(1)据汉语句子中的时间状语确定英语译文的时态。 (2)根据汉语中的某些副词或助词来确定英语译文的时态。
(3)根据时态呼应关系,从整个句子意思来考虑选用时态。在复杂的英文句子中(包括有多个动作的句子),要注意时态的一致性。在一个英文句子或短文中首先要确定一个临界时态,然后根据这个临界时态来考虑别的动作的发生时间与临界时态的关系。 翻译强化练习
(1)The study of the brain is one of the last frontiers of human knowledge and of much more immediate importance than understanding the infinity of space or the mystery of the atom.
(2)The beauty of lasers is that they can do machining without ever physically touching the material. (3)February 1995 will see the signing of the memorandum of understanding.
(4)Air travel has become faster and faster, but sometimes there is a need for traveling slowly and even for stopping in mid air.
(5)We cannot be too careful in doing experiments.
(6)It is impossible to overestimate the value of the invention. (7)The importance of the project can hardly be exaggerated. (8)is the last country to invent radar, but.
(9)The problem is beyond the reach of my understanding.
(10)The Theory of Relativity worked out by Einstein is now above many people's comprehension. (11)Whatever he saw and heard on his trip gave him a very deep impression.
(12)It is important that science and technology be pushed forward as quickly as possible. (13)This is not only because the tablecloths are good in quality and beautiful in design, but also because they are hand-made.
(14)This is a college of science and technology, the students of which are trained to be engineers or scientists.
(15)Scientists are trying to imitate some of capabilities of the human brain, which will be able to lead to the construction of an entirely new electronic computer.
(16)In our factory there are many people who are much interested in your new invention. (17)Electronic computers, which have many advantages, cannot carry out creative work and replace man.
(18)Great efforts must be made to inform young people especially of the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit.
(19)Language learners need to realize that they must do virtually everything for themselves; that if they know how to learn, they have little or no need of teachers; but that if they do not know how to learn, teachers will do them no good.
(20)New sources of energy must be found, and this will take time, but it is not likely to result in any situation that will restore that sense of cheap and plentiful energy we had in the times past.
(2)激光的妙处就在于它能对材料进行非接触加工。 (3)谅解备忘录将于1995年2月签订。
(5)做实验越仔细越好。(正译)(或:做实验怎么仔细也不算过分)(反译) (6)这项发明的价值无论怎样估计也不嫌太高。 (7)这项工程的重要性怎么说也不过分。 (8)发明雷达的国家决不是日本,而是英国。 (9)这个问题我无法理解。(反译)
(10)爱因斯坦提出的“相对论”,现在还有不少人理解不了。 (11)他此行的所见所闻都给他留下了深刻的印象。 (12)重要的是尽快把科学技术搞上去。
(14)这是一所科技大学,该校学生将被培养成工程师或科学工作者。(which译成“该校”) (15)科学家正试图模仿人脑的某些能力,这将能导致建造一种完全新式的电子计算机。 (16)在我们工厂里,许多人们对你的新发明十分感兴趣。
(18)应该尽最大的努力告诉年轻人(抽烟的危害性),特别是养成抽烟习惯的可怕后果。 (19)学语言的人必须认识到几乎一切全得靠自己的努力,如果他们知道如何学习,没有老师也能学好;但是如果他们不知道如何学习,老师也帮不了多少忙。