b) 待相关单词都贴出后,教师问大家:“Which place would you like living in? You can say,‘I’d like living in the mountain or I’d like living in the forest/by a river, near a lake.’”给出示范之后,教师让学生用所给的句型进行两人一组的问 答练习。
c) 教师再次用这些问题问学生。
d) 教师给学生讲几只老鼠的故事(本课的主图故事)。
e) 讲故事之后,教师问学生:“Who didn’t like to go to the city? Why didn’t they like to go to the city?” f) 教师让学生听两遍录音,然后带着学生朗读对话。 录音原文:
Simon Paul lives in the country with his parents. They have a very happy life. The house is big.
There are not many people. Listen, Daddy mouse is talking to Simon.
(Mouse Dad): Simon, would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city this weekend? (Mouse A): Sorry. Dad, I don’t like to go to the city. There are too many cats. (Mouse Mum): How about you, Peter? Would you like to go?
(Mouse B): Dad, I don’t want to go either. There is nowhere to play. (Mouse C): Dad, can I go there? I’ve never been to a big city. (Mouse Dad): Of course you can. I’ll help you get things ready.
Daddy mouse is very happy, because the youngest mouse wants to see the cousin in the city. g ) 教师让学生进行对话练习,并适当进行一下检查。
单元教学活动 2 Read and act.
第二部分是短剧。该短剧是进一步复习和巩固第一部分的内容。教师可以让学生先集体朗读对话,熟悉一下对话中 的词汇,然后,教师让学生分成两人一组进行表演练习。本对话中猫只有一句话,在对话的时候,可以由一个学生代替 这个角色。 真正演的时候,可以加一个旁白。大家练习几分钟后,教师可以先让一组同学表演一下,指出一些优点和不 足,然后再让大家继续练习几分钟,最后再进行表演。
单元教学活动 3 Look, tick and answer.
第三部分是问答。教师需再拿出单词卡片让学生进行复习,并给介词短语,如 near a lake, by a river, next to a supermarket, in the forest, on the island 等等。然后教师让学生两人之间问答:“Where would you like living? I’d like living in the city.”教师先反复带着学生进行这两个问和答的句子,然后再让学生分组进行替换练习。
单元教学活动 4 Read and match.
第四部分检查的是学生的阅读能力。教师可以先让学生自己阅读并根据自己的理解将句子和所给的单词进行连线。 学生完成之后,教师再次带领学生依次朗读和检查一遍并确定正确的答案。
答案是: 1 ) city 4 ) island
2 ) forest 5 ) grass
3 ) countryside 6 ) lake
单元教学活动 5 Look, read, think and talk.
第五部分重点复习学生的动词短语。在谈论这个话题之前,教师首先要带领大家熟悉这些动词短语。教师要特别带 着大家朗读有些比较新的词组,如 breathe clean air, have a picnic 等。然后,教师再带着学生熟悉所给的两个问句并给出 适当的回答。比如:“I can sleep on the grass and listen to the music.”教师接着让学生进行两人一组的练习。最后再检查学 生练习的结果。
单元教学活动 6 Listen, read and answer.
第六部分属于阅读理解的短文。由于这篇故事的难度不大,教师可以让学生先进行听力方面的训练。听录音之后, 教师可以提一些简单的问题。比如:“Who is Simon?(Simon is a mouse.)Where does he live?(He lives in the country.)Is Simon clever?(Yes, he is.)What did he do to a cat?(He put a large bag over the cat’s head and let the cat jump into the bag.)”听 完录音和问完问题之后,教师让学生朗读该课文,并进行问答练习。教师先带着学生一起做一遍问答练习,然后再让两 人一组进行问答练习。教师最后根据时间来决定是否让学生在全班进行问答。
单元教学活动 7 Read and learn.
单元教学活动 8 Look and draw.
教师可以把此部分的练习留成课后作业,也可以让学生在课堂上现场创作并查看大家创作的结果,最后进行评比。 单元教学活动 9 Listen, read and sing.
第九部分的歌曲相对比较容易。教师在学生朗读的基础上让学生学唱并进行比赛。教师也可以让学生进行朗读比 赛。
单元教学活动 10 An activity
第十部分是让学生根据歌曲的谱子进行创作。教师可以让学生以小组为单位,自己填词,自己学唱,最后以小组为 单位进行表演并进行评比。
Unit 6 I’d like a glass of water.
