscle(背阔肌) is located in the ___________.
A. Stomach B. Back C. Chest D. Upper arm 10. How many lumbar vertebrae腰椎are there in the human spine? A. Four B. Five C. Six D. Seven 11. The number of thoracic vertebrae in the spine?
A. Nine B. Ten C. Eleven D. Twelve
12. A fracture at the distal end of the radius桡骨 in the forearm with dorsal背部的and radial displacement of the wrist and hand is _____________.
A. Baker’s fracture B. Comminuted fracture C. Compound fracture D. Colle’s fracture 13. Spontaneous fractures are considered as ____________.
A. Traumatic fracture创伤性骨折 B. Stress fractures 压缩性骨折 C. Greenstick fractures青枝骨折 D. Pathological fractures 病理性骨折 青少年骨折的称为青枝状骨折,意思是和树枝一样可以自己长好的。 粉碎性骨折comminuted fracture
14. A metabolic disorder in which there is a high level of uric acid in the blood which often causes painful big toes or joints in the hands. This condition mainly occurs in men, which is termed as_________.
A. Gout B. Arthropathy C. Arthritis D. Ankylosing spondylitis 15. What is the skeletal system?
A. All the bones in the body B. All the muscles and tendons C. All the body's organs, both soft and hard tissue
D. All the bones in the body and the tissues that connect them 16. How many bones are there in the average person’s body?
A. 33 B. 206 C. 639 D. It varies by the individual 17. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT? A. Bone is where most blood cells are made
B. Bone serves as a storehouse for various minerals C. Bone is dry and non-living supporting structure D. Bone protects and supports the body and its organs 18. Which bone protects the brain?
A. Calcium钙 B. The cranium C. The cerebrum大脑 D. The cerebellum(小脑) 19. The purpose of the rib cage is to ____________.
A. protect the stomach B. protect the spinal cord
C. protect the heart and lungs D. provide an object to which the lungs can attach 20. What makes bones so strong?
A. Silica二氧化硅 B. Cartilage C. Blood and marrow D. Calcium and phosphorous 21. What is the difference between cartilage and bone? A. Bone is rubbery, and cartilage is firm. B. Cartilage is rubbery, and bone is firm.
C. Bone is more primitive tissue than cartilage. D. Bone is inside the body, and cartilage is outside.
22. The hollow space in the middle of bones is filled with_______________. A. Air B. Blood C. Bone cells D. Bone marrow
23. What is the difference between compact bone密质骨 and spongy bone松质骨? A. They have different bone marrow. B. They are made of different materials. C. They have different sizes of bone cells.
D. They have different arrangement of bone cells. 24. What is a joint?
A. A hinge B. A ball and socket接口 C. The place where two bones are jointed
D. The place where tendons are fastened together 25. Muscles are made of _______________.
A. silica B. polyester threads聚酯线 C. calcium and phosphorous D. groups of cells called fibres 26. How do muscles attached to the bones move the body? A. Automatically B. Pull movement only C. Push movement only D. Push and pull movement 27. What is the function of a tendon?
A. To link bones to bones B. To link muscles to bones
C. To link muscles to ligaments D. To bind the cells in compact bone closer together
28. This is spongy osseous tissue which is found at the ends of long bones and also lining the medullary marrow cavity, it is ______________.
A. epiphysis B. cortical bone C. cancellous bone(骨松质) D. sesamoid bone
29. Surrounding the shoulder joint are four muscles collectively referred to as the __________. A. clavical锁骨链 B. pelvis C. pectoral girdle肩胛带 D. rotator cuff(旋转袖肌)
30. The hip bone is known as the ____________.
A. ileus肠梗阻 B. ilium髂骨 C. ileum回肠 D. iliac髂骨的 31. A fully moveable joint is called a _______________joint.
A. synovial B. suture C. symphysis D. aarticular
二.消化系统 ( The Digestive System )
1. The place where digested molecules of food, water, and minerals are absorbed in ___________.
A. Small intestine B. Large intestine C. Mouth D. Appendix 2. The final portion of the large intestine is ________________.
A. Esophagus B. Rectum C. Gallbladder D. Duodenum十二指肠 3. ___________stores the liver’s digestive juices until they are needed by the intestines. A. Pancreas B. Gallbladder C. Villi D. Small intestine 4. Ingestion is the __________.
A. chemical breakdown of any type of food molecule
B. process by which the products of digestion move from the gastrointestinal tract into the
blood or lymph
C. process of taking food into the digestive tract
D. elimination of indigestible substances from the body via the anus
5. What name is given to the finger-like projections that line the small intestine? A. Lacteals(乳糜管) B. Intestinal fingers C. Villi 绒毛 D. Cilia纤毛 6. Which part of the digestive system is found behind the trachea?
A. Esophagus B. Stomach C. Large intestine D. Small intestine 7. Which of the following acids is secreted by the stomach?
A. Lactase乳糖酶 B. Sucrase蔗糖酶 C. Maltase麦芽糖酶 D. Hydrochloric acid盐酸
8. What is the name given to the orifice孔through which fecal matter exists the body? A. Pylorus幽门 B. Glottis C. Oral orifice D. Anus 9. Gallstones are usually composed of _____________.
