秋种黄瓜、丝瓜和苦瓜育苗栽培不同穴盘规格筛选 与传统
【期刊名称】《中国园艺文摘》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)006
【摘要】Four treatments of seedling in medium with 50 holes plug tray and 72 holes plug tray, nutrition bowl (8 cm×8 cm) seeding, bed soil seedling and cultivation by direct seeding were set up to compare the seedling rate, growth, early yield and total production. The results indicated that in autumn 72 holes plug tray seedling was the best method for gourds. Considering the seedling rate, sowing quantity and management labor, in autumn plug tray media seedling is the best among those 3 ways we discussed above.%采用3种育苗方式,设50孔、72孔穴盘基质育苗、营养钵(8 cm×8 cm)育苗、床土育苗、直播4个处理,对比成苗率、长势及栽培前期产量及总产量。试验表明,秋种瓜类育苗以72孔穴盘为佳。从成苗率、用种量、管理用工综和考虑,穴盘基质育苗栽培优于营养钵育苗栽培及直播栽培。 【总页数】2页(25-26)
【关键词】秋种;黄瓜;丝瓜;苦瓜;穴盘育苗;营养钵育苗;直播 【作者】梁朝晖;谢燕青;陈慧;王毓
【作者单位】广西柳州市农业行政综合执法支队,广西 柳州 545005;广西柳州市农业技术推广中心,广西 柳州 545002;广西柳州市种子管理站,广西 柳州
秋种黄瓜、丝瓜和苦瓜育苗栽培不同穴盘规格筛选 与传统育苗栽培对比试验