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
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通过学习本单元,学生应基本掌握英语量词的用法 学生能进一步熟悉和巩固有关水果和食物的单词 学生能用英语回答所给的问句并能讲述该单元的故事 What would you like, Sir? I’d like a glass of water. How about a juice, Miss?
Sorry. We don’t have any at the moment. I’d like a pair of sport shoes. Would you like a cup of tea? Yes, I would.
Would you like a glass of milk? No, thank you.
交际用语 Expressions in communication
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
tea, coffee, glass, juice, bowl, soup, bottle, lemonade, moment, then, kilo, pasta, question, dialogue, cry, nothing, somebody, pick, slip
所需教具 Materials for teaching
? ? ? ? ?
准备一个纸盒子,里面放一些写着动词短语的小条 售货员的围裙和白帽子 橘子汁一瓶和柠檬汁一瓶 若干个干净纸杯
教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up
教师放录音,带领学生说唱第五单元教学活动 9。 Presentation
教师上课时可以带一瓶橘子汁问大家:“What would you like? Would you like to have some juice?”如果有学生真的 想喝,教师可以倒给学生一点。如果学生不想唱,教师可以说:“But I’d like to have some juice.”随后,教师给自己倒出一 点橘子汁喝。接着,教师拿出准备的有关量词的图片和短语词组对大家说:“Look. This is a cup of tea. This is a cup of coffee. This is a glass of water.”教师边说边带领大家反复朗读这些短语。最后,教师拿着相关的饮料图片问大家:“What would you like, Sir/Miss?”然后让学生练习回答:“I’d like a glass of water.”示范之后,教师让学生拿着书中的图相互之间 进行问答。最后,教师让学生将所回答的句子分别写在话框中。教师可以让学生相互检查是否有拼写的错误,然后在全 班进行核对。
单元教学活动 2 Look, read and tick.
第二部分是检查学生是否掌握了英语的量词。本练习是让学生先看所给的图,然后看左边一栏中的词,比如 bananas,接着再考虑香蕉可以用哪些容器来装,是用 bowl? box?还是 cup? glass?教师让学生依次打勾,然后相互之间进 行检查。老师的核对则放在最后。
单元教学活动 3 Read and act.
第三部分是一个小短剧。教师可以先带着大家朗读该对话,然后再让学生两人一组进行对话练习。在练习的基础上, 教师可以让大家把这个短剧演出来。为了让演出的效果好一些,教师可以拿出事先准备好的围裙和白帽子让学生戴上 来表演。
单元教学活动 4 Listen, read and act.
第四部分是四个不同的小短剧。教师可以让学生分头来演。每一对学生演一个对话。相对来说,学生也会感到比较 容易。在此练习的基础上,教师让学生依次在全班进行表演。
单元教学活动 5 Spot the differences.
第五部分则是前面练习过的题型。教师需提醒大家说话的时候尽量说完整的句子。比如:“In picture A, it’s sunny. But in picture B it’s cloudy.”教师鼓励学生找到所有的不同之处,然后将句子连贯地说出来。为了让该题更加有意思,教 师让学生每人在图上加画三个小东西,然后相互之间说:“In my picture there is a kite in the sky.”同学说:“But in my picture there is a mouse on the ground…”
单元教学活动 6 Listen, read and guess.
第六部分是阅读理解的短文。教师可以带着大家朗读,然后再听录音。教师可以让学生多听两遍录音并让大家跟着 进行模仿。最后,教师给出一部分时间让学生自己朗读并进行比赛活动。教师可以说:“Now let’s have a competition. Let’s see who reads more sentences without making any mistake.”教师可以让学生一次又一次地进行挑战,最后看哪个同学朗读 的段落最长。
单元教学活动 7 Let’s chant and sing.
第七部分是歌谣和歌曲。学生能比较快地就掌握该歌曲和歌谣。教师可以让学生重新填词,把这些词写出来,最后 唱自己填的。教师可以全班进行比赛活动。
单元教学活动 8 Let’s play.
第八部分是游戏部分。教师将事先准备好的盒子拿出来对大家说:“Today we are going to play a game. In this box there are lots of slips of paper. On each slip of paper, there is a phrase, such as a cup of tea. You should quickly make a sentence with this phrase. You can get 10 points for each correct sentence for your group.”教师开始让学生玩游戏,并指导学 生组出正确的句子。
单元教学活动 9 Read and tick.
