The Application of Contextual Model in the
Teaching of Simultaneous Typing
【期刊名称】《校园英语》 【年(卷),期】2015(000)010
【摘要】English listening plays a very important role in the teaching of simultaneous typing,which is not only a focus,but also a difficulty.Many students can not generate the corresponding scenarios in their mind,nor type the material while listening.Researchers found that not understanding English context lead to listening obstacles in the first place.It can be seen that the contextual mode applied in the teaching of simultaneous typing is necessary.And it gives a major push to improve the level of students’listening and simultaneous typing. 【总页数】2页(P.8-9)
【关键词】English listening simultaneous typing contextual model 【作者】周丽;陈蓓蕾;
【作者单位】武昌工学院外国语学院;; 【正文语种】英文 【中图分类】H319 【相关文献】
1.The Application of Contextual Model in the Teaching of Simultaneous Typing [J], 周丽; 陈蓓蕾
The Application of Contextual Model in the Teaching of Simultaneous Typing