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高考题型规范练第38页 模块四 Unit 1 Advertising Ⅰ.阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)




Using a phone or palmtop computer with touch screens while wearing gloves has always been difficult.Well,with Glovelies,you no longer have to write text messages with frozen fingers.Glovelies are stylish gloves with special pads(垫块) in the fingertips to help you type or scroll (滚屏) without difficulty.They come in a range of sizes and colors.Price:£15.00 Mini Vax

It is a tiny cleaner that you plug into your computer’s USB port.Although it’s small enough to fit into your pocket,the Mini Vax is very powerful and you’ll be amazed at how much dust and dirt it manages to suck up from your computer keyboard.Your Mini Vax comes with three attachments of different sizes to help you reach all those difficult places.Color:gray/black.Price:£8.00 Cheeky Clock

Cheeky Clock might look like a normal digital alarm clock,but the difference is that Cheeky Clock is a clock with wheels.When the alarm goes off in the morning,Cheeky Clock jumps down from your bedside table and starts running around the floor looking for a place to hide.The alarm won’t stop until you find your Cheeky Clock and switch it off.By this point,you’ll be wide awake.It needs three AAA batteries (not included).Price:£40.00 Piano Magic

Have you ever wanted to learn to play the piano but thought that pianos were too expensive and took up too much room?Then Piano Magic is for you.Piano Magic is a real four-octave (八度) (forty-nine-key) keyboard which runs from the USB port on your computer.It sounds as good as a real piano and yet fits into a small backpack.It comes with a free “Master The Piano” program which teaches you the piano as you play along.Price:£60.00

【语篇导读】本文是应用文。文章是四则售卖实用小设备的广告。 1.How can you properly use Glovelies? A.By wearing them.

B.By knocking on them slightly. C.By touching the screens on them. D.By connecting them with your computer. 答案A 解析细节理解题。由Glovelies部分的“Glovelies are stylish gloves”可知,该产品其实就是手套,戴上即可使用。 2.What is Mini Vax used to do? A.To help edit text messages.

B.To improve computing speed. C.To provide power for computers. D.To clean up computer keyboards. 答案D 解析细节理解题。由Mini Vax部分的“a tiny cleaner”和“how much dust and dirt it manages to suck up from your computer keyboard”可知,该产品是微型吸尘器,用来清扫电脑键盘里的尘土。 3.What’s the characteristic of Piano Magic? A.It runs on batteries. B.It is convenient to carry. C.It looks like a real piano.

D.It can be played without a keyboard. 答案B 解析细节理解题。由Piano Magic部分的“Piano Magic is a real four-octave (forty-nine-key) keyboard...fits into a small backpack.”可知,该设备是一个有49个按键的键盘,与电脑连接可发出像钢琴一样优美的声音,并可以放在随身小包中。故该设备的特点是便于携带。


Back in middle school,I went to live with my mother for two years on her farm.Whenever people hear that I lived on a farm,they immediately have an image of dairy cows,tractors,hay,and overalls.Nothing could be further from the truth.

I wasn’t on the kind of farm everyone imagines.I didn’t feed cows or pigs;I didn’t grow corn or wheat.I helped my mother raise llamas (羊驼).

It is strange that such non-traditional livestock should be raised on a long-established farm such as ours,which has been in the family for generations.Our family did raise traditional livestock for many decades.Then,fifty years ago,my great-grandfather decided to buy a llama.He must have learned that wool from llamas was more profitable than wool from sheep.The llama wool business turned out to be so successful,in fact,that my great-grandfather changed the family business to a completely-developed llama farm.

Before I began to live on the farm,I had many illusions(错误的观念) about rural life.What could possibly be easier than feeding and grooming(照看) some animals?After I had settled into my new home,however,I realized that farm work was much more involved than I had expected.Collecting manure,for example,doesn’t seem so bad when someone else does it on TV,but I had to get up before dawn every day to finish that chore before catching the bus to school.

I don’t mean to say that my life on the farm was a bad experience.I learned a lot about myself:for example,I’m not a morning person.I also learned about llamas’ habits,such as spitting when they are unhappy.Most

importantly,my mother and I got to spend a lot of time together during those years.Although I doubt I’ll have a career in farming,I look forward to returning to the family farm for short visits.

【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。作者描述了他与妈妈一起在农场生活的经历。 4.Why did the author’s great-grandfather want to raise llamas? A.To please his grandchildren. B.To learn about their habits.

C.To make more money. D.To save their lives. 答案C 解析细节理解题。由第三段中的“wool from llamas was more profitable than wool from sheep”和“The llama wool business...successful”可知,作者的曾祖父知道羊驼的毛要比绵羊的毛有利可图得多,且他的羊驼毛生意确实成功,由此可知,作者的曾祖父养羊驼是为了赚更多的钱。 5.What did the author imagine rural life would be like? A.It would be boring and tiring. B.It would involve lots of laborers. C.It would be very easy and relaxing.