A. uric acid B. calcium C. gall胆汁 D. cholesterol胆固醇 10. What is heartburn?
A. Reflux of esophageal contents into the mouth B. Tooth decay
C. Reflux of stomach contents into the heart
D. Reflux of stomach contents into the esophagus
11. The hardest material produced by the body is _______________. A. the enamel釉质that makes up the outer layer of teeth B. cartilage C. bone D. muscle
12. From the throat, ingested fluids/liquids may pass into the ___________rather than the esophagus.
A. palate B. trachea C. epiglottis D. calcaneus(跟骨)
13. Which of the following structures separates the mouth(oral cavity) from the nasal cavity? A. Epiglottis B. Trachea C. Humerus D. Palate
14. The majority of all digestion and absorption occurs in the _____________.
A. Stomach B. Large intestine C. Small intestine D. Esophagus 15.
Which number indicates the transverse colon? A. 9 B. 8 C. 20 D. 21
16. The accessory digestive organs include all of the following, EXCEPT_________. A. Tongue B. Liver C. Pancreas D. Stomach
17. The muscles of the esophagus squeeze the food downward using the process of _________. A. Gravity B. Peristalsis蠕动 C. Rugae皱褶 D. Chyme 食糜 18. Mechanical digestion begins in the ____________.
A. Mouth B. Stomach C. Small intestine D. Large intestine 19. Gastric juices in the stomach ____________.
A. kill bacteria B. work together to digest food C. include hydrochloric acid盐酸 D. All of the above 20. Which of the following is an accessory organ of digestion?
A. Stomach B. Colon C. esophagus D. Pancreas 21. Which of the following is not a digestive function?
A. Mechanical processing B. Absorption C. Filtration D. Ingestion 22. What is the digestive system?
A. The body’s breathing system B. The body’s food-processing system C. The body’s system of nerves D. The body’s blood-transporting system 23. Digestion begins in the mouth. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT? A. The tongue aids in the digestion of the food.
B. The saliva changes some of the starches in the food to sugar.
C. The tongue keeps the food in place in the mouth while the food is being chewed. D. The digestive juices can react more easily with the food when chewed. 24. Where does food pass through between the mouth and the stomach?
A. The gullet(食道, 咽喉,) B. The rectum C. The small intestine D. The large intestine
26. Our throat divides into two separate tubes: the windpipe and the gullet. What prevents food from entering the windpipe?
A. The uvula小舌 B. The tongue C. The trachea D. The epiglottis 27. What happens when food reaches the stomach? A. Nothing. No digestion occurs in the stomach. B. The food moves quickly into the small intestine.
C. Juices mix with the food and stomach muscles squeeze it.
D. The food is completely digested and is absorbed by tiny blood vessels in the walls of the stomach.
28. Where does the partly-digested food(in liquid form) go after it leaves the stomach? A. The gullet B. The appendix C. The small intestine D. The large intestine
29. Solid waste leaves the body through the rectum then the anus. Liquid waste leaves the body after passing through the ______________.
A. kidneys and bladder B. blood vessels and lungs
C. large intestine and bowel D. small intestine and large intestine 30. Which of the following does NOT manufacture digestive juices? A. Liver B. Kidneys C. Stomach D. Pancreas
31. The liver is located in the abdomen and performs many functions. Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver? A. Storing food B. Manufacturing insulin胰岛素 C. Producing digestive juices D. Healing itself when it is damaged
三.呼吸系统 ( The Respiratory System )
1. Te exchange of gases between blood and cells is called_______________. A. pulmonary ventilation B. internal respiration C. external respiration D. cellular respiration
2. The nose serves all the following functions EXCEPT_____________.
A. as the initiator of the cough reflex B. warming and humidify the air C. cleansing the air D. as a passageway for air movement
3. When the diaphragm and external intercostals muscles contract, which of he following actions does NOT occur?
A. Air moves into the lung B. The intrapleural pressure increases C. The diaphragm moves inferiorly D. The intrapulmonary pressure decreases 4. When we inhale, ______________.
A. alveolar pressure decreases and intrapleural pressure increases B. both alveolar pressure and intrapleural pressure increase C. both alveolar pressure and intrapleural pressure decrease D. alveolar pressure increases and intrapleural pressure decrease 5. During swallowing, the glottis is covered by ______________.
A. false vocal cord B. true vocal cord C. epiglottis D. Adam’s apple
6. Which of the following describes a correct order of structures in the respiratory passageways? A. pharynx, trachea, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles B. larynx, pharynx, trachea, bronchioles, bronchi C. trachea, pharynx, larynx, bronchi, bronchioles D. phyarynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, bronchioles
7. The volume of air that can be exhaled after normal exhalation is the ___________. A. tidal volume B. residual volume (残气量)
C. inspiratory reserve volume(补吸气量) D. expiratory reserve volume(补呼气量) 8. The primary chemical stimulus for breathing is the concentration of ______________. A. carbon monoxide in the blood B. carbon dioxide in the blood C. oxygen in the blood D. carbonic acid in the blood