To be a good learner, we should 新人教版九年级全册各单元
作have good habits and ways of 文话题与优秀范文汇总learning.
We need to get ready for our lessons Unit 1 How can we become before class and always listen
?good learnerscarefully in class. After class, we
关与为元话题“学会学习”,之相单本must go over the lessons and finish
our homework on time. It's good to 方学谈要为论英语习文的话题作主study in groups and help each other.
常地,法这是各中考英中最语真题We should do more reading in our 据时可根作之话考的题作文一。写free time. If we have any problems,
we'd better ask others for help. As a 方相,提求体具要或示对关习的学student, working hard is important, 。出法提建议 but don't forget to do sports
:文题类作写此话作的表用达有常 and keep healthy.
I think all above is helpful to us to be stening to…?hat about li 1()W a good learner. Try to guess …by…2( ) Unit 2 I think that
mooncakes are
the more…3(),The more… delicious!
language s …i )the et secrto 4(本单元是围绕节日这一话题展开ng.learni 的,是大家较为熟悉的内容,要想d…( 5)I think…shoul 写好这个话题的文章,首先要注意dea to…)6 It's a good i(
其体裁,通常是电子邮件式的说明 优秀范文文,介绍一两个中国的传统节日,,交了为效学高提,验经习流学习率 在正报习学英中初某语o“h办举以ow
t及义间、含节日名称、时及内容涉,为r”enrel dogo ebaa比文的题征赛
日节该你喜欢到,主要活动还应谈 稿投跃踊请。。由及理 oHernale doog a
eb tw or:达用的作话此写作类题文常表有
ove…because… I l(1) New Year” to them. When the kids e…to…I think they ar(2) greet their grandparents, they can the in have (3) You'll good luck get money. ew Year.N Yours,
been have (4) Chinese people Li Lei
Unit 3 Could you please tell me ies. centurcelebrating…for
优秀范文where the restaurants are? 对友Tom美如假你是李磊,你的国笔本单元介绍如何指路,也是写作要语英你用兴中国传统文化很感趣。请。件词给他写一封80 左右的电子邮涉及的话题。
、节、如春传统节日的介绍一两个中国写作此类话题作文的常用表达有: 秋节等。中(1) Let me tall you how to get Domear Tthere. lola Iam very gd t tel you someingth(2) You can walk along... l.f estivauabot spring(3)
Turn left/right to... Ichl in ina. tfni'Its a tradtioal estiva(4) Go straight along... tocmes in winer.优秀范文
y eall usuw.tts ime to ge ne WIt'你有两张红旗剧院的戏剧票,想要邀 aclen asesuue or hoend dcorat请Rob和你一起去看。请你给他写封 rebfcareully efo it waysl mes.I aco信,邀请他并告诉他具体该怎么到达 tmhelp y moher ows nthewindclea红旗剧院。
nt ou Wh wadan shtheclotes. epDear Rob, thedoods
anr onuChnlia nAre you free next Sunday? There will en uuchanghao th dnows.wibe a concert in Hongqi Theater. I dgoa tt'Its ime osy ob h telasttye ohave two tickets and I hope you can sanr,yea ady hew Yar. Neholoel t tego with me. Now let me tall you how r Eveohgetet tgo ems hgoenryo eot eto get there. s,lmar fe ttwihhiiie nw foarr hta moteFirst , you can walk along
Zhaowuda tirehgeor tnin dasty mehs. i Tu hveetRoad after you leave your home. tsivi tah not y tirhteThen turn left onto Third Street. Go y ppy “ sadns adnier fdna sitlaerveHa nehW t.eretS dirhT gnloathgirats
请你以Changes in purn eople's life 为lkyou get to Waing Street,t题描述最近几年人们生活上的变化。il tt unt he streegriht. Then go along词数80词左右。 r uoseyou e Hongqi Theater n yo提示:1. 人们的联系方式、娱乐方式 t. grih的
改变 i qng Hol mI wileet you at the gate of2. 人们的出行方式及居住环境的改 r.aeteTh变, rYousChanges in inLiu Mg people's life
Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the
Great changes have taken place in
people's life in the last few years. ?darkIn the past people kept in 主”,
的怎为单本元话题“我们样变化touch with relatives or
发要围绕人现在所过或事物从去到mainly by sending letters. They
would listen to the radio for news 要先时写开展描述。作首化的生变and other information. Children used 与的写理清作逻意过去注辑顺序,to go to school by bike. Big families
既对的比,用的句。在式使上现在had to share small rooms.