第九部分是选项练习。学生需阅读句子并根据问句进行选项。教师可以让学生先选,然后再给出正确的答案。 答案是:1)C 2)C 3)B 4)A 5)A 6)C
单元教学活动 10 Read and think
第十部分是思考题。教师让学生朗读之后在两人之间进行讲座并选择正确的答案。 答案是:They are wife and husband.
鼓励学生在家用所学过的句型问自己的爸爸和妈妈五个以前的问题。 同时要求学生找一些自己旅游时拍的好的照片,准备下次课推荐给大家。
Unit 7 I’ve got to go and see!
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
? ? ? ? ? ?
通过学习本单元,学生应基本掌握英语量词的用法 学生能进一步熟悉和巩固有关水果和食物单词 学生能用英语回答所给的问句并能讲述该单元的故事 I must go and see it.
Where did many children stand? Was it interesting and exciting?
交际用语 Expressions in communication
? ? ? ? How long was the show? What’s it about?
What are these people doing? Please count the numbers in twos.
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
invite, clown, classroom, show, interesting, exciting, wall, homework, carry, gift, countryside, count, buckle, knock, stick, apartment, building, elevator, parrot, really, one, two, three, four, five, six…
所需教具 Materials for teaching
? ? ? ? ?
有关学生活动的照片 表示数量的图片或实物
有关家庭家具及其他用品的图片,如钟、自行车、电脑、手表等 几张表示两个、两个或三个、三个等东西或动物图片
教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up
教师放录音,带领学生说唱第六单元教学活动 7。 Presentation
教师可以拿出很好看的风景图片或照片对学生说:“Look! This is a beautiful picture. It’s the Great Wall. My friend has been there many times. He says that it’s beautiful in summer and autumn. I’ve got to go and see this beautiful place.”教师 说到这儿转问大家:“Who has been to other places and please show us the place you have been to.”教师鼓励学生拿出自己旅 游时的照片给大家看。教师可以教给学生用以下的方式说:“This is Hainan. I have been there. It’s very beautiful. You’ve got to go and see this place.”
a) 如果发现许多同学都带了照片,教师可以先带着大家熟悉如何说,再让大家分成组说自己所去过的地方。
b) 接下来,教师引导大家看本单元的主图。教师可以这样对大家说:“Look at this picture. There is a show in the classroom. There is a clown performing in the classroom. You’ve got to go and see his show.”
c) 接着,教师可以提出一些问题。比如:“Do you like to see the clown’s show? Do you think the clowns are funny? Why do you think he dresses himself up like that?”(to make people happy, to make people laugh, to cheer people up)几个问题 之后,教师过渡到主图上的问题。
Who invited the clown to the classroom?(The head teacher of the class or the school headmaster.) Where did many children stand?(They stand in the corridor. They stand at the classroom door.) What did the clown do?(He was playing with some colour balls.) How long was the show?(It was about an hour.) Was it interesting and exciting?(Yes, it was.) 听力原文:
It was a Friday afternoon. Bob invited his father’s best friend who is a famous clown to come to his class. Many children heard this and came to see the clown. The classroom was not big and there were not many chairs. So many children had to stand in the room and some children had to stay outside the classroom. The clown said a few words and quickly took out a few balls and began to throw the balls up. He threw out the balls one by one and caught one after another with his two hands and threw them out again. No balls dropped on the ground. Suddenly he threw the balls higher and higher, and turned around and caught the balls again. It was interesting and exciting. Everybody gave him a big hand. The show went on for an hour but nobody left the room.
单元教学活动 2
Look, read and act.
第二部分是对话练习。教师可以先让大家逐段听录音。每听一段后,教师让学生朗读并进行对话练习。等学生基本 熟悉第一个对话之后,教师再让学生听第二、第三、第四个对话。教师要把重点放在学生的模仿朗读和对话表演上。
做每个小对话的时候,教师可以从学生中选出一两组进行表演,最好能让所有的同学练习四个对话,而且每个同学 都至少有一次到前面表演的机会。
单元教学活动 3 Look, read and answer.
