哈尔滨医科大学 S-PBL第一学期基础医学课程 试题A
2007年级 临床医学七年制 考试时间:2009年1月13日
Ⅰ. Single choice questions (Select the ONE BEST in each question, 1 mark each, 1×20=20 marks) 1. Which is NOT a function of epithelium? B A. Protection B. Nutrition
C. Absorption and secretion
D. Sensory reception
E. Transport and excretion
2. All of the following are components组成部分 of loose connective tissue EXCEPT A A. goblet cells
B. collagenous fibers C. elastic fibers D. fibroblasts E. macrophages
3. Which one of the following statements concerning cardiac muscle cells is TRUE? D
A. They are spindle shaped
B. They require an external stimulus to undergo contraction C. They are multinuclear cells
D. They are joined together end-to-end by intercalated disks E. They possess numberous caveolae
4. The Na+/K+ pump serves (directly or indirectly) the following function(s) in cells: E
A. Maintain osmotic balance B. Production of ATP
C. Maintain Na+ and K+ chemical gradients
D. Prevent ATP toxicity by hydrolyzing surplus cytosolic ATP E. A, B, and C are all right
5. Which of the following statement about active transport is true? B A. As the concentration of the transported molecule increases, the rate of solute movement across the membrane is increased
B. Energy needs to be used any time when the transported molecule is moved against its concentration gradient
C. Bacteriorhodopsin is an example of active transport
D. The glucose/Na+ symport is not considered as active transport 6. Which of the following is NOT synthesized in the ER? C A. All lysosomal enzymes
B. All the proteins in the excellular matrix C. All mitochondrial proteins
D. All transmembrane proteins found in the plasma membrane
7. Totipotent means that the cell can differentiate into any type of the cells in the body. Which of the following cells are NOT totipotent cells? A. Fertilized egg cells C B. Plant leaf cells
C. Epithelium stem cells
D. Embryonic cells at 8-cell stage
8. In MAPK signal transduction pathway, ras D A. is a monomeric G protein
B. is activated by receptor tyrosine kinase
C. trigger a kinase cascade and finally activate MAPK
D. All of the above
9. Proteins are composed of amino acids joined by peptide bonds. Select from the following the one correct statement concerning the peptide bond. A
A. Jions the α-carboxyl of one amino acid with the amino group of the amino acid next in the polypeptide chain
B. Shows absolute double bond character C. Allows free rotation
D. Has an –NH group that can act as a hydrogen bond acceptor E. Has a-CO group that can act as a hydrogen bond donor
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10. Chose RNA that transfer amino acids during biosynthesis of proteins in cells. E A. snRNA B. rRNA C. hnRNA D. mRNA E. tRNA
11. Which section of enzyme take part in catalysis of substrates? C A. Apoenzyme B. Prosthetic group C. Active center D. Coenzyme E. Cofactor
12.Which bone does belong to the long bone? C A. Sternum B. Sacrum C. Humerus D. Parietal bone
E. Scapula
13.The structure which can act haemopoiesis (造血) is D A. yellow marrow B. spongy bone C. periosteum D. red marrow
E. compact bone
14.Which muscle can abduct the shoulder joint? A A. Deltoid
B. Biceps brachii C. Triceps Brachii D. Coracobrachialis
E. Brachialis
15. The medial wall of axilla is bounded by D A. pectoralis major,pectoralis minor
B. intertubercular sulcus of the humerus, the two heads of biceps and the coracobrachialis
C. trilateral foramen and quadrilateral foramen D. lateral wall of chest and serratus anterior E. humerus and triceps brachii
16. Which of the following muscles traverses the greater sciatic foramen (坐骨大孔)? E A. Gluteus medius B. Gluteus minimus C. Gluteus maximus D. Quadratus femoris
E. Piriformis
17. The frontal sinuses open into B A. superior nasal meatuses B. middle nasal meatuses C. inferior nasal meatuses
D. sphenoethmoidal recesses E. nasolacrimal ducts
18. The parietal pleura is divided into C A. two portions B. three portions C. four portions D. five portions E. six portions
共 3 页 哈尔滨医科大学教务处监制
19. The lower respiratory tract consists of C A. branches of principal trachea
B. principal bronchi with their branches
C. trachea and principal bronchi with their branches
D. larynx, trachea, and principal bronchi with their branches
E. pharynx, larynx, trachea, and principal bronchi with their branches
II. Term definitions (3 marks each,3×10=30 marks) 1. Haversian system
哈弗斯系统:即骨单位,是骨密质的主要结构,其中轴为纵行的中央管,又称哈弗斯管;周围围4-20层同心圆排列的骨单位骨板,又称哈弗斯骨板,其内的胶原纤维呈螺旋走行,相邻两层骨板的胶原纤维相互交叉。 2. Synapse
突触:视神经元与神经元之间,或神经元与非神经细胞之间的一种特化的细胞连接,通过它的传递作用是想爱你细胞与细胞之间的通讯。 .
