College students village officer two learning experiences and 11 seriously practice education to become the primary qualified village \new China without the Communist Party......\s of the revolution. When I was little I was young pioneers when every time I hear a similar sound, I'm excited, deeply impressed by those Communist revolutionary martyr spirit. In the process of growing up, experienced war ancestor master is also often told me about his story as a soldier shed their blood, let me feel the maternal grandparents the noble character of Alex as a senior party member. Little blood was determined to grow in my heart I want to be like his grandparents Alex, soldiers on TV-like, grows up to become a soldier, party members engaged in the great cause of the motherland in the future. College, after tireless efforts I glory to become a Communist Party Member, became a member of 87 million members. However, under the washing of the passage of time and in real life, although he was a Communist Party Member, but too far up from the older party members, they have spirit, thinking, consciousness and character, and now me, or we are a young party that seems to be missing something. Now as a basic means of college students village officer, Assistant to the Secretary of the General party branch and grass-roots party members, is my party recently, when the \on my own, or are a lot like me, thinking there are some slack, at some indifferent on the ideal and faith of young party members, is a very good chance. Because of this study, is no longer the cadres to learn a few key, but something we all 87 million Communist Party members to join, and the learning is not a short-term focus on learning, but long-term regular learning. ake this opportunity to speak I will carefully study the party Constitution and party rules, series, striving to be the qualified party members, competent college students village officer. School-the cornerstone. Ideological building is the key to do well in everything. No ideals and beliefs, ideals and beliefs is not determined, mentally %um\be more regulation out of bounds, paomaodilou problems. 18 of the party since the Party Central Committee continued to promote the party's ideological and political construction, whether the educational practice of the mass line of the party, or the \-three\ducation practices, are from the mental effort. As a grass-roots party members, ideologically determined is particularly important, so after work I will conscientiously abide by the party Constitution, strengthen party spirit, belief and faith, be sure to always maintain a high degree of consensus with the Party on the thoughts and actions. Party, party, party party, party party, subjected to armed socialist theory system with Chinese characteristics, guiding practice to supplement calcium, and strengthen the spirit of self-discipline of the base, pave the way for politically. Par enhancing awareness, learn to stand on the issues, on the overall situation of the现代企业管理专业论文选题方向及题目
选题方向 题目 1. 企业组建战略联盟的动因分析 2. 企业实施差异化战略的对策研究 3. 企业实施成本领先战略的对策研究 4. 企业生命周期与战略选择研究 5. 我国中小企业战略管理中存在的问题及解决对策 6. 虚拟企业的竞争力构成浅析 7. 全球化背景下我国IT企业的发展战略 8. 管理伦理怎样影响现代公司经营? 9. 家族企业管理模式创新问题 10. 某产业链上的价值链分析 11. \克隆公司\现象与治理对策 12. 某企业的成长案例分析 发展战略与基本管理问题 13. 我国企业战略管理的问题、成因与对策研究 14. 企业文化对企业战略管理的影响 15. 企业目标管理的应用研究 16. 低碳经济视角下广东中小企业发展战略研究 17. 高通胀下外向型企业发展战略选择研究 18. 企业品牌战略与国际化发展的研究与对策 19. 知识产权问题及对策研究 20. 社会责任与企业战略绩效的关联度研究 21. (广东省)外向型企业发展战略选择研究 22. (广东省)企业对外直接投资的战略选择 23. 珠三角产业集群发展与企业集群创新战略研究 24. 珠三角战略性新兴产业与企业发展战略研究 25. 中小企业(研发、生产、营销、品牌)模式创新研究 College students village officer two learning experiences and 11 seriously practice education to become the primary qualified village \new China without the Communist Party......\s of the revolution. When I was little I was young pioneers when every time I hear a similar sound, I'm excited, deeply impressed by those Communist revolutionary martyr spirit. In the process of growing up, experienced war ancestor master is also often told me about his story as a soldier shed their blood, let me feel the maternal grandparents the noble character of Alex as a senior party member. Little blood was determined to grow in my heart I want to be like his grandparents Alex, soldiers on TV-like, grows up to become a soldier, party members engaged in the great cause of the motherland in the future. College, after tireless efforts I glory to become a Communist Party Member, became