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Pre-class Work

3. Learn the rules of word-building. Enrich and enlarge your vocabulary.

1) Give the corresponding nouns of the following verbs and adjectives. (1) dignity (6) fright (11 ) intimacy (16) terror (2) refusal (7) service (12 ) absurdity (17) pride (3) embarrassment (8) solution (13) ridicule (4) smash (9) glimpse (14) maturity (5) sympathy (10) surrender (15) miracle

2) Give the corresponding verbs of the following adjectives. All these adjectives can be used as verbs except the following.

quick (quicken) full (fill) sad (sadden) short (shorten) sure (assure, ensure) weak (weaken) wide (widen) sharp (sharpen) strong (strengthen) thick (thicken) high (heighten, raise) long (lengthen) cold (freeze, chill, cool) low(lower) angry (anger) hot (heat) dark (darken) silent (silence) light (lighten)

3)Translate the following using your acquired rules of word-building. (1)打开门锁 脱下婴儿的衣服 . 解开绳结

解开外衣纽扣 卸下船上的货 拉开夹克的拉链 打开瓶塞 拔掉收音机的电源 打开行李 (2)预订一张票 浇花 墙上糊上墙纸

浑水摸鱼 率领一个代表团 、拔园中的草 面对现实 肩负责任 用刀捅一个老人

主持一次会议 用好奇的眼光看人 刮去鱼鳞

狼吞虎咽地吃东西 骑自行车上学 来回乘公共汽车 跟踪某人 将酒装瓶 火箭般迅速掌权

More Work on the Text

II Vocabulary

1. Translate.

1) From English into Chinese.

(1) 经营一家五金店 (11)同情穷人 (2) 给顾客赊账太多 (12)弄到一些酒 (3)拒绝赊账 (13)喝了几口啤酒 (4)忍受炎热 (14)雇一个助手 (5)忍受侮辱 (15)活跃气氛




(6)负责指挥这支军队 (16)打败敌人

(7)打碎窗户 (17)啪的一下把一个东西放在桌上 (8)变得不名分文 (18)使客人感到难堪 (9)编一个故事 (19)把某人吓了一跳 (10)避免张扬 (20)向黑暗中奋力游去

2) From Chinese into English using \be\as the predicate where possible.

(1) My father was down and out at that time.

(2) We can go there either by train or by air. It's up to you.

(3) The police officer decided that the two men hanging around the bank at this hour were up to no good.

(4) OK, the game is up. You are under arrest. (5) Now, time is up. You must stop here. (6) You are up early. It's not yet six.

(7) She’s not in Beijing at the moment. She has been away for almost two weeks.

(8) Where are you off to? Don't you know that there is an English movie on this afternoon?

(9) When the cat is away, the mice will play.

(10) There was always laughter in the house when my father was about/around.

(11) Nearly a quarter of our class were down with the flu.

(12) We were down to the last 500 yuan. We had to raise a loan from the bank.

2. Give synonyms and antonyms of the following.

1) Give synonyms.

(1) ridiculous, silly, foolish; stupid, idiotic, laughable (2) hut, shack, tool-house, outbuilding

(3) major, main, leading, principal; key, outstanding

(4) comical, funny, ridiculous, absurd, laughable, amusing

(5) wasting time, being lazy, doing nothing, being idle, killing time (6) bankrupt, penniless, impoverished

(7) dignity, self-respect, honor, self-esteem (8) to defeat, to beat, to conquer, to overcome

(9) close, intimate, familiar, friendly, inseparable, devoted (10) to break into pieces, to shatter, to destroy

(11) to scare, to make afraid, to terrorize, to horrify, to shock (12) to stick, to hold fast, to hang on tO, tO hold on to. 2) Give antonyms.

(1) noisy, talkative, chatty, lively, excited (2) distant, formal, remote

(3) tragedy, serious play, high drama

(4) grateful, thankful, friendly, pleasant, amiable, appreciative (5) cash




(6) interesting, exciting

(7) lasting, permanent, long-lived (8) loudly, loud, noisily

(9)uncertain,doubtful,unconvinced (10) sober

(11) dressed, clothed, covered

3. Translate.

1) Their discussion covered all the important issues of mutual interest.

2) The World Fair to be held in Shanghai next year covers an area of about 200,000 square meters.

3) The higher they climbed, the more difficult it became. At one time, they only covered 5 meters in four hours.

4) That school charges the students about three thousand yuan a year. But that does not cover food and lodging.

5) That terrible sandstorm.left the whole city covered with a thick layer of dust.

6) These papers showed how their manager tried to the financial crisis of the cover up the financial crisis of the company.

