Unit 9 Task 1
1) the campus hero; the women’s track coach 2) the class started before I got here 3) will develop
4) cloudy; the glass is a little dirty 5) a symbol of happiness; wear black 【原文】
1) Man: I had the girls running in circles when I was in college. Woman: I never knew you were the campus hero. Man: I wasn't. I was the women's track coach. 2) Instructor: Mr. Jenkins, why are you late?
Student: I guess because the class started before I got here.
3) Woman: Doctor, you have to come immediately--my baby swallowed some camera film! Doctor: Just calm yourself, nothing will develop. 4) Customer: Waiter, this water is cloudy.
Waiter: The water's okay, madam. It's just that the glass is a little dirty.
5) Woman: The bride wears white on her wedding day as a symbol of happiness, for this is the
most joyous day in her entire life.
Man: Why does the groom wear black?
Task 2
【答案】 Speakers lst speaker Preferences French Reasons Melodic; easy on the ear; poetic; a rhythm to the language; rounded; no sharp, jagged edges; pleasing 2nd speaker Dane speaking English Beautiful, low, sensitive, very soft quality 3rd speaker French speaking English Nice pronunciation of \and \very nice, steady rhythms; gentle; lyrical 4th speaker Mediterranean accents Mediterranean culture; gives English life; beautiful mixture of the serious Northern European and the Southern European Makes her smile; sing-songy; makes her want to imitate 5th speaker Swedish accent
Catherine: I think firstly I find the French language, very melodic to listen to. It's very easy on the
ear, and it almost sounds poetic. No matter what kind of mood the individual is in, who's talking, or what they're talking about, there seems to be a rhythm to the language. And it's rounded; there are no sharp, jagged edges to the language, so it's very pleasing to the ear.
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Chris: I think the accent I really like is the Dane speaking English. They sound awful when
they speak Danish, but when they speak English there's a beautiful, low, sensitive, very soft quality about it.
Donald: I like the way they bring their French pronunciation into English. They can't pronounce
\Also I like the rhythm: they bring French rhythms into English--nice, steady rhythms and I like that too. It's just it, it... whenever I hear a French person speaking English it sounds more gentle and more lyrical.
Lesley: I think the most attractive foreign accents for me are Mediterranean accents because they,
if you like, import their own culture into the English accent and give it a lot of life that sometimes, that kind of--the gestures and everything that the English people don't have, so you get a beautiful mixture of the serious Northern European and the Southern European together.
Susan: I like the Swedish accent because it, it makes me smile and the way it's spoken is so
sing-songy that you can't help but smile when other people actually speak it. And it always makes you want to try and put the accent on yourself.
Task 3
spelling; meaning; history; a slab of ham; a lump of bread; hunk of something to eat; a strong man; a book of maps; the top bone of the neck; Olympians; holding the sky on his head and hands; Sixteenth; on the cover of a book of maps; blessing; I hope you will have a good night; day’s eye; it has a little golden eye, like a tiny sun; the English daisy closes at night; the English loved their daisies.
The spelling and meaning of words are very interesting. But what's more interesting is the history of a word, or where it came from. Let's examine some of the words and see how they got into our language.
LUNCH Lunch perhaps comes from an old Spanish word lonje, a slab of ham. We may also get our word from a form of lump, maybe a lump of bread, but whether lunch comes from ham or bread, it meant a hunk of something to eat.
ATLAS An atlas is a strong man, and also a book of maps. The story of this word begins a long time ago in Greece. The ancient Greeks believed that their gods had once been a race of giants called Titans. The Titans fought with another group of gods called Olympians, and the Olympians won. Atlas was a Titan. He was punished for fighting by having to stand at the western edge of the world, holding the sky on his head and hands, so that it would not fall on the world and smash anything.
After the ancient Greek religion died out, the idea of Atlas changed. From holding up the sky with his head and hands, he came to be thought of as holding the world on his shoulders. Mercator, a mapmaker of the sixteenth century, used a picture of Atlas on the cover of a book of maps, so a book of maps came to be called an atlas.
The word has still another meaning. The top bone of the neck is called atlas because it supports the head.
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GOOD-BYE Good-bye is a blessing; originally it was God be with ye, and in the course of time it became one word. Many of our greetings are good wishes, but we say them with so little thought that we forget this. When we say good morning, good evening, good night, and so on, what we are really saying is, \
DAISY The daisy has a little golden eye, like a tiny sun. Perhaps this is the reason the English people named it day's eye, or perhaps they chose the name because the English daisy closes at night. The English loved their daisies, which were pink and red, as well as white. Six hundred years or so ago, the English poet Chaucer said: The daisy, or else the eye of the day, The queen, and prettiest flower of all.
Task 4
【答案】 A. 1) T 2) T 3) F 4) T 5) F B. 1) b 2) c 3) a 4) c 5) c 6) b
MATTHEW: Chris, why is it that there are so many different languages , and that in Europe
certainly if you travel more than a hundred miles , you're likely to find people speaking a completely different language to your own?
CHRIS: Well, it's true to say that there are er ... hundreds and hundreds of different languages.
It's perhaps um . . . however , more interesting and more informative to say that there are several different groups of languages er . .. Most European languages,with the exception of I think Finnish and er .. . Basque and . . . Hungarian I believe,belong to the Indo-European group of languages, I'm not very sure myself of the . . . the actual details of the history of these languages, but you can be very sure that er ... most of these languages , say Latin and Greek nd our own language a and er . . . German and er ... French and ... all the others, are connected. The reason why you can travel from one Willage to another in Switzerland and er . . . from one area to another in England and find different dialects, if not different languages spoken, is that um ... several hundred years ago communication was by word of mouth. Word of mouth meant that people had to move ; if people were to move they needed roads and there were no roads.
MATTHEW: Do you see any chance for a universal language like Esperanto?
CHRIS: Not for an artificial er ... language, no ... I suppose the Roman Catholic Church used
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