— Yes. Can I colour the ball?
— Yes, you can colour it black and white.
— Oh, there are three balls here. Can I colour them all? — No, not all, but you can colour the ball under the tree. — Now, you see some birds on the house. — Yes, there are four.
2)— Good, colour two birds red and two birds yellow. — Can I colour the bird under the table, too? — No, please colour the bird on the tree blue. — Look at the big tree. It’s nice. — Yes, it is. Can I colour it green?
— No, please colour it red. I like red trees.
3)— Please draw two flowers under the tree. And colour one flowers purple, and one flower pink. — Can you see the table?
— Yes, it’s in front of the house.
4)— Right. Please colour the table brown and then draw a big egg standing on the table. — Can I colour the egg? — No, thanks.
单元教学活动 9 Listen, chant and match.
第九部分是歌谣。教师通过句型练习来强化孩子用英语说话的意识。教师一定要让学生反复说,反复练,直到能背 下这些句子为止。
教师让学生自制一个天气预报牌并用英语标明。比如:Today is sunny.
Unit 3 Let’s play doctors.
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
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通过学习本单元,学生能学会一些有关疾病的名词 通过学习,学生能用英语回答大夫有关病情的问题 学生能用英语表演一些小短剧 What’s the matter with this doll? She has got an earache. It doesn’t matter.
She’ll be OK in two days. What’s the matter with you? Have you got a toothache?
Which comes first and which is the last?
交际用语 Expressions in communication
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
earache, toothache, stomach ache, cold, temperature, cough, headache, sweet, medicine, doctor, bandage, kiss, zookeeper, although, knee, hand span, centimetre, find out, longest, shortest, nurse
所需教具 Materials for teaching
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儿童用大夫听诊器及白帽子、白大褂等 有关疾病的单词卡片 相关的动物玩具(第三部分)
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教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up
教师放录音,带领学生说唱第二单元教学活动 9。 Presentation
上课时,教师可以穿上一件白大褂对学生说:“What am I? Guess!”如果学生猜出是大夫,教师说:“Yes, you are right. I’m a doctor. Do you often go to see the doctors in hospital? For what reason do you often go to see a doctor?”教师让大家谈论 疾病的内容,如果某个学生正好说出“感冒”,教师就可以给出英文单词“cold”。接着,教师可以带着大家一起学习一下相 关的词汇,比如 earache, headache, stomach ache, toothache, cold, temperature, cough 等。单词学习之后,教师可以给出句 型:“What’s wrong with you? What’s the matter with you?”然后要学生用:“I’ve got a headache.”这种句型来回答。学生练习 了数遍之后,教师可以让学生进行简单的问答,一个当大夫,一个当病人,依次练习所给的句型。
a) 紧接着,教师让学生一起听录音并学习本单元提供的四个小短剧。 b) 教师让学生两人一组进行练习。 c) 学生两人一组开始练习表演。
d) 教师给学生一个展示的机会。展示时教师可以让学生穿上白大褂。学生不必按照原文来演,可以改一些词和句 子,只要意思出来就可以了。
单元教学活动 2 Look, read and match.
第二部分是词汇学习。建议教师带着学生朗读词汇的时候有意识地加上不定冠词,比如,a headache, a cold, a cough, a temperature 等,教师接着把整个句子说出来:“I’ve got a headache. I’ve got a cold. I’ve got a cough. I’ve got a temperature.”在这些句子练习熟练之后,教师说:“Now listen very carefully. I’ve got earache. I’ve got toothache. I’ve got stomach ache.”学生练习的时候,教师可以让大家做动作,也可以让一个学生做动作大家猜。
单元教学活动 3 Read and answer.
第三部分是一篇小短文,教师需帮助学生熟悉一些单词,如 zookeeper, bandage, knee, hug, kiss 等,教师可以用简单 的英语给学生讲述一下这个故事。最后的答案是:All the animals think Mary took good care of the animal because he had a bandage on the arm. So they all want to have the bandage so that Mary could take good care of them.在学生能基本明白意思 的基础上,教师要带着学生反复朗读该短文。
单元教学活动 4 Read, do and write.
第四部分是一个有趣的调查,上课前,教师可以先量一下自己的手掌,看看手掌的跨度与脚的长短是否有着密切的 联系。上课时,教师对学生说:“Today we are going to do an interesting thing. I’m going to give each group a ruler. You can measure your hand span. Later we are going have the longest feet?”教师发给每组一把尺子,然后要学生量一下。如果学生 自己有尺子也可以先自己量,同时也把脚的 span 量一下并进行一下比较,最后得出结论。学生可以先自己量,也可以由 一个人量,最后大家记相互量出的数字并进行排队。看手的跨度与脚的大小是否有关系。
单元教学活动 5 Look and colour.
第五部分是一个非常有趣的活动。首先教师让学生圈画出这些动物的耳朵,然后将它们的耳朵涂色。如果有时间的 话 ,教师可以让学生把这些动物的其他部分也着色。最后教师让学生回答本道题的问题:“Who has the biggest ears in your family? Who has the smallest ears in your family?”学生之间可以相互提问。
单元教学活动 6 Look, read and write.
