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7下英语读本 Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 诵读

The power of love

Many years ago, my dad worked in a children's hospital. A girl in the hospital had a strange disease. She couldn't move her hands or feet. She could only move her head. She lay on bed every day and she was very sad. Even the doctors couldn't help her. My dad decided to try to help her. He brought paints, brushes and paper to her room. He hung the paper on the wall, put the brush in his mouth and began to paint. He didn't use his hands at all. Only his head moved. My dad told the girl, “See, you can do anything you want to do.” Soon, the girl began to paint using her own mouth. She and my dad became good friends. But my dad fell ill at that time and he had to stay at home. Two months later, my dad went back to the children's hospital. When he went into the hospital, the girl ran to him and hugged him tightly. She gave my dad a picture and said, “I drew this picture with my hands. Thank you for helping me.” My dad would cry every time he told us this story. He would say, “Sometimes love is more powerful than doctors.”

阅读1 Warm-up

Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. 1. fair A. living in a tent, etc. on holiday 2. firewood B. to stop a person from speaking for a short time 3. camping C. treating someone in a right or equal way 4. interrupt D.wood for burning on fire


“I’m going straight to the pool when we arrive.\long car journey. “Tm going to swim every day.”

“I’m going to find the shop first,” says Ria, his elder sister. “I haven't got any nail polish with me. I'm going to get some before the party tonight.”

“That’s so boring,” says James. “Don't you want to go swimming with me?”

“No,” Ria answers. “I don't. My hair will get messed up.”

“Actually,” interrupts their father, “you'll both be helping me. We're going to need to put up the tent before you two will be able to go anywhere.”

“And,” says their mother, “I am going to need some help preparing our meal. One of you will need to collect water.”

“He can do it,” says Ria quickly. “I’ll need to choose my clothes.”

“OK, you’ll get the water, James,” says their mother.

“Oh,” says James, “that's not fair.” Ria laughs.

“And you’ll collect the firewood,” adds their mother to Ria.

Their father says, “We're going to have so much fun!”

Reading Comprehension I. Read quickly for the topic. What’s the topic of the passage? A. James goes camping with his good friends. B. James goes camping with his family C. James is preparing for a party with his family.

II. Read quickly for the information you want.

( )The father, the mother and_______children are going camping today. A. two B. three C. four D. five ( )The father is going to ____ as soon as they arrive. A. prepare the meal B. go swimming C. put up the tent D. collect water

III. Read carefully for more information.

Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false. ( )1. The family go camping by car.

( )2. Ria wants nail polish because she will go to a party tonight. ( )3. Ria cares for her hair, so she doesn't want to swim with James. ( )4. The father plans to put up the tent by himself ( )5. The mother asks Ria to collect some water.

Reading-Writing Connection

IV. Read again and prepare for writing. Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Ria, James and their parents arrive at the (1)c___________site. Although Ria wants to go shopping for(2)n___________polish and James wants to go s___________, their father asks them to put up the tent first. Then, their mother wants James to collect (4)______ and Ria to collect (5)f__________. The father thinks they are going to have much (6)f________.

阅读 2


Match the words on the left with their meanings on the right. 1. criminal A. the place where something happens or has happened 2. hedge B. a person who enters a building in order to steal 3. burglar C. a row of low trees 4. scene D. someone who has done something against the law


This is from a television programme about police work.

Presenter: Today, we have a young policeman with us. He is going to be showing us a video of a criminal on the run. Welcome to Criminal!

Policeman: Thank you. I’m going to show you a burglar trying to get away from the scene of the crime. You will see him run through the back garden and climb over the gate. There he goes. He does not know that policemen are already near, so he is going to walk along the path towards the street. You'll see the criminal stop—he is going to see the police— and tum around. Now he will run round that hedge and jump over the water. You will see the police officer following him. He is on his radio. The burglar and the officer will keep running through the field. You'll see another officer come from the opposite. He puts out his arm, and the burglar runs straight into it. The first officer is ready to handcuff him and they’ll take him to the police car.

Reading Comprehension I. Read quickly for the topic. The passage is about ______. A. how to show a video B. how to follow and catch a burglar C. police work

II. Read quickly for the information you want.

( )1. This passage is from _______. A. a magazine B. a TV programme C. a textbook ( )2. The burglar tries to run away from_______, but fails in the end. A. the back garden B. the gate C. a house

III. Read carefully for more information. Answer the following questions.

1. Who are the two speakers in the passage?


2. Where are the policemen when the burglar walks towards the street? ____________________________________________________________ 3. What happens to the burglar in the end?


Reading-Writing Connection

IV. Read again and prepare for writing.

Fill in the blanks with proper words according to the passage. What the burglar does runs through the back (1)______ climbs over the(2)______ What the police do be close to him D. a storybook

D. the scene of the crime

walks towards the (3)______, but stops and watch him (4)w______ around runs round the (5)______ and jumps over the (7)______ him (6)______ keeps running through the (8)______

阅读 3 Warm-up

Match thecorrect invitation cards with the pictures. A. wedding invitation card B. binhday party invitation card C. murder mystery dinner invitation card

stop him and handcuff him

You Are Invited to ...


Sam is having a birthday party! On 10 September At 6:30 p.m.

? play tennis ? BBQ

?singing and dancing If you are going to come, please let Sam know. 2

On Friday 13 January

Claire and Gavin will be hosting a Murder Mystery Dinner

Drinks will be served at 7:30 p.m.

The evening will end when we find out the murderers identity.

You will be the character: Tom Scarletti. You will need to wear something red. 3

Mr. and Mrs. D. Pringle would like to invite_____________

To fte marriage of their daughter, Miss Jayne Pringle to Mr. Samuel Jones At Christchurch, Little Famhill At 1:00 p.m. on 29 July

RSVP: 36 Barn Close, Little Famhill, FN 16 8WB by 1 June

Reading Comprehension I . Read quickly for the topic. The three cards are used to ______. A. ask people to donate B. invite people C. introduce people

II. Read quickly for the information you want. ( )1. Sam’s birthday party will be held on______. A.1 July B.29 October C. 29 July D. 10 September ( )2. At the Murder Mystery Dinner, you will __ A. wear a police uniform B. go home when you like C. act as Tom Scarletti D. have to kill somebody you know

III. Read carefully for more information.

( )1 It is very possible that the address in the third invitation card is_______. A. Sam's B. Mr. Pringle's C. Mr. Samuel Jones' D. Claire and Gavin^s ( )2. Which of the following is true according to the cards? A. Sam will swim with his friends on his birthday. B. The third invitation is the most formal one. C. Mr. Pringle will get married on 29 July.

7下英语读本 Chapter 8


