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those adj. & pron. 那些 though conj.虽然;尽管;

短语:1. as though 好像;若:

e.g.You look as though you were ill.你看起来好象病了。

2. even though 即使;纵然。

e.g.Even though it should rain, you must go. 即使下雨,你也一定要去。

thought n.思想;思考

短语:1.thought for sb/sth 考虑,关注

eg: Spare a thought for those less fortunate than you.关心一下比你困苦的人。

2.Thought of doing sth 意向,意图

eg: I had no thought of hurting your feelings. 我无意伤你的感情。 thousand num.千;一千

短语:1.thousands of students 成千上万的学生

e.g.two thousand students 两千学生 thread n.线;纱

短语:1.a needle and thread针线

2.thread of sth 细如针线的东西 three num.三;三个

through prep. & ad 穿过;在…之间 throw (threw, thrown) v. 投;掷;

短语:1. throw away 抛弃,浪费;

2. throw down 摔倒,推翻

3.throw oneself into 专心于;

e.g.Themselves into their work. 他们专心致志地工作起来。 4.throw up 抛起,举起,辞去:

e.g.You?ve thrown up a very promising career. 你放弃了一个很有前途的职业。

5.throw off 匆匆脱掉:

e.g.She threw off her coat.她随手脱掉大衣。

Thursday num.星期四

ticket n.票;券

短语:1.a ticket to /for 去.....的票

tidy adj.整洁的;整齐的 ( ier/iest) adv: tidily n. tidiness

tie v. & n. 系;捆

短语:1.tie up 包扎,束紧:

e.g.We tied (the boat)up along the side of the quay.


2.tie sb./oneself down 束缚,牵制

3.tie into 猛烈进攻 tiger n.老虎;勇士

till conj. & prep直到;直到…才

time n.时间

短语:1.all the time 一直

2.at the same time 同时 3. behind time 迟到 4.for a long time 许久 5. from time to time 时常

6. have a good time 过得很愉快 7. in time 及时 8.on time 准时

9.once upon a time 从前 10.for the first time 初次

tiny adj.极小的;微小的

tired adj.累的;困倦的

短语:1.be tired of sb/ sth/ doing sth对某人/某事不耐烦或感到厌倦

2. tired out 筋疲力尽

v. tire

3.tire fo doing sth

adj: tireless 不易疲倦 tiresome 另人讨厌的,烦人的

to prep. 到;向 today adv. & n.在今天;在今日

together adv. 一齐;在一块儿

短语:1.together with和,连同

2.come together

toilet n厕所,.梳装打扮 tomato n.番茄;西红柿 (pl) tomatoes tomorrow adv.在明天;在明日

短语:1.the day after tomorrow 后天

ton n. 长吨;短吨

短语:1.tons of sth 大量,很多

tongue n.舌;舌头

短语:1.native/ mother tongue/ language 母语

2.tongue-in-cheek 有反话意味的。开玩笑的 3.tongue-lashing 严厉的指责 4.tongue-tied 张口结舌的 5.tongue twister 绕口令 adj tongued 有某种说话方式的


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tonight adv.在今夜;在今晚

too adv.太;过于

短语:1.too...... to太。。。而不能

2.too many/much 太多 tool n.工具;用具

tooth (pl. teeth) n牙;牙齿.

短语:1. have (a/the)toothache牙痛

toothache牙痛 toothbrush n.牙刷 toothpaste n.牙膏

top n.顶端;顶部

短语:1. top of sth最高的或最重要的级别或地位

2. at the top of the tree 居于行业的最高地位 3. at the top of one?s voice以最大的嗓音 4. from top to toe 从头到脚

5. on top of sth/sb在某人/物的上方 total adj. n. & v.完全的;总体的

短语:1.in total 总共

touch v.接触;触及

短语:1.touch off 触发:

e.g.Some slight incident may touch off a major war. 有些小事可触发大事。

2.be in touch with 接触,取得联络:

