Further Listening Answers
Unit 1
Listening 1
A. 1-5 b c a b c
B 1. 1,600, six feet 2. film technology, digital sensors, new software
3. close to the ground, the sky 4. where to point it, “click” at the right time 5. wind speed, temperature
Listening 2 A. 1.T
2. F (Students here don’t have to take both subjects. They can take one or the other and still
3. F (I believe they do respect me.) B.
1. For example, she is in charge of her patients’ medicine. She has to give them the correct medicine, so she writes everything down in a chart. She gets the medicine. Then, she checks on her chart that it’s the correct one.
2. Sometimes it is. Although the students are wonderful, the school has a rule he doesn’t like. 3. He gives a presentation to his managers. They have a meeting, and he explains the problem to them. They try to find ways to solve it.
Listening 3 Dictation
Annie Griffiths is famous for her beautiful photographs. The photos come from countries all over the world, so it’s just a normal part of life for Griffiths to travel. Living in other countries is not for everyone, but for Griffiths and her children, it’s an adventure. Her children especially love the Middle East, and their experiences in that part of the world helped them to learn about other cultures. Griffiths’ work can also be dangerous. Traveling is not always safe. In the Galapagos Islands, Griffiths found herself in the water with sharks one day! Besides writing and taking pictures, Griffiths teaches photography skills to people who want to become photographers. They know they are learning from one of the best photographers in the world.
Unit 2
Listening 1
A. Example Answers
Miranda: not have much free time; spend time with her children; go to the beach; go to the
park; make her feel young; give her great joy
Mike: take walks in parks; love the outdoors; walking a good exercise; keep healthy
Cindy: cooking, a common hobby; know a lot of people who like to cook; friends come over
and cook together; laugh and tell stories
Tim: listen to music; classical music; drawback is almost never spending time outside B.
1. F (She has a full-time job as a sales manager.) 2. F (He is a first-year student.)
3. T 4. F (His favorite musician is Mozart.) 5. T
Listening 2
A. the benefits of parks and other green spaces in Paris / health / environment / crime / education B. 1.Having places to relax after work helps people feel good. Parks allow people to get exercise.
Being exposed to sunlight is good for health. 2.Trees help to clean the air and make cities cooler.
3. There is less crime in places with green areas around them. 4. Children learn better after they play in a park.
Listening 3 Dictation
New research says that apes laugh when they are tickled. Researchers at the University of Portsmouth led a “tickle team”. The group of researchers tickled the necks, feet, hands, and armpits of young apes. The team recorded more than 800 of the resulting laughs on tape. The research suggests that the apes’ panting noise is the sound of laughter. They think that this panting is the basis for human expressions of joy—the “ha-ha” sound we make when we laugh. When we find something funny, such as a joke, we laugh. When apes find something funny, such as a tickle, they laugh. Humans find many situations funny—such as jokes, tickles, TV comedy shows—but we are not unique because animals laugh, too.
Unit 3
Listening 1
A. 1.He is an anthropologist. 2. The durian fruit.
3. He thinks eating durian and other unusual foods shows respect for people and their customs. B. 1. Southeast Asia 2. “king of the fruits” 3. a man’s head
4. sharp spines 5. a very strong smell 6. healthy and nutritious
Listening 2 A. Restaurant name Sugar Shacks Chocolaterías Dim Sum Restaurants Location Quebec Spain San Francisco Special food served maple taffy hot chocolate traditional Chinese food with hot tea B. 1. candy 2. Spain 3. “a little bit of heart ” 4. work 5. hot tea
Listening 3 Dictation
Do you like to eat bugs? Some people do, and some people don’t. But here’s the surprise—even if you don’t like eating insects, you are probably eating them anyway.
In the United States, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) allows some insects and insect parts in food, as long as they don’t make people sick. For example, for every 3.5 ounces, chocolate can have up to 60 insect parts and peanut butter can have 30 insect fragments, according to the FDA. Tomato sauce can’t contain more than 30 fly eggs per 3.5 ounces.
And food is not the only place you can find insects and insect parts. Cochineal insects give a
red or pink coloring to foods, lipsticks, and beverages. The small bugs are listed as “cochineal extract” on the ingredient list. The fact is—you can’t always avoid eating insects.
Unit 4
Listening 1
A. b. A straw house is another way to “go green”.
B. 1. Building a house from wood means cutting down trees and damaging the environment. Straw
is a kind of grass, and it takes little energy to grow.
2. After the straw is dry, farmers use a machine to make bales—large rectangular bricks of straw.
Then, builders build walls with the bales. When they finish the walls, they cover them with plaster inside and outside.
3. Furbish used about 900 straw bales for his family’s house. His company used about 4,000 bales to build an elementary school in Maryland.
