英语名言警句带翻译100句 1、我们这个世界,从不会给一个伤心的落伍者颁发奖牌。 Our world will never give a medal to a sad laggard. 2、生活不是等待风暴过去,而是学会在雨中翩翩起舞。
Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.
3、在路上,寻找一个继续的理由,寻找一个曾经的梦想。 On the way, to find a reason to continue, to find a dream. 4、只要路是对的,就不害怕遥远!
As long as the road is right, we are not afraid of being far away!
When your talent can't support your ambition, you should try.
Wealth cannot be prostituted, poverty cannot be removed, and power cannot be subdued.
Time gives the dreamer pain and the creator happiness. 8、学习不一定成功,不学习一定不能成功。
Learning doesn't have to be successful. Learning doesn't have to be successful.
Have the courage to be yourself, stand alone, don't want to be someone else.
Be optimistic about failure and success will wave to you. 11、凡事不必太在意,一切随缘随心,缘深多聚聚,缘浅随它去。 Don't care too much about everything. Follow your heart as you like. Gather more when you are deep, and follow it when you are shallow.
Since the choice of the distance, they only focus on both wind and rain.
What matters in life is not where we stand, but where we are heading.
The eyes that flow through tears are brighter, and the heart that drips blood is stronger.
You are the author of your life. Why do you have to write the script so hard.
As long as you go all out, no one will laugh at a person who goes all out!
17、当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该是坚强。 When tears run out, it should be strong.
18、只要有坚强的意志力,就自然而然地会有能耐、机灵和知识。 As long as we have strong willpower, we will naturally have ability, cleverness and knowledge.
19、想证明自己比别人聪明的举动,就已证明自己比别人笨了。 If you want to prove that you are smarter than others, you have proved that you are dumber than others.
Good times show bad habits, bad times show virtue. 21、意志坚强的人,他的世界充满着无限的可能性。
Strong willed people, his world is full of infinite possibilities. 22、想要不被人践踏,你必须足够强大。
You have to be strong enough not to be trampled on. 23、人类的幸福和欢乐在于奋斗,而最有价值的是为理想而奋斗。 The happiness and joy of human beings lies in struggle, and the most valuable is to strive for the ideal.
Raise positive energy every day and fill your heart with the little sun.