e.g.I am always in touch with her.我与好她一直保持联络。

tour n.旅游;观光

短语:1.tour in sth 在某地旅行

2. be on a tour to sw 去某地观光旅游

adj: touristy

tourist n.旅游者;渡假者

toward(s) prep朝向;朝着

eg: The child came running towards me. 那孩子向我跑来。

towel n. 毛巾;纸巾

短语:1.a hand/bath towel手/浴巾

2.towel oneself/sb(down) with sth 用毛巾擦干自己 tower n.塔台;塔楼

短语:1.the church?s bell tower 教堂的钟楼

adj. towering 极高的,高大的 town n.城镇;市镇

短语:1.town center 镇上的主要商业区

2.town hall 镇公所,市政厅 toy n.玩具;小东西

trade n.& v 交易;贸易

短语:1. trade (in sth )with sb/sth 做生意,做买卖

2.trade in sth 行业,生意

eg: be in the book trade

3. trade at sth

eg: which store do you trade at? 你常在哪个商店买东西。 4.trade sth for sth 用一物交换另一物

n. trader买卖人,商人 trading 经商,做买卖 traditional adj.传统的;习俗的 n. tradition 传统

eg: By tradition, people play practical jokes on 1 April.

按传统风俗,在四月一号可以开恶作剧玩笑。 traffic n.交通;贸易

短语:1.heavy /light traffic 往来车辆多/不多。

train n. & v.训练;教育

短语:1.train sb as sth/in sth

eg: She trained for a year as a secretary. 她受过一年做护士的培训。 He was trained as an engineer /in engineering.他受过当工程师的培训 training n.训练;培养

词型变换:trainer接受训练的人 trainee训练人或动物的人

translate v.翻译;解释

短语:1.translate sth from sth into sth

n translation translator travel v.旅行;游历

e.g. We traveled all over the country.我们遍游全国各地。

traveller n.旅行者;旅游者

treasure n.珍宝;宝藏 (C)buried treasure 埋藏的财宝 (U) art treasures 艺术珍品 v.

短语:1.treasure sth(up)珍藏某事物

treat v.对待;视为

短语:1.treat…as… 把某事物视作,视某事物为

2.treat sb. like a dog 视某人为草芥:

e.g.They treat their workers like dirt. 他们把工人看得粪土不如。

近义词辨析:treat…as…与consider…(as)… , regard…as…


不在认识,e.g.They will not be treated as enemies.他们不会被当做敌人对待。

consider 侧重“经过考虑而认为”,表示“一种比较客观的看法”,

e.g.I consider what he said (as) reasonable. 我认为他说的

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turn n.转动;轮流

reagrad 指“把… …认为”、“把… …看作”,表示“以外部形象短语:1.take one?s turn to do/doing sth 轮流做某事

得出认识或 2.It?s one?s turn to do sth 轮到某人做某事

个人的主观认识”, 3.turn on/off 打开/关闭 e.g. He was regarded as the foremost authority on chemistry. 4.turn up/down 调高/调低

他被认为是化学界最高权威。 5.turn over 翻转

tree n.树;树木 6.turn back 转身 trip n. 绊倒;失足 twelfth n.第十二

短语:trip over/up 绊倒 twelve num.十二;十二个

trouble v. & n.困难;麻烦 twentieth第二十

短语:1.be in trouble 陷入困难中 twenty num.二十;二十个

2.have trouble(in)doing sth做某方面有困难 twice ad两次;两倍 3. trouble to sb不便,麻烦某人 two num二;两个. 4.get sb into trouble/trouble sb for sth(给某人)惹上麻烦 5.look for trouble 自寻麻烦 U 6.make trouble for sb制造麻烦, ugly adj. 讨厌的;丑的 (-ier, iest ) :

7. take the trouble to do sth 捣乱不怕麻烦困难尽力做某事 an ugly face 一张难看的脸

trousers n. 长裤;裤子 短语:1.an ugly duckling 丑小鸭 truck n.卡车;货车 umbrella n. 伞;保护伞: true adj. 真实的;如实的 短语:1.put up / take down an umbrella 把伞张开/ 合起

短语:1.come true 实现 uncle n. 伯乐;叔父

2.true to sth 符合某事物 (对) aunt 3.out of true位置不正 under prep. 在…下面;在…下方 4.true-heared忠实的,忠诚的 (反)over : e.g. Our boat went under the bridge. 我们的桥通过桥下。 trust v.信任;信赖 underground adj. & n. 在地面下:

短语:1.trust in sb/sth 信任信赖 短语:1.take the underground train ( US subway ) 乘地铁:

adj. trustful 表示信任的,无疑心的 trusty可信任的,可信赖的 e.g.It?s usually quite convenient to take the underground train to most truth n.真实;真实性 places in Paris. 在巴黎乘地铁去大部分地方通常是相当方便