a member of 87 million members. However, under the washing of the passage of time and in real life, although he was a Communist Party Member, but too far up from the older party members, they have spirit, thinking, consciousness and character, and now me, or we are a young party that seems to be missing something. Now as a basic means of college students village officer, Assistant to the Secretary of the General party branch and grass-roots party members, is my party recently, when the \on my own, or are a lot like me, thinking there are some slack, at some indifferent on the ideal and faith of young party members, is a very good chance. Because of this study, is no longer the cadres to learn a few key, but something we all 87 million Communist Party members to join, and the learning is not a short-term focus on learning, but long-term regular learning. ake this opportunity to speak I will carefully study the party Constitution and party rules, series, striving to be the qualified party members, competent college students village officer. School-the cornerstone. Ideological building is the key to do well in everything. No ideals and beliefs, ideals and beliefs is not determined, mentally %um\be more regulation out of bounds, paomaodilou problems. 18 of the party since the Party Central Committee continued to promote the party's ideological and political construction, whether the educational practice of the mass line of the party, or the \-three\ducation practices, are from the mental effort. As a grass-roots party members, ideologically determined is particularly important, so after work I will conscientiously abide by the party Constitution, strengthen party spirit, belief and faith, be sure to always maintain a high degree of consensus with the Party on the thoughts and actions. Party, party, party party, party party, subjected to armed socialist theory system with Chinese characteristics, guiding practice to supplement calcium, and strengthen the spirit of self-discipline of the base, pave the way for politically. Par enhancing awareness, learn to stand on the issues, on the overall situation of the26. 竞争战略与企业职能(人力、研发、营销、生产、文化)战略研究 27. 组织创新、文化建设与家族企业发展 28. 加息周期中的房地产企业应对策略分析 1. 论市场营销的环境分析 2. 论绿色营销的技巧及发展趋势 3. 论关系营销在市场营销中的积极作用 4. 浅谈企业的品牌传播策略 5. 浅谈民族企业的品牌传播策略 6. 关于某企业实施名牌战略问题的案例分析 7. 基于市场营销的基本定价策略分析(或基于某企业的案例分析) 市场营销与客户服务 8. 论促销过程中存在的问题及策略(或基于某企业的案例分析) 9. 论企业贴牌生产战略的利弊分析 10、广东企业虚拟运作的SWOT分析 11、企业外包战略的SWOT分析 12、企业客户关系管理现状与对策 13、客户关系管理在企业市场营销中的作用 14、第三方物流企业的客户关系管理研究 15、客户关系管理在某行业中的应用 1. 论激励理论在员工薪酬管理中的运用 2. 中小企业员工持股计划研究 3. 民营企业职业经理人激励机制分析 4. 国有企业管理层激励机制分析 企业人力资源管理 5. 上市公司CEO激励约束机制分析 6. 不同行业薪酬差异研究 7. 人力资本投资研究 8. 《劳动合同法》实施的经济影响 9. 网络招聘的问题、原因与对策 2
College students village officer two learning experiences and 11 seriously practice education to become the primary qualified village \new China without the Communist Party......\s of the revolution. When I was little I was young pioneers when every time I hear a similar sound, I'm excited, deeply impressed by those Communist revolutionary martyr spirit. In the process of growing up, experienced war ancestor master is also often told me about his story as a soldier shed their blood, let me feel the maternal grandparents the noble character of Alex as a senior party member. Little blood was determined to grow in my heart I want to be like his grandparents Alex, soldiers on TV-like, grows up to become a soldier, party members engaged in the great cause of the motherland in the future. College, after tireless efforts I glory to become a Communist Party Member, became a member of 87 million members. However, under the washing of the passage of time and in real life, although he was a Communist Party Member, but too far up from the older party members, they have spirit, thinking, consciousness and character, and now me, or we are a young party that seems to be missing something. Now as a basic means of college students village officer, Assistant to the Secretary of the General party branch and grass-roots party members, is my party recently, when the \on my own, or are a lot like me, thinking there are some slack, at some indifferent on the ideal and faith of young party members, is a very good chance. Because of this study, is no longer the cadres to learn a few key, but something we all 87 million Communist Party members to join, and the learning is not a short-term focus on learning, but long-term regular learning. ake this opportunity to speak I will carefully study the party Constitution and party rules, series, striving to be the qualified party members, competent college students village officer. School-the cornerstone. Ideological building is the key to do well in everything. No ideals and beliefs, ideals and beliefs is not determined, mentally %um\be more regulation out of bounds, paomaodilou problems. 