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人文英语 4 形成性考核册答案 作业 1 1-5:ABCAC

6-20:ACBBA ABBCA CBABA 21-25:ECDBA 26-30:TFTFF 31:


To: all Staff

From: Bruce, Human Resource Manager Date: April 11, 2016

Subject: Invited Speech on Sorting Trash

The coming speech is given at Function Room, level 3 and the time is on 14:00-16:00, April 11,

2016. The invited speaker is Dr. Jerry Anderson. Dr Anderson is going to introduce how to sort

trash scientifically, including the latest techniques and the updated policies helping the whole society to slow down the environmental pollution. All staff will be invited to the speech, please read all the information carefully and show up on time. 作业 2 1-5:BACAC

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The Importance of Effective Communication

If you cannot talk to others or even cannot convert information to others, how is our life going to be? People are unable to work without communication and, of course, communication is obviously significant in all parts of society. By evaluating whether the communication is effective or not, the shorter and simpler the methods are, the more and detailed the information converted to others, is the point that how it can be seem as fast and useful. Daily work can be finished faster, Relationships can be treated honesty, and less time will be wasted by communicating to others effectively. Looking back the to society which only used letters and horses to send messages before, and nowadays countless information fly to every corner in the world within just a second, which produces more improvements? Definitely, it is efficiency. 作业 3 1-5:CBBCA

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The Education We Need

What kind of education we have before? That is easy to know, because almost all people have been to school when they were kids. I still remember when I was a kid, countless booklets waited for me on the table, but my teachers said school had already reduced lots of homework for us. If


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now young kids are still following this kind of educating rules, they will have no time to learn new things, which show up rapidly day by day. Current education system is welcomed to become the more humanized learning system, with sorting to several levels and several fields for different students who have different hobbies and talents. Our education should no longer focus on higher scores by spending all times on writing assignments and memorizing essays, but need to have all kinds of courses such as painting and dancing during normal school hours. This mode can have very good results that it can let kids know what things they truly love when they are only a couple years old.

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