短语:1.tell the truth 说实话 的。

try v.设法;试图 understand (understood, understood) v 理解. (不用于进行时)

短语:1.try on 试穿(某物): 短语:1..make one self understand 使别人理解自己的意思

e.g.Try on the clothes before you buy them. 买鞋子要先穿上试试再unhappy adj. 不幸福的;可怜的 ;不愉快的 (-ier, -iest ) :

买。 e.g.Everyone is unhappy in our neighborhood. 在我们社区每个人都不

2.try out 实验,尝试: 高兴。 e.g. Please try out, or you cannot take part in the match. --- (adv) unhappily (n) unhappiness

试试吧,不则你就不能参加此交比赛。 unit n. 单位;单元:

3.try one?s best to do sth.竭尽所能做某事: e.g.This lesson is divided into four units. 这一课分为四个单元。 e.g.I had tried my best to work it out,but I couldn?t finish it. university n. 1大学 :

我已经尽力解答了,但还是不能解出来。 e.g. She hopes to go to university next year. 她希望明年能上大学。

T-shirt n. T恤衫 2 大学人员 : Tuesday n.星期二 e.g. Soon , the whole university knew about her win.

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不久,全院师生都知道她获胜了。 after-school care center.

unless conj .除非;若不: 蕙萍喜欢读书,她通过在课后辅导中心工作使这个爱好得到较

e.g. Unless we deal with our problems, we can easily become unhappy. 好的利用。 如果我们不处理我们的问题,我们可能很容易变得不快活。 used adj. 1. 用过了的,二手的:

until prep & conj 1. 直到…时(动词通常是延续性动词): 短语:1.used cars 旧汽车

e.g.Wait until the rain stops. 等到雨停了再说。 2. used to sth \\ doing sth (对某事)已习惯 : 2.(用于否定句) 在…以前: e.g.You must get used to getting up early. 你必须习惯于早起。 e.g.Don?t go out until four. 在四点钟以前不要出去。 v 3.used to do 以前常… :

up adv. 1. 在上方;起身: e.g.I used to be afraid of the dark.. 我过去害怕黑暗。

短语:1.get up 起床 / stand up 站起来 useful adj.可用的;有益的:(反)useless 2 .(位置,条件等)在上方 : 短语:1.a useful book 一本有用的书。

e.g.The sun is still up. 太阳仍在上方。 usual adj.通常的;平常的:

3.(动词短语)完全地;全部:. e.g.It is usual for me to sit up late at night. 我通常是晚睡的。

e.g.Don?t let yesterday use up too much of today. 短语:1.as usual 像往常一样:

不要让昨天用光太多今天的时光。 e.g.You are late as usual. 你像平常一样又迟到了。

短语:1. up and down 上下地,往返地 : 2. … than usual 比平常…:

e.g.He uses the lift to go up and town. 他用电梯上上下下。 e.g.He got up earlier than usual. 他比平常早起床。 2. up to… 直到 : usually adv. 通常地;平常地:

e.g.I didn?t know the fact up to then. 一直到那时,我还不知道事实。 e.g.What do you usually do on Sundays ? 你星期天通常做什么?

prep. 沿着: V e.g.They walked up the road. 他们沿着那条路走去(走来)。 vacation n. 假期;节日:

upon prep 在…上 : e.g.What did you do for summer vacation ? 你暑假做了什么?

e.g.There is not a chair to sit upon.没有一把椅子可坐。 短语:1.on vacation 在度假

短语:1.once upon a time. 从前 2. take \\ have a vacation 度假

upstairs adv. 往楼上;在楼上:(反)downstairs : value n. 价值;益处:

短语:1.go upstairs 上楼 e.g.You do not know the value of health .你不知道健康的重要性。

us pron.我们 (we的宾格) various adj. 不同的;各种各样的: use v. 使用: e.g.Their hobbies are many and various. 他们的业余爱好五花八门。

e.g.May I use your bike ? 我可以用一下你的自行车吗? VCD n. (缩略词) video compact disc 视频高密光盘

短语:1.use up 用光,用完: vegetable n .蔬菜:

e.g.Don?t let yesterday use up too much of today. 别让昨天占用太多e.g.I grow vegetables in the garden. 我在庭院里种植蔬菜。

今天的时间。 very adv . 很;非常 :

2. use… to do sth 用…做某事 短语:1.very small 很小 e.g.We use keys to lock the door. 我们用钥匙锁门。 2.very soon 极早

n 使用;用途: 3.very much 非常(修饰动词)

短语:1.make use of 使用,利用: victory n. 战胜;胜利 (复) -ries :

e.g.You must make good use of the machine. 你们必须很好地利用机e.g.The school football team has had three victories this month against

器。 other schools.