18 of the party since the Party Central Committee continued to promote the party's ideological and political construction, whether the educational practice of the mass line of the party, or the \-three\ducation practices, are from the mental effort. As a grass-roots party members, ideologically determined is particularly important, so after work I will conscientiously abide by the party Constitution, strengthen party spirit, belief and faith, be sure to always maintain a high degree of consensus with the Party on the thoughts nd actions. Party, party, party party, party party, subjected to armed socialist theory system with Chinese characteristics, guiding practice to supplement calcium, and strengthen the spirit of self-discipline of the base, pave the way for politically. Par enhancing awareness, learn to stand on the issues, on the overall situation of the10. 11. 12. 高管团队与企业竞争战略选择及绩效研究 组织创新战略与珠三角企业可持续发展研究 珠三角企业战略性人力资源管理(规划、招聘、培训、绩效、薪酬、劳动关系)研究 13. 14. 员工满意度、归属感与组织核心竞争力提升战略研究 用工荒背景下珠三角企业的新型发展战略研究 15. 人口老龄化背景下的企业管理与竞争战略研究 16. 团队工作模式与传统部门模式的比较 17、 团队学习与企业竞争力的关系 18、 论团队文化建设 19、 诚信领导建设的理论与对策 20、 面试的技巧与方法研究 21、浅析沟通在企业管理过程的运用 1. 微博服务商竞争环境分析 2、 移动终端智能化发展战略分析 4、移动互联网信息安全隐私保护研究 5、社交网站发展策略分析 6、企业网络情报工作策略 9、室外电子广告牌设计策略 10、食品加工企业应对信任危机的策略 物流与管理信息问题 11、电子商务环境下第三方物流企业业务模式的研究 14、第三方物流企业与制造企业的合作模式、风险与风险防范的研究 15、物流配送系统的设计与开发 16、B2C网站物流困局的解决策略研究 17、粤港澳的物流发展状况与合作研究 18、深港两地港口竞合战略探讨 19、中小物流企业共同配送系统规划 20、物流外包的利弊及其风险管理 3
College students village officer two learning experiences and 11 seriously practice education to become the primary qualified village \new China without the Communist Party......\s of the revolution. When I was little I was young pioneers when every time I hear a similar sound, I'm excited, deeply impressed by those Communist revolutionary martyr spirit. In the process of growing up, experienced war ancestor master is also often told me about his story as a soldier shed their blood, let me feel the maternal grandparents the noble character of Alex as a senior party member. Little blood was determined to grow in my heart I want to be like his grandparents Alex, soldiers on TV-like, grows up to become a soldier, party members engaged in the great cause of the motherland in the future. College, after tireless efforts I glory to become a Communist Party Member, became a member of 87 million members. However, under the washing of the passage of time and in real life, although he was a Communist Party Member, but too far up from the older party members, they have spirit, thinking, consciousness and character, and now me, or we are a young party that seems to be missing something. Now as a basic means of college students village officer, Assistant to the Secretary of the General party branch and grass-roots party members, is my party recently, when the \on my own, or are a lot like me, thinking there are some slack, at some indifferent on the ideal and faith of young party members, is a very good chance. Because of this study, is no longer the cadres to learn a few key, but something we all 87 million Communist Party members to join, and the learning is not a short-term focus on learning, but long-term regular learning. ake this opportunity to speak I will carefully study the party Constitution and party rules, series, striving to be the qualified party members, competent college students village officer. School-the cornerstone. Ideological building is the key to do well in everything. No ideals and beliefs, ideals and beliefs is not determined, mentally %um\be more regulation out of bounds, paomaodilou problems. 