Cultivating High School Students’ English Reading
Interest and Ability
A thesis presented to the School of English Education of
Xi?an International Studies University in partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Bachelor of Arts
May 20, 2013
毕 业 论 文 开 题 报 告
姓名 性别 班级 学号 毕业论文题目: 培养中学生英语阅读兴趣和能力 Cultivating High School Students? English Reading Interest and Ability 任务起止日期: 2012 年11 月23 日 至 2013 年5 月20 日 毕业论文主要内容及参考文献: 阅读是获取信息、扩大知识面的重要手段,并在英语教学中占有非常重要的位置。同时,由于近年来高考试题中的阅读量在不断增加,因此培养学生的阅读兴趣和能力越来越被广大中学师生所重视,中学英语学科课程标准更是将培养学生的阅读能力作为主要的教学目标之一。但是目前,我国中学生英语阅读量严重不足。由于课业负担重,考试负担重,有些学生缺乏阅读兴趣,甚至对阅读怀有恐惧心理,阅读失分率较高;有些学生仅能应付解题,完成一定的课外作业,满足于读课文等有限的语言资料,因而中学英语阅读兴趣和能力的培养可以说是任重道远。本文通过阐述阅读的重要性,分析目前中学生的阅读现状和制约中学生阅读能力的因素,然后论述在英语阅读课堂中的教学技巧和策略,同时提出怎样的教学技巧和策略可以更有效地培养学生的英语阅读兴趣、提高英语阅读能力。希望能为中学的课堂教学研究尽一份自己的绵薄之力。 参考文献: Bamford, J. and Day, R. R. 1998. Top ten principles for teaching extensive reading. In Bamford, J. and Day, R. R. (Eds.). Extensive Reading Activities for Teaching Language. pp. 7-8. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Nuttall, C. 2002. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. Wang, Q. 2006. A Course in English Language Teaching. Beijing: Higher Education Press. 指导教师 (签名) 年 月 日
I would like to express my sincere thanks to all who have helped me through various ways for my writing of this thesis.
Firstly, I am deeply grateful to my supervisor, Ms Jing, for her continuous encouragement and expert supervision. Ms Jing gave me many invaluable instructions and helped me much in every stage of my thesis writing. Secondly, I would like to express my heartfelt gratitude to Professor Hai, and teachers at the Department of English, who have instructed and helped me a lot in the past two years.
Moreover, my numerous thanks go to my dear friends and my lovely classmates, who spent much time with me on my thesis. Thanks should also be given to the directors and teachers for my college. What they taught me has paved a way for my writing of the thesis.
Finally, I would like to offer my sincere gratitude to those who spend their precious time in reading this thesis.
Cultivating High School Students’ English Reading Interest and
Reading has always been regarded as an important method to acquire information and expand knowledge, and it occupies a very important position in the teaching of English. Meanwhile, due to the increasing amount of reading in the College Entrance Examination in recent years, cultivating students? English reading interest and ability has attracted more and more attention from all the high school teachers and students, and the high school English curriculum standards even takes it as the main teaching goal. However, high school students? English reading has been a serious shortfall in our country now. Because of the heavy academic burden and too many exams, some students are lack of interest in reading, even fear to read; some students can only cope with simple reading comprehension questions and complete homework. They are satisfied with reading the limited language materials–textbooks. Therefore, cultivating high school students? English reading interest and ability can say a long way to go. By describing the importance of reading, analyzing the status quo of current high school students? English reading and the factors restricting high school students? English reading abilities, this thesis mainly discusses the strategies and skills in teaching English reading, and proposes which strategies and skills can cultivate high school students? English reading interest and ability effectively. Here I humbly hope that my thesis can make a contribution for the secondary English classroom teaching.
Key words: English reading; classroom teaching; cultivate interest; ability; teaching
skills; strategy
培养中学生英语阅读兴趣和能力_毕业论文 精品