2019 西华大学专升本英语真题
Part II Vocabulary and Structure (本大题共20 小题,每小题0.5 分,总计10分)
Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.
Part II Reading Comprehension (本大题共20小题,每小题2分,总计40分) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statement for each question, there are four choices marked A. B. C and D. You should choose the best answer then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheer with a single line through the center.
Passage 1
Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage:
America's cities are a curious paradox (自相矛盾的东西). They are the depositories (存放处)of great wealth and the source of abundant incomes; they are the nucleus of economic activity an opportunity. Yet these same cities embody blighted neighborhoods, homeless“street people\street drugs and high crime rates, an accurately deteriorating physical environment, a sense of social unrest, and perhaps the evolution of a social \
Fly over Manhattan and the breathtaking skyline will excite your pride with the every grandeur of the American achievement. These towering symbols give dramatic character to the core of our giant cities. But their shadows cannot hide the disgrace at their feet.
There we find the decayed and decaying center cities, traffic-clogged, smoke-polluted, crime-ridden and recreationally barren. It is there we find the segregated slum with its crumbling tenement house waiting to crush the hope of the black and the displaced farmer who has pursued his dream into the city There too we find the suburbs ringing the cities in their rapid, undisciplined growth with ugly, congested webs of houses.
36. According to the passage, what does the underlining word“deteriorating\ probably mean? A.WorseningB.improvingC.DestroyedD.Better
37.The core of American giant cities are shown by
. A.street drugsB.towering buildingsC.homeless \D.deteriorating physical environment38.America's cities are barren . A.economicallyB.recreationallyC.politicallyD.militarily
39.The segregated slum will crush the hope ofA.the black
B.the displaced farmerC.the shopping centersD.Both A and B
40.America's cities are . A.the nucleus of economic activity and opportunityB.with heavy traffic jams and smoke pollution
C.embodiment of blighted neighborhoods, homeless“street people\D.All of the above
. Passage 2
Questions 41 to 45 are based on the following passage:
Every living cell contains genes. They are too small to be seen under a microscope, but they are vitally important. Each set of genes in the body contains all the instructions needed to make a human being. Some genes determine hair color. Some determine the shape of a nose. Some genes help determine your height and even your weight.
Genes are made of a chemical called DNA —the letters stand for deoxyribonucleic acid. In the early 1950's, two scientists, Francis Crick and James Watson, figured out how the parts of DNA fit together. Once scientists understood this structure, it became possible to take pieces of DNA apart and put them together in new ways. New kinds of genes could be made in this manner.
Scientists have studied the genes of many plants and animals. They have worked out which genes affect the color of a tomato and the thickness of its skin. Working out which genes determine which features is called genetic mapping, scientists have begun the Human Genome Project, an ambitious effort to map all the genes in the human body.
Some genes may be effective. For example, something might be wrong with the gene that makes blood clot. An individual born with this defective gene could suffer serious hemorrhages or even bleed to death because his or her blood fails to clot. If scientists ever learn how to map all the genes in our bodies, they could determine whether or not an unborn child has any defective genes. They might even discover how to treat these genes before the child is born. 41. What was the achievement of Francis Crick and James Watson?A.They discovered why people have different hair colors.B.They learned that some people bleed for long periods of time.C.They looked at human cells under the microscope.D.They worked out the structure of DNA.
42.What's the purpose of the Human Genome Project?
A.To make some new kinds of genes.B.To map all the genes in the human body.
C.To treat the defective genes before the child is born.D.To study the genes of many plants and animals.
43.What will happen if there's something wrong with a child's gene that makesblood clot?
A.He/she could suffer serious hemorrhages (出血) or even bleed to death.B.These genes can be easily treated before he/she is born.C.His /her hair color will be different form others'.D.His/her nose will be different form others'.44.Which of the following statements is a fact?A.Genes help determine your height and weight.
B.Genetic engineering is the most important scientific discovery of the last 25years.
C.It is dangerous to make changes in genes.
D.Supermarkets should not sell genetically engineered food.45.What is the main idea of this passage?A.Defective genes can never be repaired.
B.Genes are too small to be seen through a microscope.
C.Genes help scientists understand how living things develop theircharacteristics.
D.The human Genome Project may explain the role of every gene in the body.
Passage 3
Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage:
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