第六部分是阅读理解的部分。学生应根据所给的图片填写恰当的意思。学生完成之后,教师首先让大家朗读两三遍, 然后再进行提问,看他们是否完全理解该文章。
单元教学活动 7 Listen and chant.
第七部分是歌谣,教师需要带学生很快地上口,具体方法是,让学生多听几遍录音并跟着录音一起朗读。另外,教 师需多带着学生朗读,并给出一些时间让学生以小组为单位自己朗读等。
单元教学活动 8 Read and tick.
“Which is not yellow? The weather is not yellow.”因此,正确答案是 B。教师可以让学生自己先完成,然后让大家讲座,再 集体一起说答案。教师应给学生留出充分交流的时间。
单元教学活动 9 Look, say and put in order.
第九部分是一个连环故事。学生应弄清楚故事的情节和大意,并将这些图片排序。排序之后,教师让学生自己编故 事,并在两人之间进行交谈。最后,分别找出几个不同类型的同学来说该故事。答案是:
1) He ate much food for lunch. 2) He played football after lunch. 3) He felt stomach ache. 4) His friend called his mum.
5) His mum called a taxi to pick him up. 6) His mum sent him straight to the hospital. 7) The doctor checked his temperature.
8) The doctor gave his mum some medicine. 9) He had to read in the bed the whole afternoon.
Unit 4 I can see with my eyes.
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
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通过学习学生能掌握本单元的新句型 学生能用表示五官的动词词汇讲述某件事 学生能大量复习和巩固已有的英语词汇 I can clean the elephant with a brush. I can smell the flowers with my nose. This animal uses its legs to catch food. What can you see in the picture? What body parts does a plant have?
交际用语 Expressions in communication
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
clean, brush, different, use, climb, special, hear, smell, taste, touch, see, leaves, plants, ground, grow, upwards, similar, hand, leg, head, nose, mouth, ears, eyes
所需教具 Materials for teaching
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能够用五官能感觉到的物品,如花、表、钟等 带玩具娃娃或动物玩具
彩色画报、图片(里面的图案都是学生会说的,如动物等) 教师准备好所有学过的图片或单词卡片
教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up
教师放录音,带领学生说唱第三单元教学活动 7。复习关于五官的单词。 Presentation
教师上课时拿着一张彩色的动物图片对大家说:“Can you see the little mouse behind the rock?”教师先说任何稍小一 点,而且学生轻易找不到的东西。然后说:“I can see with my eyes. Can you see something with your eyes? Please tell us.”教 师让学生从图片上找动物和东西并用英语说出来。教师可以根据时间和学生掌握句型的程度来决定是否让学生进行两 人一组的练习。
a) 接着,教师拿出一个装有一只手表和小闹钟的口袋或纸袋说:“Who can come here and listen? What’s inside the (paper) bag? What can you hear? I can hear the ticking sound of a clock. I can hear the ticking sound of a watch.”教师还可以 拿出其他带响声的玩具让学生听声音并判断是什么东西。
b) 教师可以让学生先闭上眼睛,拿出带有花香的假花让学生闻,并让学生说出是什么东西。 c) 教师可以将一些玩具放在袋子里,然后让学生摸袋子里的东西并猜是什么。
d) 教师带着学生完成这些猜的游戏之后,让学生打开教材看本单元主图。教师对学生说:“Now please look at the
pictures. I want you to describe the pictures in pairs. You can say to each other:‘I can clean the elephant with a brush.’‘I can smell the flowers with my nose.’‘I can see a panda with my eyes.’”教师给学生留出一部分时间,让他们相互之间造更多的 句子。造句的时候,教师应该提醒学生整个图片框上也有许多的动物。学生可以用 I can see a horse with my eyes。这个句 型谈论这些动物。
e ) 在学生练习的基础上,教师可以在全班范围让一些学生用句型分别说说这些主图。
单元教学活动 2 Listen, read and match.
第二部分是阅读和理解。该部分给学生呈现了一些句子,教师应让学生通过熟读来背诵第一部分的内容,然后再接 着描述下面的内容。比如:“A monkey uses its arms and legs to climb the trees. A snake moves without any arms or legs. The star fish has got five arms. A dolphin has got its special arms to help it swim. A crab uses its legs to catch food.”教师也可以在 学生阅读以前进行猜谜活动。教师把这些句子说出,让学生把它们当谜语猜。
单元教学活动 3 Look and say.
第三部分是继续巩固第一部分的内容。教师可以先让学生进行两人一组的活动。学生根据所给的例句一起说这些 图。
The girl painted the picture with a big brush. The cook smelled the soup with his nose.
The children listened to the music with their ears. The boy touched the rabbit with his hand. The man holds the newspaper with his hands. We washed the socks with some washing power. The boy tasted the ice cream with his tongue.
The monkey climbs the tree with his arms and legs. The girl writes the letter with a big pen. 单元教学活动 4 Look and play.