3. Cell cycle细胞周期:连续分裂的细胞从上一次分裂结束到下一次分裂完成 所经历的全过程。
7. Pericardial cavity 心包腔:浆膜心包的脏壁两层在出入心的大血管的根部4.Apoptosis
细胞凋亡: 细胞在一定生理或病理条件下,遵循自身的程序自己结束生命的过程。死亡过程是自杀程序活化引起的主动死亡——程序性细胞死亡(programmed cell death, PCD)。
6. Tertiary structure of protein蛋白质的三级结构:是指整条肽链中全部氨基酸残基的相对空间位置。即肽链中所有原子在三维空间的排布位置,包括一5. Cell differentiation
III. Short answer questions (8 questions, 30 marks)
1. Development of a conceptus can be divided into embryonic and fetal period. What are the characteristics of these two periods of development? Explain why the embryonic period is also known as the critical period of development. (4 marks)
2. Describe the fluid mosaic module membrane. (3 marks)
生物膜是嵌有球形蛋白质的脂类二维排列的液态体,它是一种动态的,不对称的具有流动性结构。膜中脂双层构成膜的主体,它具有晶体分子排列的有序性,又具有液体的流动性。膜中蛋白质分子以不同的形式与脂双分子层结合,有的嵌在脂双层分子中,有的则附在脂双层的表面。 3. Describe the function of the nuclear envelope. (4 marks)
4. Describe structure feature of DNA molecule. (5 marks)
5. Which aponeurosis form the anterior layer of sheath of rectus abdominis? (3 marks) 腹外斜肌、腹内斜肌、腹横肌的腱膜。
6. Write out the terms of receptors(感受器) in vestibulocochlear organ and describe their location. (4 marks) 蜗管:听觉感受器
椭圆囊和球囊 囊班:位觉感受器 感受直线运动 膜半规管 三个壶腹嵴:位觉感受器 感受旋转运动 它们都位于内耳的膜迷路。
7. Describe the layers of the frontal parietal occipital region(额顶枕区). (4 marks)
分五层:由浅入深依次为 皮肤,浅筋膜,帽状腱膜及颅顶肌,腱膜下疏松结缔组织,颅骨外膜。 8. Describe the boundaries of the femoral triangle. (3 marks) 上界:腹股沟韧带 外下界:缝匠肌内侧缘
内下界:长收肌侧缘 前壁:阔筋膜
后壁:凹陷,自外向内为 髂腰肌,耻骨肌和长收肌筋膜
IV.Analytical questions (20 marks)
1. You are studying several patients with familial hypercholesterolemia, a disease characterized by high levels of cholesterol in the blood. In normal cells, low
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20. The internal reproductive organ in male is D A. ovary
B. uterine tube C. uterus D. testis E. vagina
8. Nucleus 细胞核:是真核细胞内最重要的细胞器,是细胞遗传物质的初春复制及转录的场所,是细胞生命活动的控制中心,结构完整的细胞核包括核膜,核仁,染色质,核纤层和核骨架等部分。
9. Mediastinum 胸腔纵隔:两侧纵隔胸膜间全部器官,结构和结缔组织的总称。
10. Scleral venous sinus 巩膜静脉窦:靠近角膜缘处的巩膜实质内的环形的通道,有房水流出。
density lipoprotein (LDL) particles in the blood are bound by the LDL receptor at the plasma membrane. The interaction of the receptor with the LDL particle is mediated by the Apo-B protein in the particles. The receptor-LDL particle complex is then endocytosed via clathrin-coated vesicle formation.
How the LDL is endocytosed into the cells? Where is the LDL degraded and where is the LDL receptor transported? (4 marks)
2. A 35-year-old man, a moving company employee for 15 years, complained of back pain and neurological(神经的) symptoms(症状)after a full day of work moving a family to their new home. He went home and took some aspirin for the pain, but the symptoms persisted the next morning. Concerned, he visited his physician who conducted a neurological examination and ordered imaging studies. The MRI(核磁共振影像)revealed a herniated(疝,突出)intervertebral disc at L4/L5.
(1) Where are intervertebral discs found? How many intervertebral discs in the vertebral column? (3 marks) 椎间盘存在于相邻两个椎骨的椎体之间(第1及第2颈椎之间没有)及第5腰椎体与骶骨岬之间,共23个 (2) What is the histology of the intervertebral disc? (4 marks)
(3) What other ligaments are found in the vertebral column? (5 marks) 前纵韧带 后纵韧带 黄韧带 棘间韧带 棘上韧带和项韧带 横突间韧带
(4) What is the feature of intervertebral disc in different region?Where do herniations of the intervertebral discs commonly occur? (4 marks) 胸部较薄弱 颈部较厚 腰部最厚,所以腰、颈椎的活动范围大。经要不的椎间盘前厚后薄,胸部与此相反。 第4和5腰椎间盘最易突出。
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哈尔滨医科大学07模拟题SPBL 答案