Listening 2
A. 1. T 2. F (You don’t have to be a Mexican citizen to own property here.) 3. T B. Vacation Homes in Baja California Benefits Worries ? 2 coasts: Pacific Ocean and Sea of Cortez ? more and more people move to B.C. (growth (sea life e.g. dolphins, whales, unusual fish) could damage environment) ? beautiful mountains and deserts (for hiking and ? very dry (enough drinking water for everyone?) sightseeing) 1.Baja California has coasts on the Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Cortez, so tourists can enjoy sea life such as dolphins, whales, and unusual fish. Its beautiful mountains and deserts are also excellent for hiking and sightseeing.
2. The housing growth in Baja California may cause damage to the environment as more and more people move in. Baja California is also very dry, so having enough drinking water for everyone is another concern.
Listening 3 Dictation
In Barcelona, Spain, both visitors and residents of the city know about the architect Antoni Gaudí. The Casa Milà is perhaps his best-known building. From the outside, the walls look like natural stone. On the roof, several large, unusual works of art are actually chimneys—they carry away gases from cooking and heating from inside the apartments.
The Casa Batlló is another of Gaudí’s apartment buildings. The outside of the building is very colorful, and it’s easy to see that Gaudí was an artist as well as an architect. Not every apartment is spacious, but each apartment has a balcony, so residents can stand outside their bedrooms or living rooms and see the street below.
Unit 5
Listening 1 A. 1-3 b c c
B 1. T
2. F (The number has actually grown.) 3. F (They seem to find it appealing.)
4. F (James Joyce is one of the most respected modern writers.)
Listening 2
A. 1-3 c b a B. ancient culture: _Celtic culture__ presentation topic: music presentation length: __6-10 minutes____ meeting to practice: place: study hall at the student union time: _eight o’clock, Wednesday morning__ meeting after class at: _library_________
Listening 3 Dictation
Ancient Egyptians knew that death was inevitable—all living things eventually die— but in an attempt to make the afterlife as comfortable as possible, mummies were accompanied by things they would need in the future. The items buried with ancient Egyptians represented important aspects of their daily lives—everything from furniture to cooking oil. They believed that in the afterlife, these items became real and useful to the dead person. That idea may not seem rational nowadays, but ancient Egyptians didn’t distinguish between human needs before and after death. They even mummified pieces of meat to represent the food the dead person would need.
Unit 6 Analytical Listening Listening 1 Listening
A. √Astronauts often don’t get enough sleep.
√Astronauts wear special spacesuits to protect their bodies. √Astronauts need to get a lot of exercise in space. B. 1-4 c c a b
C. 1. F (He says he always enjoys talking to children. ) 2. T 3. T
4. F (Astronauts need to exercise for two or three hours every day to stay strong and healthy. )
Listening 2 Listening
A. 1-3 b c c
B. Age of Yerkes Observatory: from the 1890s Telescope types: 1. Reflecting (use: mirrors) Size of lenses in Yerkes telescope: 40 inches Observatory in 1892: 1. in the country
While Viewing
A. All of the planets except Earth are mentioned in the video. B. 1. b 2.f 3.a 4.c, d, g, h 5. e 6. d, g, h 7.h 8. h C. 1. F (It began in the 1950s.)
2. F (Mars presents conditions favorable to human settlement.) 3. T 4. T
Further Listening Listening 1
A. 1. That’s because light from stars travels through the earth’s atmosphere before we see it.
Gases in the atmosphere are always moving, and so stars appear to twinkle. 2. No, they don’t. They look like steady points of light. 3. It formed around 4.6 billion years ago.
B. 1. cloud, stronger, heated up 2. millions, billions, cooler
Listening 2
A. 1. Galileo 2. Isaac Newton did. That was in the year 1668.
3. In the 18th century. 4. Uranus and Neptune.
B. 1. F (The tubes were made of wood.) 2. T 3. T 4. F(They are in Hawaii.)
Listening 3 Dictation
Most of the world’s people now live in or near cities, where doing most things at night is as easy as doing them during the day. Seeing the stars at night, however, is not easy to do in a city. Streetlights and lights from businesses and advertisers shine into the night sky, and only the brightest stars can be seen.
The dark-sky movement wants to change this. They argue that seeing the night sky is important for everyone——not only for astronomers. They say that outdoor lighting affects human health and wildlife, and they recommend simple things such as streetlights that only let light shine down at the street, not up at the sky.
Unit 7
Listening 1 Listening
A. Slide 1: Location: Montreal, Canada Importance: 2. brings people together Slide 2: Location: Madrid, Spain Type of art: chalk art Slide 3: Location: California, U.S.A. Type of art: sand art
Slide 4: Time to finish a piece: 7 hours Reason art is temporary: ocean tides erase the art
国际交流英语视听说1 Further Listening答案