6. Freshwater is not
(evenly) distributed across the globe. From the statistics here, we can see that the Americas have the largest amount of fresh water and Oceania the smallest. 7. This is a large and
(spacious) modern hotel offering high standards of accommodation and service.
8. Iron deficiency is very common among women in general, affecting one in four female teenagers and one in five women aged 18 to 45, (respectively) .
9. Many schools today stress academic achievement but don't always identify and reinforce the notion that students need to become (virtuous) .
10. Only about 15 percent of car thefts result in an arrest, because few police departments (routinely) conduct in-depth auto theft investigations. 11. This all sounds
(harmonious) , yet there was disorder, tension and conflict in our household. 12. My reason for leaving the present employer is that I am (desirous) of getting broader experience in marketing.
? Banked Cloze Farming invariably interferes with the habitats of plants and animals. However, this does not necessarily mean that agriculture and biodiversity are (1)
(incompatible). In fact, quite the opposite is true. The sustainable cultivation of plants for food and feed actually enables us to (2) (preserve) biodiversity.
By 2007, there were more than twice as many people living on the planet as there were in 1961. Over the same period, the total amount of (3)
(available) arable (可耕的) land grew by just 10 percent. In comparison with population growth, the expansion of arable land was small. And there are limits to further expansion. A large (4)
(proportion) of the earth's surface — like deserts — is not suitable for cultivation, and other areas are (5)
(utilized) by humans for roads and buildings. Some land that is rich in biodiversity needs to be preserved and thus should not be (6)
(converted) into arable land. The tropical rain forests, for example, have the highest species density in the world, and changing this land for crop cultivation would be (7) (dreadful) to these species' habitats and, indeed, existence.
By 2050, global demand for food will have risen by 70 percent. But the expansion of land available for cultivation has its limits. This is one of the greatest challenges facing agriculture today: How do we (8)
(balance) the increased demand for food with the need to maintain biological diversity, now and in the future?
Efficient and (9)
(sane) use of land will be key to preserving natural animal and plant habitats. To achieve this aim will depend to a(n) (10)
(considerable) extent on the use of modern agricultural methods. If these methods are successfully applied, we believe that agriculture and biodiversity can coexist in harmony.
? Language Focus – Expressions in Use
1. After the painter's move to Paris in 1904, Picasso's Rose Period paintings (took on) a warmer and more optimistic mood than the previous Blue Period. 2. There are a number of different occasions when you might be
(called upon) to make a speech. Therefore, you need to practice how to speak to a large audience. 3. Schools in the US believe that cheating in examinations
(runs against the grain) of the \ago.
4. Being a major global concern, rapid population growth is believed by many to (be incompatible with) sustainable management of the environment.
5. It seems that many people have
(come through) periods of stress, with more physical and mental vigor than they had before.
6. More and more native plants disappear every year. Saving them is important because our own survival
(is bound up) with their fate. 7. It's up to you to
(differentiate between) those who have your interests at heart and those who would take advantage of you.
8. Although J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter novels are written for \-12\ (have struck a chord with) many older readers.
? Translation
? 英译汉
Baroque architecture is a building style that flourished in Europe between the late 16th and mid-18th century. It evolved out of Renaissance architecture in Italy, when the Renaissance architects began to get bored of the symmetry (对称) and same old forms they had been using for the past 200 years, and started to make bold, curving and not at all symmetrical buildings called the Baroque buildings. Baroque-style buildings share some common characteristics. Marble, gilt (镀金) and bronze were the materials the Baroque architects used in abundance. Oval was the most distinct and a very common shape incorporated into Baroque architecture. Dramatic use of light is important, and is achieved either through strong light-and-shade contrasts or uniform lighting by means of windows. Opulent use of color and ornaments is prevalent, as can be seen in the large-scale frescoes (湿壁画) painted on the ceilings. There is usually a central projection that is quite large and juts outward, and domes erected in a pear shape are often seen. The most well-known Baroque buildings include the St. Paul's Cathedral in the UK and the Palace of Versailles in France. Gian Lorenzo Bernini and Francesco Borromini were the two main architects of the Baroque era.
? 汉译英
Suzhou gardens are the most outstanding representatives of classical Chinese gardens. Most of them were privately-owned. The gardens first appeared in the Spring and Autumn Period, developed in the Song and Yuan dynasties, and flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties. By the late Qing Dynasty, Suzhou had got as many as over 170 gardens of diverse styles, winning it the name \than 10 are open to the public. The Surging Wave Pavilion, the Lion Grove Garden, the Humble Administrator's Garden and the Lingering Garden are called the four most famous gardens in Suzhou, representing the artistic styles of the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties respectively. Suzhou gardens are assemblies of residences and gardens, which makes them suitable places for living, visiting and appreciating. The architectural principles of the gardens are a demonstration of
the lifestyles and social customs of the ancient Chinese people in the south of the Lower Yangtze River. Suzhou gardens are not only a product of Chinese history and culture, but also a carrier of traditional Chinese ideology and culture. In 1997, Suzhou gardens were inscribed on the World Heritage List by UNESCO.