2. put … to use 加以使用: 校足球队这个月三次战胜其他学校。

e.g. Huiping loves to read, and she puts this love to good use by video n. 录像;录影 (复)-s : working in the 短语:1.make a music video制作音乐录象

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village n. 乡村;村庄 :

短语:1.a village named Gum Tree 一个叫桉树的村庄

n villager 村人;村民 violin n. 小提琴 :

短语:1.play the violin 拉小提琴

n violinist 小提琴家 visit v. 参观;游 :

e.g. When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben.


We visited our friends in town. 我们去看望了城里的朋友。 短语:1. on a visit to参观/访问:

e.g.He was on a visit to the factory at that time.那时他正在参观这家工厂。

visitor n. 参观者;游客:

e.g.There were many visitors today. 今天来了许多客人。

voice n .嗓音;说话声:

e.g.It?s too hard to understand the voices. 很能听懂他们说的话。 短语:1. a high voice 高声

2. a loud voice 大声

3. say in a weak voice. 低声地说 4. lose one?s voice. 嗓子哑了

5. at the top of one's voice 高声地


wait v .等候;等待:

e.g. Wait a minute. 请稍候。

I?m sorry to keep you waiting. 抱歉,让你久等了。

短语:1. wait for… :等候…

Who are you waiting for ? 你在等谁呢? 2. wait for sb. to do sth :等某人做某事

wake (woke \\ waked , woken \\ waked )

v 1. 醒, 醒来 :

e.g. What time do you usually wake ( up ) in the morning ?


2. 唤醒或弄醒某人 :

e.g.Try not to wake the baby (up) ? 别把孩子吵醒了。

walk v. 走;行走:

e.g.I walk to school. = I go to school on foot. 我步行到学校去。

n 1. 行走;步行:

e.g.It is a long walk to the town. 到城里要走很长的路程。 2. 散步:

e.g.Let's go for a short walk. 咱们去散散步吧!

3. 步行距离:

e.g.a 20-minute walk from here 从这里走20分钟的路程

wall n. 墙壁;围墙:

e.g.We have painted all the walls white. 我们把所有的墙壁都漆成了白色。

There was a wall around the park. 公园四周有围墙。

want v. 1.(常与to连用)要,想要;想得到:

e.g. Did You Want to Tell Me something? 你想告诉我什么吗?

His wife wanted him to repair their son's bicycle! 他妻子叫他去给他们的儿子修理自行车! They want good jobs. 她们想要好的工作。

2. 需要:

e.g.The house wants painting. 房子需要油漆了。

I want sb. to help me. 我需要有人帮助我。

war n .战争;冲突:

e.g.They are at with the country . 他们与那个国家在交战。

短语:1.World War II = the Second World War 第二次世界大战。

warm adj. 1.温暖的;暖和的:

e.g. a warm day 一个暖和的日子

It is getting warmer day by day. 天气一天比一天暖和起来了。

2. 热烈的;亲切的:

e.g.We received a warm welcome. 我们受到热烈的欢迎。

短语:1.warm-hearted 热心的:

e.g. You can ask that old man, He is very warm-hearted.

你以问 那位老人,他是位热心人。

adv warmly 温暖地;热烈地

warn v. 警告;提醒 :

e.g.I warn you. 我警告你。

He warned me not to go there. = He warned me against going there.


I warned him that it was dangerous. 我警告他那是危险的。

wash v. 洗;洗涤:

e.g.Wash your hands. 洗洗你的手。

He washed the dishes. 他洗了盘子。

waste v. 浪费;挥霍:

e.g.Hurry up, we are wasting time. 快点吧,我们别再浪费时间了。

n 1. 浪费;滥用:

e.g.It?s a waste of time doing that. 做那事是浪费时间。 2. 废料;废物:

e.g.factory waste 工厂废气物

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