编写: 会审: 批准:
2012年X月X日发布 2012年X月X日实施
晋江博海医院 批准页
签发人(签字): 2012年X月X日 political and overall
识别、获取、评审、更新安全生产法律法规 与其他要求管理制度 1.目的
3.职责 3.1医政科
3.1.4负责制定公司的安全生产规章制度。 3.1.5负责法律法规及安全操作规程的发布
3.2.1获取的法律、法规及其它要求,应及时传递到安环科。 eight, deep understanding of \study and educati on on strengt heni ng educati on of party member s and cadre s and buildi ng a continge nt of cadre s with high quality, maintaini ng and devel opi ng the party's advanced nature a nd purity of the sig nifica nce of practica l thought and acti on i nto Ce ntral and provi nci al requirements. Fir st, the \strengtheni ng the party's i de ological and pol itical constructi on of major de ployment. Attach importa nce to party ide ol ogy, is t he specialty of our part y, since the party's 18 distinct characteristi c of strictly a dmini stering the part y. XI Ge neral Secretary pointe d out that our party must improve itself, the first task is to strengthen ideol ogical a nd political construction, the key is t he educati onal ma nagement of party member s and cadre s. At prese nt, the i deas a nd value s have become increasingly a ctive, social t rends are largely stirri ng ble nd, cult ural excha nges a nd the com plexity of the situati on, drove, some party members ' ide ological and pol itical pr oblem s, there is a n urge nt nee d to strengt hen party ide ology: clearing t he fog, was centeri ng. Like, some belief confuse d, \a confi dence\insufficient, praised Western val ue concept; some spirit empty, not letter Marty letter ghosts; some political discipli ne relaxation, i n party not statements party, and not love part y, and not nur sing part y, and not for party, eve n de nied party of some most basi c of principl es and position; some orga nization discipl ine lax,