Hans Journal of Agricultural Sciences 农业科学, 2024, 10(7), 494-498 Published Online July 2024 in Hans. http://www.hanspub.org/journal/hjas https://doi.org/10.12677/hjas.2024.107075
Determination of the Composition of the Phallus impudicus Planted under the Persimmon Fruit Forest
Yuzhu Wang1, Yan Sun1, Yan Zhao2, Mingjie Chen2, Ni Liu1, Lang Li1, Fanglun Zou3, Gaochao Pan1, Hanwu Long3*, Fenglin Liao1*
Guizhou Institute of Mountain Resources, Guiyang Guizhou
Edible Fungi Institute of Agriculture Academy of Sciences in Shanghai, Shanghai 3
Guizhou Institute of Biology, Guiyang Guizhou
Received: Jul. 2, 2024; accepted: Jul. 15, 2024; published: Jul. 22, 2024
The introduction of persimmon fruit planting in Guizhou is a good project to get rid of poverty and become rich in poor areas. Planting Phallus impudicus under the persimmon fruit forest has played an important role in increasing the economic income of farmers, and has also played a cer-tain role in promoting the poverty alleviation and prosperity of farmers in poor areas. In this pa-per, the chemical composition of Phallus impudicus planted in persimmon fruit forest was ana-lyzed. The results are as follows: Phallus impudicus contains 60 compounds, such as, sulfur dioxide, ethanol, trimethylamine, isobutyraldehyde, 2-butenone, hexane, ethyl acetate, acetic acid, 3-me- thylbutanal, 2-methylbutanal, glutaraldehyde, acetylacetone, 1-octene-3-one, 6-methyl-5-heptene- 2-one, β-laurene, linalool, 1,4-dimethoxybenzene, phenyllactate methyl ester, β-cedinene and α- cedineol and so on. The nutritional components of Phallus impudicus and Dictyophora rubrovolva-ta Zang are basically the same. It is a kind of delicious edible fungus with rich nutrition.
Persimmon, Fruit Trees, Planting, Phallus impudicus, Composition, Determination
王玉珠1,孙 燕1,赵 妍2,陈明杰2,刘 妮1,李 浪1,邹方伦3,潘高潮1,龙汉武3*, 廖凤林1*
贵州省山地资源研究所,贵州 贵阳
文章引用: 王玉珠, 孙燕, 赵妍, 陈明杰, 刘妮, 李浪, 邹方伦, 潘高潮, 龙汉武, 廖凤林. 甜柿果树林下种植的白鬼笔的成分测定[J]. 农业科学, 2024, 10(7): 494-498. DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2024.107075
王玉珠 等
上海市农业科学院食用菌研究所,上海 贵州省生物研究所,贵州 贵阳
摘 要
Copyright ? 2024 by author(s) and Hans Publishers Inc.
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
Open Access 1. 引言
按Ainsworth (1973)分类系统白鬼笔隶属担子菌亚门Basidiomycotina,腹菌亚纲Gasteromycetidae,鬼笔目Phallales,鬼笔科Phallaceae,鬼笔属Phallus。别名:淫鬼笔;冬荪;香笔菌。子实体单生或群生。幼时卵球形,后伸长高达10~17 cm,基部有白色菌托。菌盖钟形,有深网格,高5 cm,直径4 cm,成熟后顶平,穿孔,生有暗绿色粘而臭的孢子液。菌柄白色,海绵状,中空,近圆筒形,长8.5 cm,粗2.5 cm。孢子长椭圆形至椭圆形,平滑,无色或近无色,2.8~4.5 μm × 1.7~2.3 μm。子实体菌柄和菌盖可食用和药用[1]。利用甜柿果树种植初期在甜柿果树行距的空隙中栽培白鬼笔,既可节省了甜柿果树种植初期的管理费用,又能增加白鬼笔产品的经济收入。白鬼笔的营养成分与红托竹荪(Dictyophora rubrovolvata Zang, Ji et Liou.)的营养成分[2]基本相同。是一种很有开发价值及推广前景非常广泛的珍稀食用菌。
2. 仪器设备
HP6890/5975C GC/MS联用仪(美国安捷伦公司)。手动固相微萃取装置(美国Supelco公司),萃取纤维头为:20000 μm~50/30 μm DVB/CAR/PDMS StableFlex纤维头。(设备由贵州省理化测试中心分析提供)。
3. 样品处理
取剪碎混合样品5 g,置于10 mL固相微萃取仪采样瓶中,放入60℃的水浴中,磁力搅拌器搅拌(转速约100 r/min)。插入装有20000 μm~50/30 μm DVB/CAR/PDMS StableFlex纤维头的手动进样器,顶空萃取40 min时间后,移出萃取头并立即插入气相色谱仪进样口(温度250℃)中,热解析6 min进样。
DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2024.107075
王玉珠 等
4. 检测条件
色谱柱为FB-5MSI (30 m × 0.25 mm × 0.25 μm)弹性石英毛细管柱,柱温40℃ (保持2 min),以2.5℃?min?1升温至160℃,再以20℃?min?1升温至240℃,运行时间:54 min;汽化室温度250℃;载气为高纯He (99.999%);柱前压7.62 psi,载气流量1.0 mL/min;不分流进样;溶剂延迟时间:1 min。离子源为EI源;离子源温度230℃;四极杆温度150℃;电子能量70 eV;发射电流34.6 μA;倍增器电压1659 V;接口温度280℃;质量范围29~500 amu。
5. 结果
