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文化差异Culture differences

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Culture differences between China and Western 作者:刘文冠 班级:外语系商务三班 学号:12390315

Abstract:We come from different cultures with very different histories .Different countries have different cultures,there are many kinds of cultures in the world.These cultures have their own features.As we all know,there are so many differences between culture of the East and West that I can not list of their different aspects ,I will focus on the difference of education ,diet custom and so on .For your better understanding I will set examples of China and America.

Key words:culture differences;China;America;


What is culture?Culture is the soul of a nation,different cultures make of the colorful word.

Ⅰ.Education differences

always complain about their homework. Exercise and relax.They have to recite many things as to get high mark.Homework comes the first to them.I can not list every point of it ,so there are major differences .

First ,It is different in education freedom ,In the America,government would not force children to learn many things which may make them have a better future.But in America most parents let their children constantly study to make a high

grades,children live under great pressure .Secondly ,Americans think providing educational resources is their responsibility ,the government should try their best to let it free.On the contrary ,Chinese held this view that providing educational resources is investment and industrialization should pursue the pay back.What is more ,American consider that have educational right is one of their rights.

But in China ,it is always ignored ,mostly importantly `Chinese think let their children get used the adult’s world is better for them.While American think children and students are to training students skills in thinking,in life not to emphasis on the Innocent and pure,they should untimely to get to rights.In my opinion ,the America is more interesting.Teachers pay attention importances of graduates are quite different ,too.I should say that China government should make great effort to improve its teaching system.I am also expect to be one day,the West give more cheers to our country.

Ⅱ.Diet differences

Besides education ,I also want to talk about the dietetic culture.Due to some factors such as geography,climate and so on .There are much differences in it.The food dietetic culture plays an important role in the world culture.Different countries have their own food dietetic culture.In different cultural contexts both in concept ,objects,manner,tableware,etiquette and nature,those differences are obvious .Taiwan Professor Zhang jun said‘The old saying‘Eat,drinking man woman who wishes greatly.For such a standard fair,Western culture in particular modern American culture can be said to be male and female


culture.Western think the most important thing in diet is the nutrition but Chinese always pursue the delicious of food rather than the nutrition .Also It is no doubt that it is a tradition to use chopsticks for Chinese .But people in America prefer to use knifes.This different result is based on different foo their like Americans choose to eat beef steak ,bread and salad,while Chinese people choose noddles,pancakes and rice,what is more,the custom of drinking tea in China and drinking coffee in America are stand out particularly.China people like cooking a lot of delicious food,then we set up the tables put the dishes , the table sit together taste the dishes together,we do not eat individual plates,when we eating,we like chatting and

laughing,we think it is warm and happy to eat this way.But in America,they eat .with separate plates.In China ,we become full up when we finish all the food,then we do not eat anything.But in America,people eat dessert after their finish their meal.

Ⅲ.Family diversity

America families advocate equality.The husband and the wife usually have a daily life.In the USA,most old people do not live with their children or relatives.If they have enough money they will buy house or apartment in places where other old people live.If they do not healthy and strong enough to live along,they would rather live in nursing houses for old people than be taken by their children.Therefor they want to stay young because youth stands for hope and energy,which can help them make some positive changes in life.Case are different in China,where most Chinese families members tend to live together and the young are supposed to show respect to old people.Generally ,old people receive honor,privilege and satisfaction since believe that an old person is a wise man full of experiences.The typical example is that the oldest person is the most respected not only in the family but also in the neighborhood.Just as confucianism shows in Five Relations the young should filial love,obedience and duty to the old in a family,esp in the relationship between parents and children.What is more,American stress individualism in family,unlike Chinese stress coalition,which makes the Chinese family extremely cohesive .Generally speaking,the Chinese have a strong sense of family honor than American.


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文化差异Culture differences


