A Translation Report of TRADOS Computer aided translation software translation practice
Academy: School of foreign language and literature Name: 梁嘉欣 霍罗娜 陈兵 杨忠谕 杨志平 Class: Class 13,2013
Supervisor: Mr. Wang
A Translation Report of TRADOS Computer aided translation software translation practice
Quotation :TRADOS, as a kind of CAT software, TRADOS is a major breakthrough in technology development process in the process of translation, is widely used in the field of translation. Its name is taken from three English words. They are: Translation, Documentation and Software. Through these three meanings of English words, we can imagine \the name is still very intent. Because this is precisely reflects the TRADOS software the function and purpose.
1. The process of translation
TRADOS Computer Aided Translation software plays important role in translation. Which can help the translators present their fruits of translation to an audience in the public in an excellent, high-quality, effective way. The process of translation is as follows: First, open the SDL Trados Studio 2011.
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Second, create Translation Memory, change source language into English, and target language is Chinese.
Third, open the original text, and be going to translate the passage by TRADOS 2011.
Fourth, right click in target language, and a sentence of one language pair are copied over from source language to target language or you can use the shortcut key—Ctrl + Insert.
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Fifth, when you finish all of translation, click “Document”, then click Save as the target language, or shift+F12, let the version preserve on desktop.
2. The analysis of translation
In some cases, intelligent people implementing intelligent policies are responsible for producing a \more of whatever it is they seek to reduce in the first place.
The boomerang effect has been achieved many times in recent years by men and women of goodwill.
State legislatures around the nation have recently raised the drinking age back to 21 in an effort to reduce the prevalence of violent deaths among our young people.
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goodwill:1. Goodwill is a friendly or helpful attitude toward other people, countries, or organizations. 友好
2.The goodwill of a business is something such as its good reputation, which increases the value of the business. 商业信誉 二、语法
“they actually create more of whatever it is they seek to reduce in the first place” 句子中包含it引导的形式主语,成分较多,翻译较为混乱。
But such policies seem instead to have created the conditions for even more campus violence. Some college students who previously drank in bars and lounges under the watchful supervision of bouncers (夜总会,酒吧等保安人员) (not to mention owners eager to keep their liquor licenses) now retreat to the sanctuary of their fraternity houses and apartments, where they no longer control their behavior - or their drinking.然而上述政策为引发更多校园暴力的发生创造了条件。一些大学生先前在不同档次的酒吧和酒廊买醉,那里的保安(不用说还有极力想要保住自己的售酒执照的店主)都会对他们进行严厉监督。但现在,大学生们都躲在联谊会会堂或是公寓里面酗酒,不再对自己的饮酒行为或是饮酒数量加以控制。(陈兵 杨志平翻译) 一、词汇
drank喝,饮,喝酒的意思。在这里结合上下文要译为酗酒或是买醉更贴切 二、语法
where在此处应当引导了一个状语从句,先行词是前面的their fraternity houses and apartments。
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