Our Discovery Island 6 (1st Month) - Welcome Unit, Unit 1, Wider World 1, Unit 2, Review 1 & 2, Unit 3, Wider World 2WeekComponentsStudent BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Student BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Student BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Student BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Class 1TargetsWelcome UnitIntroduce a storyand the characters,SensesPage6~11Class 2TargetsWelcome UnitIntroduce a storyand the characters,SensesPage6~114~7A: 2~7Write the sentences onWB page 420~23Class 3TargetsPageClass 4TargetsPageClass 5TargetsSkills, SocialScience, Think!Mini-Project, Story,ValuesPage16~191stweekA: 2~7Listen and read the story onpage 6~7, Read page 8~916~19Skills, Art, Think!Mini-Project, Story,Values12~15A:17~19Write the paragraph onWB page 1228~30Skills, Science,Think!Mini-Project, StoryA:30~33Read page 28, Listen andread the StorySkills, Science,Think!Mini-Project, Story Have Fun!Progress Check,Wider World 112~1512~15Unit 1Unit 1Adventure CampAdventure CampConversation, Look,Conversation, Look,8~11Vocabulary,Vocabulary,Song, LookSong, LookA:8~16A:8~16Listen to the conversation,Write about activitiesWrite the sentences onWB page 11A:17~19Read page 16, Listen andread the Story2ndweek Have Fun!20~2324~2724~27Unit 2Unit 2Progress Check,Wildlife ParkWildlife ParkWider World 1Conversation, Look,18~2116~17Conversation, Look,Wider World 1 WS,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,Unit 1 TestSong, LookSong, LookA:20~21A:20~21A:22~30A:22~30(TG:p.199)Write the paragraph onWB page 1731~33Values, Have Fun!Progress CheckA:34Listen and read page 31Listen to the coversation onpage 24. Sing the songValues, Have Fun!Progress Check,Unit 2 Test(TG:p.202)31~3325~27A:34Write the paragraph on WBpage 27 Write the sentences on WBpages 20~21Review Units 1 and2 WelcomeWorksheet34~35Listen and read pages 22~2328~3022~24A:30~33Write the sentences onWB page 243rdweekA:35Write the sentences on pages34~354thweekReview Units 1 and2 Activity Sheets 1~436~3936~3940~4340~43Unit 3Unit 3Skills, Geography,Skills, Geography,Where We LiveWhere We LiveThink!Think!Conversation, Look,Conversation, Look,28~3132~35Mini-Project, Story,Mini-Project, Story,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,ValuesValuesSong, LookSong, LookA:36~44A:36~44A:45~47A:45~47Listen to the coversation onpage 36. Sing the songWrite the sentences on WBpage 30Read page 40~41, Listen andread the storyWrite the paragraph onWB page 33Check the ASOptional: Teacher's Guide (Teacher Reproducible) Our Discovery Island 6 (2nd Month) - Unit 4, Review 3 & 4, Unit 5, Wider World 3, Unit 6WeekComponentsStudent BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Student BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Student BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Student BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Class 1TargetsPage44~47Class 2TargetsPageClass 3TargetsPageClass 4TargetsPageClass 5TargetsPage5thweek Have Fun!Progress Check,Wider World 2 Have Fun!Unit 4Unit 444~4748~5148~5152~55Progress Check,Good Days andGood Days andSkills, SocialWider World 2Bad DaysBad DaysScience, Think!36~3738~41Wider World 2 WS,Conversation. Look,Conversation. Look,Mini-Project, Story,Unit 3 TestVocabulary, Song,Vocabulary, Song,ValuesA:48~49A:48~49A:50~58A:50~58A:59~61(TG:p.205)LookLookWrite the paragraph onWB page 37Have Fun!Progress Check,Unit 4 Test(TG:p.208)56~5746~47A:62Listen and read pages 56~57Check your Mid-term Test64~67Write the sentences on pages58~59Skills, SocialScience, Think!Mini-Project, Story,Values64~6752~55B:11~13Write the