课程编号:07J87030 课程名称:(中文)制造工程基础(二)
(英文)Fundamentals of manufacturing engineering (2) 学分/学时:2/34
开课学期:?秋季Autumn term □春季
先修课程:工程训练Engineering training、工程图学Engineering graphics and drawing、工程材料学Engineering materials、制造工程基础(一) Fundamentals of manufacturing engineering (1) 内容简介:(500字以内)
切削过程中的变形、力、热、磨损等现象,切削参数选择以及典型材料的切削加工性; 典型切削、磨削机床及刀具和砂轮,数控机床,特种加工及设备; 互换性原理、尺寸公差、配合、形位公差; 制造工艺规程设计方法、加工精度和表面质量形成的原理、机床夹具设计的基本原理和设计方法。
The course introduces the fundamental principle, process and methodology of manufacturing engineering. The main topics include the following:
Deformation, force, heat, wear in metal machining, selection of cutting parameters and machinability of major engineering materials.
Typical machine tools used in turning, milling, drilling, boring and grinding, associated cutting tools and abrasive wheels, CNC machines, unconventional machining and equipment.
The principle of interchangeability, dimension/form/position tolerance, fits.
Design of manufacturing process, generation of machining accuracy and surface quality, design of machine fixtures.
By taking the course, students will know about the way to produce typical machinery parts, possess the abilities for correct selection of machines, fixtures and tools and the abilities of manufacturing process analyses and design. The course will establish the foundation to study following specialty courses in mechanical engineering.