朱莹;任立红;丁永生;Kongsuwan Kritaya
【期刊名称】《计算机学报》 【年(卷),期】2008(031)012
【摘要】More attention has been paid to DNA computing for Knapsack Problem (KP).The authors realized the biological experiment of parallel searching to solve KP,and used the most optimized method to select items within a limited knapsack.The DNA fragments designing is based on reactions and the computational procedure is high-efficiency DNA ligation.Two meth-ods were used to detect the results.They are PCR (quantitative analysis) and sequencing (quali-tative analysis).It is suitable to the optimization of multiple restriction conditions.%有关背包问题的DNA算法近年来得到重视,文中实现了求解背包问题的并行搜索解的实验,通过最优的方法完成有限容量背包的物品选择.展示了面向反应的DNA片段设计,计算过程为溶液DNA高效连接反应,反应结果分别定量(PCR)和定性(测序)两种方法检测.文中的方法适用于多重约束条件的优化问题. 【总页数】8页(2207-2214)
【关键词】背包问题;DNA计算;引物设计;高效连接;克隆测序 【作者】朱莹;任立红;丁永生;Kongsuwan Kritaya