paragraph onWB page 55 Have Fun!Progress Check,Wider World 3B:14~15Listen and read pages 70~71Check the AS68~71Mid-term Test(TG:p.211) /Class PartyReview Units 3 and4Listen to the coversation onpage 48. Sing the songWrite the sentences onWB page 4058~59Review Units 3 and4Activity Sheets 5~8Read pages 52~53, Listenand read the StoryListen and read pages 46~4752~5542~45A:59~61Write the paragraph onWB page 436thweekSkills, SocialScience, Think!Mini-Project, Story,Values7thweek60~6360~63Unit 5Unit 5TripsTripsConversation. Look,Conversation. Look,48~51Vocabulary, Song,Vocabulary, Song,LookLookB:2~10B:2~10Listen to the coversation onpage 60. Sing the songWrite the sentences onWB page 49Skills, SocialScience, Think!Mini-Project, Story,ValuesB:11~13Read page 64~65, Listen andread the Story8thweek Have Fun!Unit 6Unit 668~7172~7572~7576~7876~78Progress Check,Arts andArts andSkills, History,Skills, History,Wider World 3EntertainmentEntertainmentThink!Think!56~5758~6162~64Wider World 3 WS,Conversation. Look,Conversation. Look,Mini-Project, StoryMini-Project, StoryUnit 5 TestVocabulary, Song,Vocabulary, Song,B:14~15B:16~26B:16~26B:27~29B:27~29(TG:p.215)LookLookWrite the paragraph onWB page 57Listen to the coversation onpage 72. Sing the songWrite the paragraph onWB page 59Read the passage on pages76~77, Read the storyWrite the sentences onWB page 62Optional: Teacher's Guide (Teacher Reproducible) Our Discovery Island 6 (3rd Month) - Review 5 & 6, Unit 7, Wider World 4, Unit 8, Review 7 & 8, Goodbye UnitWeekComponentsStudent BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Student BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Student BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Student BookWorkbookAudio CD (track)Homework (??)Class 1TargetsPage79~81Values, Have Fun!Progress CheckB:30Listen and say the words onpages 80~81Class 2Targets Values, Have Fun!Progress Check,Unit 6 Test(TG:p.218)Page79~8165~67B:30Write the paragraph onWB page 67Class 3TargetsPage82~83Review Units 5 and6B:31~34Write the sentences on pages82~83Class 4TargetsReview Units 5 and6Activity Sheets9~12PageClass 5TargetsPage9thweek84~87Unit 7SpaceConversation. Look,Vocabulary, Song,LookB:35~43Listen to the coversation onpage 84. Sing the song92~95Check the AS10thweek84~8788~9188~91Unit 7Skills, Science,Skills, Science,SpaceThink!Think!Conversation. Look,68~7172~75Mini-Project, Story,Mini-Project, Story,Vocabulary, Song,ValuesValuesLookB:35~43B:44~46B:44~46Write the sentences onWB page 69Read the story, Read pages88~89Write the sentences onWB page 74 Have Fun!Progress Check,Wider World 4 Have Fun!92~95Progress Check,Wider World 476~77Wider World 4 WS,Unit 7 TestB:47~48B:47~48(TG:p.221)Write the paragraph onWB page 77104~105Have Fun!Progress CheckB:61Talk about the pictures onpage 104Listen and read pages 94~9511thweek96~9996~99100~103100~103Unit 8Unit 8Skills, Geography,Skills, Geography,The EnvironmentThe EnvironmentThink!Think!Conversation. Look,Conversation. Look,78~8182~85Mini-Project, Story,Mini-Project, Story,Vocabulary, Song,Vocabulary, Song,ValuesValuesLookLookB:49~57B:49~57B:58~60B:58~60Listen to the coversation onpage 96. Sing the song Have Fun!Progress Check,Unit 8 Test(TG:p.224)104~10586~87B:61Write the paragraph onWB pages 87Review Units 7 and8B:62Write the sentences on pages106~107Check the ASWrite the sentences onWB page 79106~107Read the story, Read thepassage on page 100~101Review Units 7 and8Activity Sheets13~16Wrtie the paragraph onWB page 82108~111Goodbye Unit88~91B:63Write the paragraphs on page11012thweekLevel 6 Exit Test(TG: p.227) / ClassPartyReview the Level 6 Exit TestOptional: Teacher's Guide (Teacher Reproducible)