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Unit Nine


Word Bank

(academy->Police Academy) academic: adj. of a school, especially of higher learning; of scholarly (scholarship½±Ñ§½ð£¬Öúѧ½ð) performanceѧУµÄ£¬Ñ§ÔºµÄ£¬Ñ§ÊõµÄ

affirm: v. to assert; confirm¶ÏÑÔ£¬Ö¤Êµ£¬³ÐÈÏ

(aggress->aggressor =invader) aggression (aggressive): n. the act of initiating (hostile->) hostilities or invasionÇÖ·¸£¬ÇÖÂÔ£¬ÌôÐÆ

(anthropology->) anthropologist: n. the scholar who studies the origin, the behavior, and the physical, social, and cultural development of human beingsÈËÀàѧ¼Ò

complement: v. to make sth. Complete²¹³ä£¬²¹×ã

complementary: adj. completing; supplying mutual needs²¹³äµÄ£¬²¹×ãµÄ consequence: n. effect; the result to its cause½á¹û£¬Òò¹û¹ØϵµÄ deprive (sb. of sth.): v. to take sth. away fromÄÃ×ߣ¬ÇÀ¶á

directive: adj. straightforward; serving to direct (->directorµ¼ÑÝ)Ö±½ÓµÄ£¬Ö¸µ¼µÄ (obey->obedient->obedience<->disobey->disobedient) disobedience: n. refusal or failure to obey²»·þ´Ó£¬²»Ë³´Ó£¬Î¥¿¹

distinct: different; clear²»Í¬µÄ£¬Ã÷ÏÔµÄ

(diverse->) diversity: n. (vary->) variety or multiformity ±ä»¯£¬¶àÑùÐÔ enforce(->reinforce): to compel obedience toÇ¿ÖÆ·þ´Ó»ò×ñÊØ

(exploit->) exploitation: n. the act of employing to the greatest possible advantage¿ª·¢£¬¿ª²É£¬°þÏ÷

(expose to->) exposure: n. the act of exposing; influence±©Â¶£¬ ÊÜÓ°Ïì

facilitate (=help->facilityÉ豸ÉèÊ©): v. to make easy or easierʹÈÝÒ×£¬Ê¹±ãÀû groom: v. to care for the appearance of; to make neat £¨tidy£©and trim(vt./adj.)ʹÕû½à£¬´ò°ç

hygiene: n. (=sanity) the promotion and preservation of health ÎÀÉú interaction: n. the act or process of interactingÏ໥×÷ÓÃ

(intimate->) intimacy: n. the condition of being close in relationÇ×ÃÜ

(muscle¼¡Èâ->masculineÄÐÐÔµÄ->) masculinity: n. the quality and characteristic of a maleÄÐ×ÓÆø£¬Ñô¸ÕÆø

modify: v. to change; to alter±ä¸ü£¬ ÐÞ¸Ä

monster: n. an imaginary or legendary creature¹ÖÎï

nurture: v. to nourish, to feed; to educate, to train¸ø¡­ÓªÑø£¬Î¹Ñø£¬ÅàÑø

(object->objective<->subjective) objectivity: n. the state of being objective ¿Í¹Û£¬¿Í¹ÛÐÔ

(orient¶«·½µÄ) oriented: adj. directedµ¼ÏòÐÔµÄ

predatory: adj. living by preying on other organismsÂÓ¶áµÄ£¬ÈâʳµÄ (relate A to B->relation->) relational: adj. of kinshipÇ×Êô¹ØϵµÄ roughhouse: v. to engage in rowdy behavior or play´òÄÖ£¬Å¹¶· sheer: adj. complete; absolute; pure ¾ø¶ÔµÄ£¬ÍêÈ«µÄ£¬´¿´âµÄ

sternly: adv. harshly; severelyÑÏÀ÷µØ£¬ÑϸñµØ

(sym-=same; pathy=feeling) sympathy (sympathize with sb.): n. sharing the feelings of anotherͬÇ飬ͬÇéÐÄ

tickle: v. to touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter (ЦÉù) or twitching movements; to tease or excite pleasurablyʹ¾õµÃÑ÷£¬¶ºÀÖ

(timid=shy->) timidity (timidate=frighten): n. lack of confidence; fear µ¨ÇÓ£¬ÐßÇÓ verbally: adv. orally; literally¿ÚÍ·Éϵأ¬ÑԴǵØ

wrestle: v. to contend by grappling and, attempting to throwˤõÓ

Phrases and Expressions

cope with: =deal with; to handle´¦Àí£»Ó¦¶Ô due to: owing toÓÉÓÚ

have access (ͨµÀ) to: to have the right to approach, or to make use of½Ó½üȨ£»ÏíÓÃȨ

in terms (ÊõÓï, ѧÆÚ) of: in relation to; with reference to¸ù¾Ý£»°´ÕÕ£»¾Í¡­¡­¶øÑÔ

settle (->settlement) down: to begin living a stable and orderly life; to become less nervous or restless°²¶ÙÏÂÀ´£»Æ½¾²

Reading Comprehension

I. Choose the best for each of the following.

1. How can fathers and mothers provide good things to children that same-sex caregivers cannot? ( D )

A. By being adults in their children's lives.

B. By depriving of the benefits found in mothers and fathers

C. By differing parenting styles among people.

D. By cooperating and complementing between mothers and fathers.

2. According to Eleanor Maccoby, ___A__.

A. fathers and mothers teach children differently in dealing with life

B. fathers will not provide warm, nurturing care for an infant

C. mothers teach children the difference between men and women

D. fathers have a distinct style of communication and interaction with children

3. Children who roughhouse with their fathers ( A )

A. learn that biting, kicking and other forms of physical violence are not acceptable B. learn self-control

C. are more physical and action oriented D. need mom's softness

4. Which of the following can be categorized as \ D )

A. Expanding experiences and confidence.

B. Yelling \ C. Causing disagreement between mom and dad. D. Encouraging kids to climb higher, to ride faster.

5. Girls with involved \ ( A )

A. are more likely to have healthier relationships with males

B. build emotional security, and safety from other men and women C. learn what masculinity is D. cope with life differently

II. Complete the following (sum upÇóºÍ-> summarize×ܽá, ¹éÄÉ) summary (С½á) of the text by filling in the blanks with words. The initial letter of each word has been given to you.

Children (1) benefit from a mother and father's differing (2) parenting styles. Mothers and fathers bring to their children (3) different values. They are different in their parenting styles, in the way they (4) play with children, and in their (5) communication with children. Fathers (6) provide a look at the world of men; mothers, the world of women. And by (7) cooperating together and complementing each other in their differences they provide good things that same-sex caregivers cannot. Children who have daily (8) access to the different and complementary ways of mothers and fathers will have (9) confidence, independence, and security. They are more likely to have a (10) healthy respect for both women and men as they grow into adulthood.


I. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence. 1. She was ___A__ a normal childhood by the war.

A. deprived of B. taken away C. given up D. got out

2. Roses in a silver bowl ___B__ the handsome (beautiful) cherry table. A. comparison B. complement C. competition D. compensation

3. Charles Darwin saw in the ___C__ of species (ÎïÖÖ) the principles of (evolve->) evolution that operated to generate (=produce) the species: variation, competition and selection.

A. (divide->) division B. (diverse->) diversion C. diversity D. (vary->) variation

4. We (meet->) met on two __B___ occasions. One was an academic conference; the other a party.

A. clear B. distinct (different)



