罗素,当今时代理性主义和人道主义的代言人,是西方思想解放与言论自由的见证人。二十世纪最有影响的哲学家、数学家、逻辑学家之一,分析哲学创始人,同时也是活跃的政治活动家,并致力于哲学的大众化、普及化。作为哲学家,罗素的主要贡献在于数理逻辑方面,是逻辑原子论和新实在论的主要创始人之一。以此为基础的现代分析哲学在西方近代哲学史上具有重要的地位。罗素出身于英国一个贵族家庭,是罗素伯爵的第三代继承人,其祖父曾两次出任英国首相。1945年,罗素在美国出版了《西方哲学史》一书,该书不但为罗素带来了丰厚的收入,还是罗素获得1950年诺贝尔文学奖的重要原因之一。其代表作有《西方哲学史》、《神秘主义与逻辑》、《怀疑论》、《婚姻与道德》等。 Book One - ANCIENT PHILOSOPHY - CHAPTER II The Milesian School
№.1 -The Greeks were rash in their hypotheses, but the Milesian school, at least, was prepared to test them empirically. Too little is known of Thales to make it possible to reconstruct him at all satisfactorily, but of his successors in Miletus much more is known, and it is reasonable to suppose that something of their outlook came from him. His science and his philosophy were both crude, but they were such as to stimulate both thought and observation.
【译文】希腊人是勇于大胆假设的,但至少米利都学派却是准备从经验上来考查这些假设的。关于泰勒斯我们知道得太少了,因而不可能完全满意地恢复他的学说,但是关于他的米利都学派的后继者们,我们知道的要多得多;因此设想他的后继者们的看法有些得自于泰勒斯,这是十分合理的。他的科学和哲学都很粗糙,但却能激发思想与观察。 【小编评注】米利都的泰勒斯是古希腊第一个自然科学家和哲学家,希腊最早的唯物主义学派——米利都学派的创始人。泰勒斯生于米利都,他的家庭属于奴隶主贵族阶级,所以他从小就受到了良好的教育。
【短语笔记】make it possible - 使...成为可能 【例】Broadcasting satellites make it possible for us to hear news from all over the world.
№.2-This conception of justice --of not overstepping eternally fixed bounds--was one of the most profound of Greek beliefs. The gods were subject to justice just as much as men were, but this supreme power was not itself personal, and was not a supreme God.
【小编评注】强调了唯物主义科学的客观性。 【短语笔记】subject to - 经受,遭受;使处于??的控制下;使接受,使容忍
【举一反三】subject oneself to supervision - 接受监督 【例】
(1)They may be beaten eventually to death by a man in their home or subject to what we consider torturous behavior or imprisonment.
(2)Financial activities of institutions of higher learning should be subject to supervision in accordance with law.