第四部分是游戏。教师将单词卡片或图片分别分给每两人一组组成的 speaking pair。游戏开始前,学生应把教师所 给的单词或图片卡片翻过来,有图或有单词的一面朝下。然后,两个学生通过说“scissors, paper, stone.”(剪子赢纸;石头 赢剪子;纸赢石头)来决定谁先拿图片。每次赢的一方拿卡片或图片,最后看谁赢的卡片或图片多。学生赢了图片之后, 看谁能说出自己手里的全部单词,每说对一次得一分。最后算总分,教师给予奖励。
单元教学活动 5 Look and say.
第五部分是让学生描述自己在图上能看到的东西。首先,教师问学生:“What can you see in the picture?”教师手指一 张图,然后接着说:“I can see some children sitting on the floor. I can see some boys and girls. In front of them there are some shoe-shaped paper.”(图 2)教师可以引导学生继续说别的图。学生还可以说其他几张图:
图 1 I can see a mask of a horse. A girl is wearing the mask. I think they are having a party or they are playing a game. 图 3 I can see a turtle. This turtle is very lovely. It’s made of a paper plate. 图 4 I can see some children eating snacks. They are each wearing a mask.
图 5 I can see a white caterpillar. It’s made of a long stocking. It looks very pretty. 单元教学活动 6 Look and say.
第六部分需要学生用新学的句型进一步做大量的口语练习。教师要让学生两人一组用所给的句型轮流说出所给的 单词。比如 A 说:“I can hear a radio programme. I can hear the ticks of a clock. I can hear the telephone ringing. I can hear the sound of a fire. I can hear the sound of a TV programme.”让学生进行练习之前,教师应设想查看一下学生是否在说单词时 有困难。如有困难教师可以先帮助学生找出相对比较难一些的单词。比如 radio programme, sweets/candies(美)等。教师 也可以先让学生提问,提出哪些图不会说,教师先帮助学生扫清认图的障碍之后再让学生进行练习。
单元教学活动 7 Look, read and match.
第七部分是让学生通过比较植物与人的相同之处来认识我们周边许多共性的东西。教师可以先拿出一张植物(花) 的整体图,边指边告诉学生:“This is a plant. This plant has a body. This is also called a stem. You can say,‘body’,you can also say‘stem’.It doesn’t have arms and legs, but it has leaves and roots.”教师接着拿出人的图片,边指边说:“This is a man. He has a body. He has arms, legs and feet. But he doesn’t have leaves and roots. Which part is similar to each other?”教师可以 让学生进行比较,帮助学生找出相同之处。之后,教师说:“Let’s read the following sentences and please find out which sentence describes the first word on the right column.”教师让学生阅读并找出正确的答案。
答案:1)D 2)C 3)B 4)A 单元教学活动 8 Pairwork.
第八部分是让学生做 brainstorming 的活动。教师让学生两人或三人坐在一起谈论这些器官有什么作用。该练习能 进一步让学生进行语言训练,并熟练使用学过的句型。
单元教学活动 9 Read and draw.
第九部分要让学生动脑筋想问题,想想究竟大象的鼻子能做什么,教师给学生一两分钟的时间让学生进行构思并 将所构思的东西画出来。如果时间允许的话,教师可以让学生分别展示自己所画的画。
Unit 5 Simon Paul lives in the country.
教学目的和要求 Teaching aims and demands
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通过学习本单元,学生能用英语简单谈论一些城市与农村的不同之处 学生能初步掌握一些有关方位的介词短语 通过大量练习,学生能掌握一些常用的动词短语
Would you like to visit your cousin Bob in the city this weekend? I don’t like going to the city. There are too many cats. How about you, Peter? Would you like to go? Can I go there?
I’ve never been to a big city. Where do you like living? I’d like living in the city. What can you do in the city? What can you do in the country?
交际用语 Expressions in communication
重点朗读词汇 Key words and expressions
live, country, visit, cousin, never, ready, nowhere, either, city, field, forest, island, mountain, remember, worry, somewhere, inside, outside, wait, picnic, breathe, sofa, still
所需教具 Materials for teaching
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相关图片,如岛屿、山脉、森林、田野、湖泊、河流、城市、农村等 动词短语卡片(第五部分) 两个老鼠和一只猫的头饰
教学步骤 Teaching procedures Warm up
复习第四单元,做造句练习。 Presentation
上课时,教师可以先以提问的方式问大家:“Have you ever been to a big city?”教师要根据学生所住的地方来问。比 如,问住在大城市里的学生说:“Have you ever been to the country?”问住在城镇里的学生说:“Have you ever been to a big city, such as Beijing or Shanghai? Do you like living in the big city? Do you like living in the country? Why and why not?”
a ) 教师随即拿出几张图片对大家说:“I have got some pictures. I want to ask you where you’d like to live. Let’s look at the first one and read it together.”教师拿出有关的图片和单词卡片,如岛屿、山脉、森林、田野、湖泊、河流、城市、农村等, 并把这些图片都依次贴在黑板上。每贴一张,都要让学生进行朗读并复习和熟悉这些单词。



