— 、 The Olympic games will be held in out country in 2008. Do you know these Olympic emblems? Match them with the country they beloiigto; .
1. Japan 2. Germany 3. Australia _______ 4. America_____
5. Greece 6. Spain_____ 7. Canada ____ 8. Mexico ________
二、In spoken English, the important words in a sentence are stressed by the speaker. Follow the example and wite the stressed word in each answer on the line. Example: Q Should I eat a big breakfast? .
A No, you should eat a good breakfast,
eood good 1.Q Did you say get up early or late? .
A I said
early. .
2. Q Did you say breakfast before breakfast or after breakfast?
A I said before breakfast
3.Q Did you say eat your breakfast quickly?
A No, 1 said slowly.
4. Q Should I take a nap after lunch?
A No, you should take a walk after lunch.
_____ 5. Q Is it O to go to bed at three in the morning?
A.No you should go to bed
early. . 六、Signs around us.
(A) Match these signs with the possible places where you can see them.
a. In a restaurant.
b. In a zoo \
c. in a restaurant, shop, library, etc. d. Next to some information sfieets.
e. Somewhere they sell tickets, eg. railway station or bus station, a theatre,
f. Outside a.rest,or bar or a club
g. In a
park. '
1.____ 2.____ 3.____ 4.___. 5- 6 _____ 7.___
(B) Match the following signs with their meanings.
1.Be careful! They are repairing the road' __________________ 2. Be careful! UFOs are in this area. __________________ 3. You must not sleep while you are driving. __________________;. 4. Be careful! Children cross the road
5. Be careful! Ghosts are in this area. - . _______ _____ 6. You must not sing while you are driving,, ______ __________ 7. Be careful! They sell fast food
here. 8. You must not read while you are
driving. .
四.Match the reports of what people said in column A with the description in column B.
1.Tina said she was really worried about
Charlie. a. GivingTan-apology She seemed very depressed
2. William told me he was sorry he would be
a b.Offering sympathy little late to the part. .
3.Robert told me he couldn't come for dinner
on c. Expressing a concern Friday. He said he had to work late. 4.Jajiice and eith said theyjvere.really
sorry d.Offering an invitation
we had the fiu. They hoped we would fee! better
soon 5.Ben said he was going to ask Sarah to the
party e.Making ah excuse 1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.____ 五. Match the sentences with the responses.
1. How well do you swim? a. Pretty short 2. When I was a kid, Hived in New ealand, b. I ’m not a real fan of hers. 3.There is a baseball game tonight. c. leant stand it d. Wow! Tell me more. 4. What do you think of Tina? ! m about average. e. I’ 5. How long do you spend in the swimming pool? f About 45 nunutes. g. Great! Let's go. 6. I'm sorry I cann help h. Thank you all the same you. 7. How tall is she? 8. Do you like gospel music?
1._______ 2.______ 3.______ 4._______ 5.______
6. 7._____ 8. 六. Multiple choice
1. Which is the correct picture of pronouncing [ ] ?
2. Which holiday does this picture describe?
A. Easter B.,Christmas C. Valentine's Day D. Halloween
3. The Labor Day in China is on ______, in USA is on _____ .
A. May Ist; the l.f Monday in September B. July 4th, the Ist Sunday in June
C. May Ist; the 1st Sunday in June. D. July 4th;the IstMonday in September
4. In England, drivers sit on the ______ side of the car. Cars go on the _________ side of the street
A. right; right B. right; left C.left; left D. left; right
5. In Britain, people usually use __________ on a card to give congratulations on the new born baby.
A. dragon B. crane C. rabbit D. tortoise
6. In which country people usually use mile as the linear measure instead of kilometer.
A.Japan B.American C. Australia D.Canada .
7. Some little sheep ________ eating grass on the hill.
A. are B. is C. be D. was 8.What are they
like? -----
A. They are well. B. Computer games. C. They are friendly. D. They are like their father. 9. Which of the following university is not in Britain?
A. Oxford University. B. Harvard University; C. Cambridge University. D. London University. 10. It is said that the Blacks is a DIN, that's to
A. they're foreigner B. they're very rich
C. they have no children at all D.they are both teachers .
11.— will your teacher be back? -- In an hour.
A What time B. When C. How soon D. How long
12. — May your pencil be in your
pencil-box? -Ah._____________________
A. So it may B. So it is C. So is it D. So may it
七.Can you use some idioms? Here are some of them. Have a try to choose one according to the given
situation. , A. break one's neck B. Get one's teeth into something C. get that straight D. gone with the wind
E. good for nothing F. get stuck G good chow H. bury one's head in the sand 1. A Call me back if you need any help. My number is 123-456. B Let me ____ .123-356? A No, 356..
B Ok. Thanks. I'll call you if I need any help. 2. A What happened to your hand?
B I cut myself when the handle on this ____ screwdriver slipped off. I'm throwing it away right now so no one else gets hurt using it. 3. A What is Joan going to do about that problem with her neighbors? B Nothing. She won't talk to them about it because she doesn't like having arguments with people.
A That's just like her— always _____ . 4. A What is Mary doing?
B She's reading a book in her room.
A She really enjoys reading, especially if it's., something she can really B That's her only hobby., 5. A I'm exhausted.
B Why? What have you been doing?
A. I've been ______ preparing .for the final exams, I've really had to burn the midnight oil.
B Well, if you had worked hard.during the term, you wouldn't have to kill yourself
6. A What happened to the store that used to be here?.
B It's _____ . The owners decided to move to Canada, so they.cl.osed the. store and gave everything to their family and friends.