Unit 1 Can you play the guitar?
话题: Can you play the guitar? 功能:(1)谈论能力 (2)辨别乐器 语言结构:
1、句型:Can you dance? Yes, I can. No, I can’t. What club do you want to join? I want to join the music club. What can you do? I can play the piano. 2、复习已学词汇:basketball volleyball
复习已学句型:Do you like…? I like…. I don’t like… Let’s …
3、新词汇:Verbs of activity such as dance, swim, sing
Names of musical instruments such as guitar, drums, piano, drums, trumpet, 4、Grammar focus: Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Can he paint? Yes, he can. /No, he can’t.
Can she speak English? Yes, she can. / No, she can’t. Can you speak English? Yes, we can. / No, we can’t.
What club do you want to join? We want to join the chess club. I want to join the basketball club. (二)单元教学目标: 1、能力目标:(1)学会询问别人所拥有的技能
(2)根据相关信息表达自己所掌握的技能和意愿,想参加何种类型的俱乐部 (3)能够表达自己参加俱乐部的意愿和理由 2、知识目标:(1)能听说读写课文中出现大纲要求掌握的单词 (2)要知道play +球、棋、牌 play+the +乐器
(3)要学会情态动词can的用法及其一般疑问句型的肯定和否定回答 (4)掌握询问别人所掌握的能力的方法 3、情感策略、文化等有关目标:
(1)通过对人物个性化的了解,认识对方 (2)跨学科学习:语言艺术、审美教育 (3)了解自己的能力,培养情操
4、教学方法:直观教学法、情景教学、任务型教学法 5、教学用具:录音机、电脑、卡通图片 (三)单元重难点
2、情态动词can及动词play教学是本单元的难点 (四)单元教学课时安排建议(4课时) 第一课时 Section A 第二课时 Section A第三课时 Section B
第四课时 Self Check及处理一些练习
[X 二、Teaching Procedures
The first Period:Section A (1a–1c)
Then introduces the key vocabularies and the words can and can’t.
The teacher says to the students who say he/she wants to join the basketball club: Can you play basketball? Help the students say Yes, I can. No, I can’t. Then repeat with other actions or pictures, such as play volleyball.
Show the students the activities the people in each club can do with the same step.
Then repeat with dance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English and play the guitar with the help of doing the action. Or we can use the PowerPoint to help us to show the students what we can do. The teacher can ask the students to practice the following dialogues with can. Can you dance? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Can he paint? Yes, he can. /No, he can’t.
Can she speak English? Yes, she can. / No, she can’t. Can you speak English? Yes, we can. / No, we can’t. Can you play it well? Yes, I can. / No, I can’t. Do the action and read the new words and phrases.
Ask the students to practice can and can’t. Ask the students to practice can you play it well?
At the same time, the teacher write down sing, dance, swim, play chess, paint, speak English, and play the guitar on the blackboard. Ask the students to read after the teacher. Step 3 A game
To be more familiar with the words and phrases, the teacher can organize a game like this:
Write the words and phrases on pieces of paper. Ask one of the students come to the front and choose one of the paper, then do the action. Ask other students to guess what he or she can do. Then exchange. Step 4 Exercise Task 1:
Look at the pictures on Page 59.1a. Points to the activities the people in each club are doing. Say something about each club’s activity clearly. For example, This is a chess club. See the chess? They are playing chess.
Ask the students to match each club activity in the picture with a word from the list. For example: A can dance, so we can write “a” beside dance.
The answers are: 1.dance a 2. swim e 3. sing f 4. play chess b 5. paint d 6. speak English c 7.play the guitar g
Task 2
Say each conversation with a student in Part 1a. After doing this, play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask the students to listen to the conversations and write a number 1 next to the first conversation they hear, a number 2 next to the second one they hear, and a number 3 next to the third one they hear. Point out the sample answer. The answers are 2, 3, 1. Task 3
1c.Say the sample conversations. Have students repeat. Then ask students to practice the conversations in pairs. Ask them to use the vocabulary from 1a. As students work, listen in on various pairs so that you can check progress and help with pronunciation as needed.
After students have had a chance to practice the conversations, ask pairs to come to the front of the room and act out one of their conversations. Step 5 Homework
Task 1: workbook Page 38 Part 1, 2,
Task 2: fill in the form. Write down three things you can do and three things you can not do. I can I can’t
The second period: Section A (2c-4)
Step1 Revision
Task 1:Ask the students to revise the names of the clubs they have learnt. Do the actions and ask the students what the thing is.
Task 2: Ask the students: What can you do? What can’t you do? Can you play chess? Can you play the guitar? Can you sing? What club do you want to join? Can you play it well? If time permits, ask the student who says he can do it to show something he can do. Step 2 Presentation:
Task1: (Listening practice)
2a. Ask the students to read the context in 2a on Page 60. Ask one student to read the clubs in the box. And ask another two students to read the dialogue. Ask all of them to listen to the recording carefully, circle the clubs they hear. Play the recording the first time. Students only listen. Play the recording a second time. This time ask the students to circle the club they hear from the recording.
人教版七年级英语下册Unit 1 教案