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2, Pumping Station 提升泵房 3, Anaerobic Tank 厌氧池

4, Facultative Tank 兼氧池(翻译把兼氧好氧池分开了) 5, Aerobic Tank 好氧池

6, Biochemical Sedimentation Tank 生化沉淀池 7, Reaction Tank 反应池

8, Physical and Chemical Sedimentation Tank 物化沉淀池 9, Fan Room 风机房 10, Sludge Pool 污泥池

11, The Sludge Concentration Pool 污泥浓缩池 12, Sludge Dewatering Room 污泥脱水间 Cids 酸

Process Flow Chart 工艺流程图 Wastewater 废水

Emission On Standard 达标排放

Overflow Into The Regulating Pool 溢液进调节池 Sludge transport污泥外运 Biogas 沼气 Agent 药剂 Bar Screen格栅 Returned Slude污泥回流 Boiler Room 锅炉房

Switching Room 配电室 Add The Pharmacy 配药间 Office Lab 办公化验室 Legend 图例

Filter Press 板框压滤机

Temperature(温度) pH(pH值)

BOD5 at 20°C(五日生化需氧量) Total nitrogen (as N)(总氮) COD (mg O2 /l)(化学需氧量) Total phosphorus (as P)(总磷) Suspended solids (悬浮物SS) Total ammonia (as N) (总氨氮) Oils, fats & grease (动植物油类) Phenols (酚类) Mercury (as Hg)(汞) Nickel (as Ni)(镍) Cobalt (as Co)(钴) Lead (as Pb)(铅) Antimony (as Sb)(锑) Tin (as Sn)(锡)

Chromium (as Cr VI)(六价铬)

Chromium (as total Cr) (总铬) Arsenic (as As)(砷) Cadmium (as Cd)(镉) Zinc (as Zn)(锌) Copper (as Cu)(铜)



\ (生物处理出水矿物油)\


\防蛀剂)\ \(有机磷农药)\

Adsorbable organic halogen compounds (AOX)(可吸附有机卤化物

Sulphide(asS)(硫化物) Color (dilution ratio)(色度稀释倍数) Particulate matter(粉尘)

Volatile organic carbons (as C) (excluding formaldehyde)(挥

发性有机碳,不包含甲醛) Formaldehyde(甲醛)

Isocyanates (as NCO)(异氰酸酯) Cyanide(氰化物) Silver总银 Manganese总锰 Selenium总硒 Benzopyrene苯并芘 Aniline苯胺类

Nitrocompound总硝基化合物 Malathion马拉硫磷 Dimethoate乐果 Parathion对硫磷

Parathion-methyl甲基对硫磷 Pentachlorophenol五氯酚 Trichloromethane三氯甲烷 Tetrachloromethane四氯甲烷 Trichloro ethylene三氯乙烯 Tetrachloroethylene四氯乙烯 Close Xylene邻–二甲苯 Face Xylene对–二甲苯 Space Xylene间–二甲苯

Ethylbenzene乙苯 Chlorobenzene氯苯

1,4-Dichlorobenzene1,4–二氯苯 P-nitrchlorobenzene对硝基氯苯 \ 2,4–二硝基氯苯\ Phenol苯酚

Space Cresol间–甲酚

2,4-Dichlorophen2,4–二氯酚 \ 2,4,6–三氯酚 \ \ 邻苯二甲酸二丁酯 \ \ 邻苯二甲酸二辛酯 \ Acrylonitrile丙烯晴

给排水常用名词中英文对照1、给水工程 water supply engineering 原水的取集和处理以及成品水输配的工程。 2、排水工程 sewerage ,wastewater engineering 收集、输送、处理和处置废水的工程。3、给水系统 water supply system 给水的取水、输水、水质处理和配水等设施以一定方式组合成的总体。4、排水系统