D.It would be the same as what was shown on TV. 答案C 解析细节理解题。由第四段中的“What could possibly be easier than feeding and grooming some animals?”可知,在去农场生活前,作者对乡下生活有错误的观念,以为再也没有比喂养、照看动物更简单的事了。由此可知,作者以前以为乡村生活既惬意又轻松。

6.How did the author feel about his life on his mother’s farm? A.He was bored. C.He was excited. 答案B 解析推理判断题。由最后一段中的“Most importantly,my mother and I got to spend a lot of time together during those years...I look forward to returning to the family farm for short visits.”可知,和妈妈在农场生活的那两年对作者非常重要,他期待以后多回农场。故他对在农场生活的日子十分感激。 7.What would be the best title for the text? A.Returning to a Family B.Living in a Big Family C.Growing up on a Farm D.Working on a Traditional Farm 答案C 解析主旨大意题。由首段中的“Back in middle school,I went to live with my mother for two years on her farm.”即本文的主题句,接着作者描述了他在妈妈的农场生活的经历和感受。故C项作为标题最符合本文主旨。


Going for walks with my two-year-old son,I meet many nice people who ask what my job is.When I say that I teach at Swarthmore College,their faces light up,and the next question is,“What do you teach?” As they hear my answer “linguistics (the scientific study of language)”,they look confused.The smile on their faces tells me that they don’t know what to make of my answer.If they are brave enough,they will ask,“So,what kinds of classes do you teach then?” Good question.

I have long been teaching pragmatics (语用学),a branch of linguistics.It is primarily concerned with how the context in which a sentence is said influences its meaning.What “ I’d love a glass of water ” means largely depends

B.He was grateful. D.He was disappointed.

on where and when it is said.In a restaurant,it will probably be understood as a request directed toward the waiter.Somewhere out in a desert,however,the same sentence is more likely to be interpreted as an impossible wish.Thus,although the literal meanings(字面意义) of two sentences could be exactly the same,their communicative meanings could be very different.

Interestingly,in pragmatics you will discover a message can be well communicated though not literally expressed.This takes place when the speaker and the listener share common ground.

If you see a car stopped on the side of the road,and you have the following exchange with the driver,you both know you’ve said enough to get your points across:

Driver:Hi.I ran out of gas.

You:There’s a Shell just down the road.

Obviously,the driver is really asking something like,“Could you tell me what to do?” Your reply implies that there is a place nearby where the driver can get gas.No further explanation is needed because Shell,the name of a gas station,is part of your common ground.


8.What do we know about the people in Paragraph 1? A.They are familiar with the author. B.They know little about linguistics. C.They work at Swarthmore College. D.They hope to attend the author’s class. 答案B 解析推理判断题。由第一段中的“they look confused.The smile on their faces tells me that they don’t know what to make of my answer.”可知,第一段提到的这些人对语言学不太了解。

9.Why does the author say the underlined sentence has different communicative meanings? A.Because their wishes are different. B.Because their contexts are different. C.Because their speakers are different. D.Because their literal meanings are different. 答案B 解析细节理解题。由第二段中的“largely depends on where and when it is said”可知,字面含义相同的句子因其所处语境不同而呈现不同的交际意义。 10.Why did the car mentioned in the text stop? A.To wait for someone. B.To take a short rest. C.To buy some gas. D.To ask for help. 答案D 解析推理判断题。由对话中司机说的“I ran out of gas”以及最后一段的“Could you tell me what to do?”可推断,这辆汽车停下来是询问附近的加油站在哪里,是为了寻求帮助。 11.How does the author mainly explain pragmatics?

A.By presenting research findings. B.By analyzing major causes. C.By making comparisons. D.By using examples. 答案D 解析写作手法题。通读全文可知,作者主要通过两个例子对语用学进行了介绍。


Studies have shown most people fail to realize how much time they spend on their smartphones each day. Frank and Amelia’s family were put to a test,using a free app called “Moment—Screen Time Tracker.” The Vascellaros—Frank,Amelia,14-year-old twins Frankie and Joe,and 17-year-old Sam—all said they did not really know they were spending so much time on their phones each day.

“Honestly,I don’t feel like I’m on my phone a lot,” Amelia Vascellaro said.Amelia was on her phone far less often than Frank,according to the app.While Amelia spent about an hour per day on the phone,Frank spent closer to four hours on his phone—which came as a shock to him.The children’s times varied but they often spent more than a couple of hours on the phone as well.

Dr.Kirsten Lind Seal sees phone usage come up a lot among families.Lind Seal said many family members’ phone use has become problematic.

“If we hear more than once,‘Do you have to be on your phone right now?Can you please put your phone down?Did you hear what I said?’ it may be a sign it is negatively (消极地) influencing our family relationships and our daily lives,”she said.

Lind Seal said actually paying attention to how much time one spends on the phone is a good first step in deciding when to put it down.

She asks parents to encourage more face-to-face communication for teens and young adults as they continue developing their social and emotional skills.“What we find is that we are really losing out on empathy—the ability to understand other people’s feelings and problems—when we spend a lot of time on our smartphones to communicate with other people,” she said.


12.How did the Vascellaros feel about the test results? A.Satisfied. B.Doubtful. C.Surprised. D.Uninterested. 答案C 解析推理判断题。由第二、三段可知,Vascellaro一家对这个测试结果感到惊讶,他们没有想到自己每天花费那么多的时间使用手机。

13.Why did Lind Seal mention the three questions in Paragraph 5? A.To encourage people to live a simple life. B.To ask people if they use phones too much.