7) I still remember those days when the bike was considered the most important piece of family property.

8) We must always remember not to waste our limited water resources.

9) I remember going to that place once. It was so dry that a well could be nearly 1,300 feet deep.

10) He was so absorbed in his work that he often did not even remember to eat his meals.

11) Even to this day I still remember my mother mending my clothes until late at night.

12) You can't get it on credit. You have cash.

13) We regard all our former students, not just a few celebrities, as the credit to our university.

14) European Culture is a three-credit course conducted in English.

15) People used to give credit to Columbus for the discovery of the New Continent.

16) So how did our new boss strike you? He seemed quite a nice guy to me. 17) After some 50 years I revisited my home vitlage and I was struck by the great changes that had taken place

18) There have been fewer strikes in recent years since the new labor law came into effect.

19) Wu Song struck the tiger again and again with his massive fist.

5.Fill in the blanks with the appropriate word.

1) D 4) D 7) D 10) C 13) B 2) A 5) A/B 8) B 11) A 14) D 3) A 6) D 9) A 12) C 15) A




6. Translate. Pay attention to the idiomatic use of \

1) Time is up. He is up already. The economy is up by 10%, It is up to you.

2) Lift it up. Pick it up. Pull it up. Take it up. Stick it up. Dig it up. Hang it up. Roll it up. Wrap it up. Fold it up. Cover it up. Link it up. Clean it up. Dry it up. Heat it up. Turn it up. Wind it up. Pile it up. Check it up. Burn it up. Start it up. Add it up. Divide it up. Cut it up. Break it up. Tidy it up.

3) Eat it up. Drink it up. Finish it up.

7. Translate, with special attention to the different meanings of the same word. or words which happen to have the same spelling.


2)他对医院里的有些医生非常有意见,说他们又愚蠢又不负责任。 3)火车突然硬生生地停了下来。 4)由于他又赌叉嫖,最后不名分文。

5)那传令兵跌断了腿,一位老农民把他藏在马厩里。 6)那位将军有做事非常有条理的习惯。

7)穆斯林斋戒的时候,他们不吃东西,只喝水。 8)当他醒来的时候,发现他的狗在舔他的伤口。 9)当时一般的意见是敌人已经被打败。 10)那张画已牢牢地贴在墙上。



13)她对她的儿子十分担心,因为他和一些游手好闲的二流子打得火热。 14)他脑子有点发木,过了相当一会儿才弄明白究竟是怎么回事。 15)战斗已基本结束,但有时还能听到零星的枪声。

16)我们把希望寄托在她的身上,希望她能获得铅球金牌。 17)司机不承认喝了白酒,他说他只喝了几口淡啤酒。 18)她是国家篮球队的队员,投篮特准。

8. Choose the best word or phrase in brackets for each blank.

(1) This (4) hardship (7) purity (10) at (13) part (2) gave (5) honored (8) never (11) Yet (14) remembering

(3) like (6) day (9) innocent (12) seen (15) something

放弃很简单,但你坚持到底的样子一定很酷! 4


More Work on the Text


1. Understand grammar in context.

1) Identify participles or participle phrases and point out their grammatical function in each of these sentences.

(1) hired from a livery stable: past participle phrase as attribute, (2) listening to his stories: present participle phrase as adverbiaI (3) licked: past participle as object complement (4) riding by: present participle as attribute

(5) all covered with mud: past participle phrase as predicative

(6) visiting around at farmhouses: present participle phrase as adverbial

(7) not leaving us a cent for food: negative present participle phrase as adverbial

(8) speaking to a woman in our street: present participle phrase as object complement

(9) thinking his wife was dead: present participle phrase as adverbial

(10) reading by the kitchen table: present participle phrase as adverbial modifying \

(11) not saying a word: present participle phrase as adverbial

(12) followed by thunder: past participle phrase as attribute modifying \of lightning\

(13) taking'my hand: present participle phrase as adverbial

(14) clinging to him in the darkness: present participle phrase as attribute modifying \

(15) knowing that I would never again be wanting another father: present participle phrase as adverbial

(16) seeing my father in a different way and relating to him as a friend: two-present participle phrases as object complement

2) Study the tense of the italicized verbs and point out the concept each expresses.

(1) past continuous tense with adverbs of frequency denoting a habitual action, especially an annoying one

(2) the same as in (1): the habitual past

(3) all four verbs in the past continuous tense denoting an action that was going on at a particular moment in the past (4) the habitual past

(5) the habitual past \(6) the same as in (1)

(7) the first four verbs in the habitual past; \