Unit 4 – Section B
? Language Focus – Words in Use
1. If these different assessment methods
(converge) on the same conclusion, then we can have greater confidence in their outcome. 2. There is little doubt that the effectiveness of the reform was greatly (impaired) by its internal difficulties and external opposition. 3. The pollution from the factories continues to
(contaminate) the river and also poses a serious health threat to people living nearby. 4. Indeed, the
(vulgar) behavior popularized by music videos, reality television, and violent movies indicated that authority, standards, and personal responsibility all had declined.
5. The clinic was terribly expensive because the cost of a typical 20-day stay in it was equivalent to the annual salary of an average city (dweller) .
6. When Hollywood films deal with controversial social issues, they do so, for the most part, in a way that is designed not to (alienate) mainstream audiences.
7. Many old residents in the neighborhood prefer
(strolling) along the beach to sitting in front of the television.
8. One way to reduce fear of needles is to explain to patients who need to be (injected) that they will not feel any pain with modern needles. 9. We
(deplore) the fact that he has shaped his proposals for educational reform while virtually ignoring what is being done along those lines in other regions of the world.
10. They saw factory work as a source of pride rather than low status, and in this way they (inverted) the ideas of people in traditionally more powerful classes of society. ? Language Focus – Expressions in Use 1. In many places of the world, there are still those who encourage women to stay at home and (be obedient to) their husbands.
2. As the old lady walked toward the door with her grandson, she held on to his arm and (leaned against) his shoulder for support. 3. We do not
(subscribe to) the view that when the data analysis does not give rise to the expected results, the quality of the data is to blame. 4. She is the first woman to
(preside over) the agency, which, with a staff of 425, regulates all fishing and hunting in the state. 5. When you feel tired, you can try relaxing in a warm bubble bath, listening to music and (shutting out) the world for a while.
6. When the pop singer first arrived in the city, he
(plunged into) the crowds, who had turned out in their thousands to greet him.
7. On the whole, the less education that people have, the more likely they are to (be intolerant of) those who differ from them.
8. The main idea of the article is that our reliance on modern technology has created a society where people
(are disconnected from) one another and immersed in their own world. ? Sentence structure 1.
(以最近我们校园网上出现的那部自制电影为例). It was so funny that it made me laugh wildly.
Reference: Take the latest self-made film that came out on our campus web.
2. In terms of environmental protection, everyone has the responsibility.
(以当今的热点话题\全球变暖\为例). We would have to start by reducing our carbon emissions.
Reference: Take global warming, a hot issue nowadays. 3.
(以一位38岁、只有高中文凭、收入中等的妇女为例). Do you think her happiness level will vary according to where she lives?
Reference: Take a 38-year-old woman with a high-school diploma and making a medium wage.
Unit 5 – Section A
? Language Focus – Words in Use
1. Although he was not a legal expert, he knew it would not be proper to (fabricate) anything to mislead the public.
2. He does not work full time there, but he has been the
(nominal) head of the organization's scholarship program for five years.
3. As Mark walked the sites on that initial trip of the migrants, he found some important (temporal) clues — dated bus tickets, shopping receipts and calendars. 4. In urban planning, it is important to take into consideration the
(reciprocal) influence between the transportation network and other facilities, for example shopping centers and medical centers.
5. The label \
(denotes) products that meet criteria for lower fat, sugar and sodium (钠) content.
6. The public high school graduation rates in New Mexico and Arizona have been increasing for three
(consecutive) years, thanks to an online program that helps students earn missing credits. 7. In the accident at the air show last week, a pilot and 10
(spectators) were killed when a fighter plane crashed into the crowd.
8. The mother was not sure where the boys went, but she did hear them (muttering) something about going out for a movie with friends. 9. This newly released portrait of Planet Earth is actually a
(composite) of several pictures taken earlier this month by a new research satellite.
10. You shouldn't feel insulted. We can assure you he meant to be friendly and there was nothing impolite or
(malicious) in his words.
? Word Building 1. assert 1. assertive 2. decide 2. decisive 3. digest 3. digestive 4. imagine 4. imaginative 5. consult 5. consultative 6. quality 6. qualitative 7. authority 7. authoritative 8. conservative 8. conserve 9. quantity 9. quantitative 10. button 10. unbutton 11. settle 11. unsettle 12. veil 12. unveil
1. Some African countries have started a new program to
(conserve) wildlife by giving local people greater control over hunting.
2. She hurt her wrist last week after falling from her bicycle. Now it is swollen, and she has trouble
(unbuttoning) her coat.
3. The author of this book is a(n)
(authoritative) expert, so we believe that he can give a logical and objective description of the event.
4. As an experienced doctor in cancer treatment, she has offered
(consultative) services on drug development to a number of medical companies. 5. The man was not usually so
(imaginative) , and thus his colleagues were all surprised when he proposed this creative use of studio techniques.
6. At the conference, the speaker presented a(n)
(quantitative) analysis of the results from his year-long experiment by using a group of tables and charts that contain detailed statistical data.
7. In this coming week, the finance minister will