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2019智慧树知到超星尔雅网课答案大全 第1章 单元测试

1、My family_______on my father’s unemployment benefit after he lost his job. 答案:第一空: coincides

2、They develop the specialized skills, knowledge, and positive attitudes needed to participate______sports and physical activities. 答案:in

3、According to the university president in Passage 1, what did the parents remind their children to do before they left for college?

答案:To work hard and achieve the best they could 4、The topic sentence, sometimes called a general statement, presents the topic or the main idea of the paragraph, and it always ears at the beginning of a paragraph. 答案:错

5、“Education passes from generation to generation” 译为“教育代代相传”。 答案:对

第2章 单元测试

1、In passage 2, the father warns his child not to be upset by low grades. They are only letters and are not important. 答案:对

2、The statement “Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything he learned in school” means that the details you have learned or the facts you have remembered are not important. What is really important is the fact that you have learned how to learn and that you have developed a way of thinking and a sense of responsibility. 答案:对

3、Previewing is about how accurate your prediction is or how correct your answer is. 答案:错

5、I’d like to sign _for volunteer (志愿的) work with an environmental organization. I hear it is a great way to connect with the community.

答案:该问题答案暂未收录,请手动搜索。 第3章 单元测试

1、The phrase “make attempts” means 尝试。 答案:对

2、Which of the following phrases means “免税”? 答案:free from duty

3、Which is the best translation of the sentence “The doctor knew that the man was unlikely to make it.”


4、When it means “个人财物”, the word “belongings” is always used as a plural noun (复数名词). 答案:对

5、Which of the following phrases means “ 漫画 ” ? 答案:comic books 第4章 单元测试

1、To achieve a faster reading speed and better

comprehension, you are encouraged to read word by word. 答案:错

2、What factors does a good narration contain : 答案:setting、order、plot

3、In the sentence structure “not that… but that…”, the second “that” can be omitted(省略). 答案:对

4、In August, my mother started complaining ____ an ache in her back. 答案:of

5、A comma ( 逗号 ) is usually placed after the opening or salutation of a personal letter. 答案:对

第5章 单元测试

1、People browse the Internet, read newspapers and watch TV to _what is hening in the world. 答案:keep up with

2、We have recently been developing a device which we believe will great interest among young people.


3、Some of your suggestions have been, but others have been turned down as they are not workable. 答案:编译失败

4、Which of the following activities is not mentioned in Paragraph 2, passage1 ? 答案:Buying foods online.

5、The author of Passage 1 asks the students to remember to regulate and balance their time because too much time online can mean little time in reallife studying or exercising or visiting with friends. 答案:对

第6章 单元测试

1、Which of the following advantages of the Internet is mentioned in Paragraph 1 , Passage2?

答案:Buying goods online.、Using online maps.、Communicating with friends.

2、Cars are mentioned in Paragraph 2 to show _. 答案:可以随时亲吻

3、In Passage 2, what kind of people think Internet addiction is not a real problem?

答案:Those who can well manage their time spent online. 4、He never expected that his best friend would charge him _cheating in the final exam. 答案:with

5、Make sure that you won’t let too much a good thing become something bad. 译为


第7章 单元测试

1、Martin is a capable person whom you can always count _ in a crisis. 答案:that

2、Administrative positions often __doing a lot of

paperwork, such as budget reports and staff evaluations. 答案:true

3、There is always a between what they do and what you want them to do. 答案:4

4、But today, our heroes are average men and women, “everyday heroes” we can relate, people _us. 答案:to whom, like

5、According to Passage 1, we should honor heroes by recognizing their heroism and working to change the circumstances that led to their death. 答案:对

第8章 单元测试

1、As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village _ scenes of my childhood.

答案:more of a success

2、It’s surprising that such an innocentlooking man should have a crime.

答案:S 、 D 、 S 、 D 、 D 、 S 、 S 、 S

3、Scientists are trying to find out what advantage should be natural resources in this area.