Figure 1. The aroma components of White Phallaceae 18110606.D 图1. 白鬼笔香气成分18110606.D
Table 1. The aroma components of White Phallaceae 表1. 白鬼笔香气成分
序号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
保留时间/min 1.533 1.687 1.728 2.014 2.196 2.242 2.383 2.667
化合物名称 Sulfur dioxide Ethanol Trimethylamine Isobutanal 2-Butenone Hexane Ethyl acetate Acetic acid
化合物名称 二氧化硫 乙醇 三甲胺 异丁醛 2-丁烯酮 己烷 乙酸乙酯 乙酸
分子式 SO2 C2H6O C3H9N C4H8O C4H6O C6H14 C4H8O2 C2H4O2
分子量 64 46 59 72 70 86 88 60
百分含量% 3.269 0.009 0.003 0.004 0.015 0.013 0.005 0.587
DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2024.107075
王玉珠 等
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46
2.775 2.893 3.368 3.684 5.789 6.856 7.232 9.859 10.802 12.982 13.839 14.274 14.434 15.151 16.244 16.445 17.659 18.138 19.111 20.863 24.444 25.856 26.196 28.568 29.988 31.291 31.495 31.680 34.165 35.339 35.533 35.844 36.459 36.905 37.810 38.299 39.075 39.742
3-Methylbutanal 2-Methylbutanal
Pentanal Acetoin Hexanal Butanoic acid 2-Furancarboxaldehyde
Heptanal Butyrolactone Benzaldehyde 1-Octen-3-one 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one
β-Myrcene Octanal p-cymene L-limonene (E)-ocimene Pantoic lactone α-Citral Linalool 1,4-Dimethoxybenzene 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-ol-4-one
Dodecane Cumaldehyde
Anethole 2-Undecanone Tridecane alpha-Cubebene 3-Methyl-tridecane alpha-Copaene Phenyllacticacid-methyl ester
beta-elemene Tetradecane β-Cedrene Widdrene beta-Patchoulene Geranyl acetone
3-甲基丁醛 2-甲基丁醛 戊醛 乙酰丙酮 己醛 丁酸 2-呋喃甲醛 七肛 丁内酯 苯甲醛 1-辛烯-3-酮 6-甲基-5-庚烯-2-酮
β-月桂烯 辛醛 对伞花烃 L-柠檬烯 (E)-罗勒烯 泛内酯 α-柠檬醛 芳樟醇 1,4-二甲氧基苯 3,7-二甲基-1,6-辛二烯
十二烷 枯醛
茴香脑 2-十一烷酮 三叉戟 α-立方苯 3-甲基十三杖 α-钴烯 苯基乳酸–甲基酯
β-榄香烯 十四烷 β-雪松烯 韦德琳 β-巴曲烯 香叶基丙酮
C5H10O C5H10O C5H10O C4H8O2 C6H12O C4H8O2 C5H4O2 C7H14O C4H6O2 C7H6O C8H14O C8H14O C10H16 C8H16O C10H14 C10H16 C10H16 C6H10O3 C10H16O C10H18O C8H10O2 C10H16O2 C12H26 C10H12O C8H14O2 C10H12O C11H22O C13H28 C15H24 C14H30 C15H24 C10H12O3 C15H24 C14H30 C15H24 C15H24 C15H24 C13H22O
86 86 86 88 100 88 96 114 86 106 126 126 136 128 134 136 136 130 152 154 138 168 170 148 142 148 170 184 204 198 204 180 204 198 204 204 204 194
0.050 0.041 0.011 0.031 0.128 0.010 0.019 0.011 0.008 0.050 0.008 0.118 0.042 0.034 0.019 0.817 0.106 0.315 0.125 0.221 0.406 0.775 0.079 0.100 45.226 0.026 0.074 0.092 0.025 0.041 0.015 2.062 0.639 0.605 0.748 0.124 3.642 4.455
DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2024.107075
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47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
39.827 40.574 40.625 41.205 41.850 42.254 42.390 42.927 46.477 46.767 50.526 51.526 52.828 53.319
beta-Farnesene 4-epi-α-Acoradiene β-Chamigrene beta-selinene alpha-selinene α-Farnesene γ-Acoradiene delta-Cadinene Hexadecane alpha-Cedrol Isopatchoulenone Z-11-Tetradecenoic acid
未定 Cembrene A
β-法尼烯 4-表-α-Acoradine β-Chamigrene β-塞琳娜 α-塞琳娜 α-法尼烯 αγ-Acoradine 三角洲–卡迪宁
十六烷 α-雪松醇 异巴曲烯酮 Z-11-十四烯酸
C15H24 C15H24 C15H24 C15H24 C15H24 C15H24 C15H24 C15H24 C16H34 C15H26O C15H22O C14H26O2
204 204 204 204 204 204 204 204 226 222 218 226 272
1.217 0.903 0.514 2.154 16.322 0.100 0.135 0.118 0.090 0.060 0.753 8.274 0.252 0.012
6. 结果讨论
[1] 邹方伦, 宋培浪, 王坡, 等.中国贵州高等真菌原色图鉴[M]. 贵州: 贵州科技出版社, 2009: 226-227. [2] 孙燕, 向准, 罗倩, 等. 不同温度竹荪品种挥发性成分及风味特性分析[J]. 生物技术, 2024, 29(6): 586-592.
DOI: 10.12677/hjas.2024.107075