Now people can talk to others by 也used to do/be…,but now…,可用telephone or on the internet at home. 的接过描去般用一过时述去直以可 e thhey watch they are free,tWhen情现写描在般用,况情一现时在的 V. T ramsonnd other prog newsa章句种各况,式以,使替交用文免 o tnoughs are rich elieoSme fami eir in thon t schoolesend thir childre。显板得呆 veple li more peos.own car More and:题类此作写话用常的文作有表达 thnt wi ghtapartmernbin ig ad bi…used to do/be(1) s.roomveseral
ow/what about you? H(2) anr ttethe i pe rd Inawo,polelvebin (3)ot la changed …has/have e.rfbeoast few years.the l ?Unit 5 What are
the shirts made of 优秀范文.
的制造是“中国单元涉及的话题本Each different part of China has
different tanghulu. It is usually made 艺会东西”,话题作文通常涉及民间of haws, which are put together on a 记一是个适合术以及文化传承。这stick
and covered with ice sugar. But
,的体裁相结合话题明叙、说两种there are more materials for
tanghulu today in some places, such 题话写的学是生喜欢写、有同时也as strawberries, grapes, and even 准重要的是最类。材写好这文章,little apples.
要的,“捉确捕写作的精髓”有条理把It is said that tanghulu ever saved
the life of an emperor's wife in the 话类出事述描的某一物展现来,此Song Dynasty. It was so delicious 实实、真情表达足写题的作要立事and healthy that many Chinese
。感 people like eating it. It is now seen
:有达常用表的作话此写作类题文 as the bright symbols of happiness
and reunion. …hina is famous forC(1)
Are you looking forward to eating it? s so good (2)It'his great that Cna
iCome to my country, and I'll treat at…
you to tanghulu. the
that sh (3)…wiin
Unit 6 When was it invented? …e…wifuturll
本单元的话题是“发明”,涉及科普知y to show… These usually tr(4) bols of…(5)They are seen as sym 趣兴生最感内容,是学等识与技术 优
给。回adLin信:达有的常用表作此写作类话题文 dina,Lr aDeas …
invented?hen w(1) W tawh s umafoasncksem dkesauoY
It was invented… (2) Wy.rtnuy co mn ire werehte in myll,e…They ar3)( e used for s y,rtnuocomaf stom ehtfo eno u 优秀范文 lu.ughnats i kscans
用作中的活、工作计算机在我们的生to change our life completely in the 发与的起源越来越大,你知道计算机near future.
Unit 7 Teenagers should be allowed
间算请结合计机的发明时展吗?谈外形、用途等方面,(1946年)、to choose
their own clothes.
来对未并说明你化一下它的发展变,本单元以“规则”为话题,结合此话题 。算机的畅想计就学校和家里的规章制度进行了论 ermputCo dancoeputrs are beming moreCom作。写一话题作中常涉及这述。写 Doilnmore important i our day life. 观在表达自表己的观点,时可以发s watuer tn he comp youknow whe。能偏激理有据,观点不点时,要有 ted?veinn 4d in 196.tee computr was invenehT:达有作文的常用表写作此类话题
hit tAt tha time, itwas huge. Wh tebe d I think teenagers shoul(1) ceieovedelopment f scnowed to …all
s ahter cotlonad technogy, he mpuee that…(2) I agr are nyma tsmown aller. Now herergdon't agree with… (3) I
ars, such stco kindsof mpue 优秀范文 ul rpesonacomptersands.optp la中校,校有校规。在你的学国有国法 l inl ty ur iphTe comutes a versefuoo的规章制度规们同学范一定有很多的 ct mFolour ife. r exaple,i an dsen绍家介短文,向大行为。请你写一篇 osgeosme mssae to freigndns by frie的一谈下自己一两条校规或校纪,并 Wmeail. h remo,itcan'ats
。看法 rshotehntrmrehsa infoaio wit a are mny rules in our school.There We WerldWehg th o Wid eb.uhtror ao wet we have ltA our schoo tnst lasolie olahy tepoiu msc r acn isproblem y ifunorms everday. The s a Irs.tpco mue tmkeusn mgaeo thes l that almy classmatethink
erlax. as re ugly. Ithink yougnounifrm oimuotawheniag ifler t rdhs 'Ita ke li, smkart so I'd shepopleouldloo upm tuhtwikeli b ldwoue vewe twnr ot weamy o clohes.If ha etumcok inpl lwirs
beht ldo ,we shu beson a toweruifrm gingoreay eht dna tniennco reomve s.rmoifnu wno ruo gnised ot dweolla
Oh,look! There is a T-shirt here. po keeood way tuThat wold be a gIt's a