一、 客户背景:
于先生在国企工作~月收入5000元~太太月收入约5000元~两人合计约1万元左右。另外~夫妻二人的年终奖金收入~分别为2万和1.5万元。现有活期存款5000元~无定期存款。两人共有两套住房~一套在上海野生动物园附近~面积72平方米~市价约60万元~目前空置。另一套用于居住~面积88平方米~市价约140万元。至今~两套住房的贷款本金余额总计还有45万元~共需还款4000元/月~两人目前基本生活花销3000元~娱乐、置衣、外出就餐等费用2500元左右~另外还有一部分人情支出约600元左右。年度花销主要是用于支付车险~自用车现在市价5万元~车险保费约4800元~另外~于先生夫妇目前两人只有社保和公司团险~无任何个人商业保险。 二、理财目标:
1(2010年规划生子~届时需要准备好育儿费~并且在未来的18年中准备足够的子女教育金以及供其子女四年留学的费用。 2. 2009年开始每年1,2次旅行~花费约10000元。 3. 选择合适的商业保险~增加家庭保障。
4. 资产顺利转移给子女。 三、理财规划假设:
年收入成长率 - 2, 退休后收入替代率 - 25% 学费成长率 - 3, 退休后支出调整率 - 75% from young teachers access of website view, integrated class website of proportion highest, up 70.83%, a is integrated class website influence strong, social visibility high; II is integrated class website of various information resources rich, can meet everyone on various information resources of needs. Followed by education networks, educational networks and closely related to the work of young teachers,
so the large amount of visitors, access. Third is the search engine, the Internet has been for us to expand our knowledge, sharing resources, and gain more knowledge, open a window, has become an important reason for our use of the Internet. But what is worth noting is the visitor turned out to be at least the school campus network, my school's website did not meet everyone's needs, mainly because of the small amount of resources, to meet everyone's needs, categories are not rich, and school Web site-building needs to up the horses, fast. (C) data analysis of teachers professional development 1.62nd questions what do you think of knowledge and ability of teachers ' professional development, your lack of student ... Excellent teachers of guide f. School of teachers team construction measures G. School of learning research atmosphere h. other six, and teacherson local evening, and daily of identity, and recognized; ranking third of is other, this reflect we of young teachers reading of publications also has many above by column, also description has they of reading interest widely, and dabbled in quite wide; other for not for analysis. We believe the China education daily, and as the authority of the education system of the people's education press, as too few readers of educators, not normal, it is not. 61st problem you often browse of website is () [more topics] option small meter proportion a,. integrated class website (Xinhua, and Sohu, and SINA, and Yahoo) 34 70.83% b. education network 25 52.08% c. search engine (GOOGLE Baidu) 18 37.5% d. school campus network 4 8.33% e. personal blog 16 33.33% f. professional sex website (literature network, and financial network,) 8 16.67% g. on
the NET 4 8.33% h. shopping network (such as Taobao, dangdang, etc) 13 27.08% I. other types of site 5 10.42% j. do not go 0 0% k. effective fill out the passengers were not like the Internet 0 0% point 48 design point is to understand the young teacher's website. As life Internet of we, life, and work has without network has, from statistics data bar see, select \description This is;
房租成长率 - 3, 房贷利率 - 5.94% 车价增长率 - 2, 四、风险属性分析: 风险承受能力评 分表
年龄 10分 8分 6分 4分 2分 客户得 分
30 总分50分,25岁以下者50分,每多一岁少1分,45 75岁以上者0分
就业状公教人上班族 佣金收自营事失业 8 况 员 入者 业者
家庭负未婚 双薪无双薪有单薪有单薪养8
担 子女 子女 子女 三代 置产状投资不自宅无房贷房无自宅 6 况 动产 房贷 <50, 贷>50,
from young teachers access of website view, integrated class website of proportion highest, up 70.83%, a is integrated class website
influence strong, social visibility high; II is integrated class website
of various information resources rich, can meet everyone on various information resources of needs. Followed by education networks, educational networks and closely related to the work of young teachers, so the large amount of visitors, access. Third is the search engine, the Internet has been for us to expand our knowledge, sharing resources, and gain more knowledge, open a window, has become an important reason for our use of the Internet. But what is worth noting is the visitor turned out to be at least the school campus network, my school's website did not meet everyone's needs, mainly because of the small amount of resources, to meet everyone's needs, categories are not rich, and school Web site-building needs to up the horses, fast. (C) data analysis of teachers professional development 1.62nd questions what do you think of knowledge and ability of teachers ' professional development, your lack of student ... Excellent teachers of guide f. School of teachers team construction measures G. School of learning research atmosphere h. other six, and teacherson local evening, and daily of identity, and recognized; ranking third of is other, this reflect we of young teachers reading of publications also has many above by column, also description has they of reading interest widely, and dabbled in quite wide; other for not for analysis. We believe the China education daily, and as the authority of the education system of the people's education press, as too few readers of educators, not normal, it is not. 61st problem you often browse of website is () [more topics] option small meter proportion a,. integrated class website (Xinhua, and Sohu, and SINA, and Yahoo) 34 70.83% b.
education network 25 52.08% c. search engine (GOOGLE Baidu) 18 37.5% d. school campus network 4 8.33% e. personal blog 16 33.33% f. professional sex website (literature network, and financial network,) 8 16.67% g. on the NET 4 8.33% h. shopping network (such as Taobao, dangdang, etc) 13 27.08% I. other types of site 5 10.42% j. do not go 0 0% k. effective fill out the passengers were not like the Internet 0 0% point 48 design point is to understand the young teacher's website. As life Internet of we, life, and work has without network has, from statistics data bar see, select \description This is;
投资经10年以6,10年 2,5年 1年以内 无 2 验 上
投资知有专业财金科自修有懂一些 一片空2 识 证照 系毕 心得 白 总分 71 风险态 度评分 表
忍受亏10分 8分 6分 4分 2分 客户得损 % 分 10 不能容忍任何损失0分,每增加1%加2分,可容20 忍>25,得50分
首要考赚短现差长期利年现金抗通膨保本保8 虑 价 得 收益 保值 息 认赔动默认停损事后停部分认持有待加码摊8 作 点 损 赔 回升 平 赔钱心学习经验 照常过影响情影响情难以成6 理 日子 绪小 绪大 眠 最重要获利性 收益兼收益性 流动性 安全性 8 特性 成长
避免工无 期货 股票 外汇 不动产 10 from young teachers access of website view, integrated class website of proportion highest, up 70.83%,