18 of the party since the Party Central Committee continued to promote the party's ideological and political construction, whether the educational practice of the mass line of the party, or the \-three\ducation practices, are from the mental effort. As a grass-roots party members, ideologically determined is particularly important, so after work I will conscientiously abide by the party Constitution, strengthen party spirit, belief and faith, be sure to always maintain a high degree of consensus with the Party on the thoughts and actions. Party, party, party party, party party, subjected to armed socialist theory system with Chinese characteristics, guiding practice to supplement calcium, and strengthen the spirit of self-discipline of the base, pave the way for politically. Par enhancing awareness, learn to stand on the issues, on the overall situation of the 1、 电子商务与广东产业结构升级——以行业为例论证 2、 X行业电子商务应用状况调研与分析 3、 X企业电子商业应用状况分析 4、移动电子商务模式的现状和发展趋势 5、中小企业的电子商务应用分析 6、 电子商务与某行业(或企业)国际贸易发展分析 7、电子商务企业的模式变革与管理创新 8、虚拟企业管理问题研究 9、 基于电子商务的现代物流模式分析 电子商务与物流 10、 虚拟社区盈利模式分析 11、电子商务下的物流企业的战略选择 12、Web2.0时代的电子商务发展趋势分析 13、电子商务的安全管理 14、开发电子商务系统中关键技术问题的研究 15、我国网上书店的发展现状与策略分析 16、团购网站信用体系研究 17、客户体验管理在电子商务中的应用研究 18、病毒营销在电子商务中的应用研究 1.中国管理咨询企业发展态势研究 2.珠三角咨询企业发展状况研究 3.浅议咨询企业的市场定位 企业管理咨询与公共关系 4.浅议企业战略管理咨询服务(或案例分析) 5.浅议企业人力资源管理咨询服务(或案例分析) 6.浅议企业组织设计管理咨询服务(或案例分析) 7.浅议企业文化管理咨询服务(或案例分析) 8.浅议企业品牌管理咨询服务(或案例分析) 4
College students village officer two learning experiences and 11 seriously practice education to become the primary qualified village \new China without the Communist Party......\s of the revolution. When I was little I was young pioneers when every time I hear a similar sound, I'm excited, deeply impressed by those Communist revolutionary martyr spirit. In the process of growing up, experienced war ancestor master is also often told me about his story as a soldier shed their blood, let me feel the maternal grandparents the noble character of Alex as a senior party member. Little blood was determined to grow in my heart I want to be like his grandparents Alex, soldiers on TV-like, grows up to become a soldier, party members engaged in the great cause of the motherland in the future. College, after tireless efforts I glory to become a Communist Party Member, became a member of 87 million members. However, under the washing of the passage of time and in real life, although he was a Communist Party Member, but too far up from the older party members, they have spirit, thinking, consciousness and character, and now me, or we are a young party that seems to be missing something. Now as a basic means of college students village officer, Assistant to the Secretary of the General party branch and grass-roots party members, is my party recently, when the \on my own, or are a lot like me, thinking there are some slack, at some indifferent on the ideal and faith of young party members, is a very good chance. Because of this study, is no longer the cadres to learn a few key, but something we all 87 million Communist Party members to join, and the learning is not a short-term focus on learning, but long-term regular learning. ake this opportunity to speak I will carefully study the party Constitution and party rules, series, striving to be the qualified party members, competent college students village officer. School-the cornerstone. Ideological building is the key to do well in everything. No ideals and beliefs, ideals and beliefs is not determined, mentally %um\be more regulation out of bounds, paomaodilou problems. 18 of the party since the Party Central Committee continued to promote the party's ideological and political construction, whether the educational practice of the mass line of the party, or the \-three\ducation practices, are from the mental effort. As a grass-roots party members, ideologically determined is particularly important, so after work I will conscientiously abide by the party Constitution, strengthen party spirit, belief and faith, be sure to always maintain a high degree of consensus with the Party on the thoughts nd actions. Party, party, party party, party party, subjected to armed socialist theory system with Chinese characteristics, guiding practice to supplement calcium, and strengthen the spirit of self-discipline of the base, pave the way for politically. Par enhancing awareness, learn to stand on the issues, on the overall situation of the9.浅议企业营销管理咨询服务(或案例分析) 10.浅议企业财务管理咨询服务(或案例分析) 11.浅议企业培训管理咨询服务(或案例分析) 12、我国企业品牌形象战略的实践研究 13、论企业形象传播的类型及方法 14、公关公司在我国的发展现状与问题研究 15、论我国公关人员素质的现状及发展 16、浅析企业如何应对突发事件 17、浅析企业如何处理员工关系(或社区关系、股东关系、媒体关系) 18、网络公关公司的发展与规范 1、集团公司财务管理模式 2、公司治理相关问题研究 3、投资者保护相关问题研究 4、企业内部控制(案例研究) 5、企业资本结构(案例研究) 6、中小企业融资问题研究 7、上市公司股利分配(案例研究) 8、企业成本控制(案例研究) 财务管理与资本运营 9、公司业绩评价(案例研究) 10、公司财务报表分析(案例研究) 11、企业应收账款风险管理(案例研究) 12、公司治理中的股东权益保护问题分析 13、企业分配政策与避税问题研究 14、中国资本市场问题研究 15、中国税制的问题与改革 16、房地产市场的价格与调控 17、通货膨胀背景下的公司理财策略