主植、Z]70DBST泥浆泵拖挂装置产品检验和试验大纲TGOI0-SYDG 嚣。树也翻白四川宏华石油设备有限公司2014年9月4点3注?tf拖挂装置检验和试验大纲1 保命规则四JII宠U:E油设量高限公司$刷啪HHONGHUA P盯盹I.SUM向川剧NTCO口。3 4共k~泣Tff拖挂装置检验和试验大纲18条保命规则说明Descriptionof 18 Life Saving Rules 图标和主要内容Icons and contents main I Description 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel: 所有进入公司生产区域的人员;Personnel entering company's production are础;要求:Requirements: 1、进入生产区域必须穿劳保鞋、戴安全帽;1. Wear safety shoes and safety helmets |说明for the entry to production areas; 2、头发束于安全帽内,穿衣做到ω三紧飞不得穿短裤、背心或风衣等衣服进入生产区域;2. Bind hair in safety helmets, dress with tight collar, cuffs and hem, and |平可时I|:向-川11no shorts, waistcoats or dust coats etc for the entry to production缸eas;3、进入喷漆、钢焊、危化品库房等有特殊要求的区域时,还应使用其他相应的to ar币出withspecial requirements, such部paintspraying areas, rivet welding areas and dangerous chemical storehouses etc. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel: 高处作业人员;High-place operators; en位y劳保用品。3.Use other corresponding labor protection appliances additionally for the 要求:R吨uirements:1、使用前检查安全带的完好情况;1. Check safety belts for intactness condition be岛reuse; 2、挂安全带的固定物必须牢靠;2. Fixtures for hanging safety belts must be firm; 3、正确穿戴,高挂低用,并保证随时至少有一个挂钩挂在可靠的物件上。3.F出ten同提{售业部撞撞撞7李卓Et如liIil盘问.怜。路可以民飞盹.safety belts properly, hang safety belts at high positions but use them at low positions, I斗问邵阳II1II点点.. and guarantee that at le出tone hook is hooked on reliable 0时ectsat any time. 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel: 可能出现物体坠落的高处作业;High-pla,臼operationsduring which objects possibly fall; 要求:Requirements: 1、作业人员所使用的工具必须系安全绳或放在工具包内,防止滑落;1. Tools used 习I平均明白兰1二白.问11三]by operators must be fastened with safety ropes or put in toolkits to prevent falling; 2、作业人员不得抛掷工具、物料等;2. Operators cannot throw tools and materials etc; 3、不得进行垂直交叉作业,作业下方设置警戒区域,并做好监管措施,禁止人员入内。3.No vertical cross operations, set waming are臼belowoperation areas, and take supervision me出uresto prevent personnel from 适用范围和人员:Scope of application and personnel: 公司所有员工及外来人员;All staff and visitors; 要求:Requirements: 1、现场工件应分类、整齐码放;1. Field workpiec哩sshall be classified and tidily piled; 2、工件不得超高堆放,宜用工装进行固定;2. Workpie四scann创bepiled over height and are suitably fixed by tools; 3、工件在运输过程中,要绑扎牢固;3. Workpieces shall be bound firmly during位朋sportation;4、工件垫物的高度应相同,且有足够的承载能力;4. Underlay for workpieces shall be at the sarneheight and has enough bearing capacity; 5、球形和圆柱、圆锥体工件应做好预防滚动的措施。5.Measures for preventing rolling shall be taken for spherical, cylindrical and conical workpieces. 4
TG010产品检验和试验大纲 - 图文