An Analysis of Knowledge Sharing Approaches for Emerging-technology-based Strategic Allian
An Analysis of Knowledge Sharing Approaches for Emerging-technology-based Strategic Alliances in
Electronic Industry
LIU Ju; LI Yong-jian
【期刊名称】《《电子科技学刊》》 【年(卷),期】2006(004)004
【摘要】Emerging technologies are now initiating new industries and transforming old ones with tremendous power. They are different games compared with established technologies with distinctive characteristics of knowledge management in knowledge-based and technological-innovation-based competition. How to obtain knowledge advantage and enhance competences by knowledge sharing for emerging-technology-based strategic alliances (ETBSA) is what we concern in this paper. On the basis of our previous work on emerging technologies'distinctive attributes, we counter the wide spread presumption that the primary purpose of strategic alliances is knowledge acquiring by means of learning. We offers new insight into the knowledge sharing approaches of ETBSAs - the knowledge integrating approach by which each member firm integrates its partner's complementary knowledge base into the products and services and maintains its own knowledge specialization at the same time. So that ETBSAs should plan and practice their knowledge sharing
strategies from the angle of knowledge integrating rather than knowledge acquiring. A four-dimensional framework is developed to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of these two knowledge sharing approaches. Some cases in electronic industry are introduced to illustrate our point of view. 【总页数】5页(364-368)
【关键词】emerging technology; strategic alliances; knowledge sharing approach; electronic industry 【作者】LIU Ju; LI Yong-jian
【作者单位】School of Management University of Electronics Science and Technology Chengdu 610054 China 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】 【相关文献】
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An Analysis of Knowledge Sharing Approaches for Emerging-technology-based Strategic Allian