【期刊名称】《新疆地质》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)0z2
【摘要】通过分析叠前时间偏移与叠前深度偏移的优缺点,介绍基于双程波动方程的叠前深度逆时偏移原理,探讨地表条件、速度精度、低频噪声和计算效率等因素对逆时偏移的影响。通过对盐丘模型和西部地区实际资料的计算,表明逆时偏移法在改善构造复杂地区的成像和落实构造展布方面具良好的应用效果。%This paper first analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of pre-stack time migration and pre-stack depth migration.Secondly,it introduced pre-stack depth reverse-time migration which based on the two-way wave equation and discussed the influence of surface factors,speed precision,low frequency noise and computational efficiency of reverse-time migration.Finally,through the calculation of the salt dome model andthe actual data in western region,indicated that the reverse-time migration method has good application effect in improving the imaging in complex structural areas and the implementation of structural distribution. 【总页数】5页(82-86)
【关键词】深度偏移;逆时偏移;影响因素 【作者】杨威;王建斌;胡鹏飞