第三部分主要练习 How many…?句型。教师可以先做一些铺垫的学习。比如,教师指着教室黑板问大家:“How many blackboards are there in our classroom?”然后自己回答说:“There is one.”教师再继续给例子:“How many doors are
there in the classroom? How many windows are there in the classroom?”在学生能基本明白意思和用法之后,教师可以引导 学生相互之间问第三部分的内容。教师让学生两人一组进行问答,并根据实际情况写下答案。教师要告诉学生回家后自 己统计教材中所给的第二部分内容。下次学生之间相互汇报和问答。
单元教学活动 4 Look and talk.
第四部分是看图说话。教师要提醒学生注意到图中东西的数量,并用所学的句型进行问答。比如: How many birds are there?
How many boxes of apples are there? How many children are there? How many boys are there? How many girls are there?
单元教学活动 5 Listen and say.
第五部分是说说唱唱的练习。教师要让学生拍着手来说这段内容。这首歌谣相对比较容易,所以教师带领学生读几 遍就能使学生很快地掌握。朗读时,教师要注意歌谣的韵律,但不要太快。为了增加趣味性,教师还可以添加一些动作, 以便让学生更熟练地掌握朗读的技巧。相互之间的比赛竞争,分组表演等都有助于学生的学习和记忆。
单元教学活动 6 Listen, read and answer.
第六部分是听力填空练习。首先让学生需根据文章的上下句子判断缺少的东西。比如第一个空,Bob is very happy when new people came to live in the room(house)next to his.接下来的答案是:playing, heard, looked, see, woman/girl.之后再 让学生听录音检查自己的答案。学生填空之后,教师仍要带领学生认真朗读这些句子。接着,教师可以根据该短文提出 一些简单的问题,也可以把问题印在一张小条上说:“Please ask and answer in pairs.”具体问题可以是:“Where does Bob live? On which floor does he live? Does he often use the elevator? Is Bob happy to see new people coming to live nearby? What did he hear one day? What did the bird say? What did the woman/girl say?”学生可以用提供的问题进行问答。最后,教 师还可以让学生做复述的活动。
单元教学活动 7 Read and count.
第七部分是让学生练习以不同的方式数数。教师首先对大家说:“In our maths class, we learn maths. Maths is very interesting. We can count numbers from 1 to 20. Can you count numbers from 1 to 20? Let’s do it.”教师带着大家从 1 数到 20。然后教师说:“Can you count numbers from 20 to 1? Let’s try it.”教师再带着大家继续倒着数数。
a) 紧接着,教师对大家说:“Sometimes we see things which are put or stored in the same numbers. For example, we can see the first bee from 1 to 25. They are equally divided by five. So we can count them in this way. One five, two fives, three fives, four fives, and five fives. That’s twenty-five.”教师带领学生边数边说这些数字。
b) 接下来,教师对学生说:“Can you count the second part in twos?”教师找一个同学先示范一下,然后再让全班同学 一起数。最后,教师过渡到三个三个地数数。
c) 教师对学生说:“Who can use this way to count some things? For example, you can count pencils in this way. You can also count books in this way.”教师鼓励学生自己找出身边的例子。比如桌子、椅子、窗户、灯管、图片等。
单元教学活动 8 Look, match and play.
第八部分是数字部分,教师需要帮助学生通过本单元的学习熟悉本单元的数字 1-20 的读音及拼写,同时要将英语 数字与阿拉伯数字相连接。最后,教师再让学生做一个 Bingo 游戏,以激发学生写数字、学数字的兴趣。
单元教学活动 10 Listen, colour and draw.
第十部分是听力训练。除了让学生听录音短文之外,教师还可以自己说一些句子,让学生在该图上增画图案或涂色。 网上有许多的黑板上色图案,教师可以根据需求从网上下载一些图案让学生添画东西或涂色。
It was a Sunday morning. Susan and Peter went to a park. They had a good time. Now it was noon time. It was very hot. Susan wanted to eat an ice cream. Oh, Susan doesn’t have an ice cream. Please draw an ice cream in Susan’s hand. A: Draw an ice cream in Susan’s hand. B: Oh, Good.
A: Should I draw an ice cream in Peter’s hand?
B: No, Peter doesn’t feel too hot. He put his feet in the water. A: Look, what’s the dog doing? B: The dog is playing with a ball.