D. Problems are eliminated
eliminate vt.消除,排除 动名词作主语
15. Children objecting to their parents remarrying ________ aprevalent social problem. A. have become B.has become C. become Dhad become 动名词复合形式
16. I felt embarrassed when Icouldn’t answer the questions asked by my ________ employer.
A. prospect n. 前景,前途
B. perspective n. 观点,;前途,希望 C. prospective n.未来的,预期的 D. prosperous a. 繁荣的 ** prosperity n. 繁荣
17. ________ the sun, there couldbe no life on earth. A. Were it not for B. If it were not C. Were it not D. Butthat
** 在表示对现在、将来虚拟时,but for 相当于 if it were not for But for thesun, there could be no life on earth. 可以写成: If it were not forthe sun, there could be no life on earth. 再把if省略,were提前,变成:Were it not for the sun , …
** 对过去虚拟时,but for 相当于 if it had not beenfor But foryour help, I would not have finished the task. If it had not been foryour help, I would not have finished the task. **请想想这里怎么省略if
18. She says she’d rather he________ tomorrowinstead of today. A. will leave B. leaves C. left D.has left
would rather / would(just) as soon / would sooner / would prefer 宁愿/但愿某人做某事(应用虚拟)
** 表示现在或将来要做的事,从句谓语用一般过去时
I'd rather she set out to do the work now. 我宁愿她现在就着手做这项工作。 I'd rather you met her at theairport tomorrow morning. 我但愿你明天早上能在机场见到她。
** 表示过去已经做过的事,从句谓语用过去完成时
I'd rather you hadn't told him the news that day.我真希望你那天没有把那个消息告诉他。
I’d rather you hadn’t spoken rudely to her.
19. Many Chinese universitiesprovided scholarships for the students ________ financial aid.
A. in favor of 支持,赞成 B. in honor of 为向。。表示敬意 C. in pursuit of 追求 D. in need of 需要
20. The officially recommendedspecialties of this kind ________ good in that store. A. sell B. sells C. being sold D. to sell
kind/sort/type类考题规律:句子谓语动词的单复数和of前面的名词保持一致 如:
This kind ofapple issour. This kind ofapples is/aresour. Apples ofthis kind aresour. These kinds ofapple aresour. These kinds ofapples aresour. What kinds ofrice areserved in that restaurant? What kind ofrice isserved in that restaurant?
21. ________ that the pilotcouldn’t fly through it. A. So the storm was severe B. So severe was the storm C. The storm so severe was D. Such was the storm severe
原句是: the storm was so severe + that … 表语提前:so severe was the storm + that …
22. The previous sales plan wasnot as good as we expected, so we need to ________ a new one.
A. break up with B. fed up with C. come up with D. catch up with
23. It seems oil ________ forsome time, we’ll have to take the machine apart to put it right.
A. had leaked B. is leaking C. leaked D. has been leaking 现在完成进行时
24. The business of each day,________ selling goods or shipping them, went quite smoothly.
A. it being B.be it C. was it D. itwas
原句应为whether it might be selling goods or shipping them 句中的be it是一种表示让步的虚拟倒装结构
Whether it might be so humble, there is no place like home. 金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。
答案:Be it so humble, there is no place like home.
25. We regret ________ you thatthe materials you ordered are ________ . A. to inform , out ofstock B. to inform , out of store C. informing , out of stock D. informing, out of store
regret to do 很遗憾地去做。。。 regret doing 后悔做过。。。
26. Maria wants to know ________John has no money in his bank account. A. whether B. which C. if D. as
whether 和 if 的区别
**whether / if 引导宾从无区别,同从常用whether,主表从只用whether **whether可加不定式,if不加 **介词后只用whether **discuss vt.后只用whether **从句中有否定意思,用if
例:I don’t know if she has no money.
27. Justas relaxation is an important part of our lives, ________ stress. A. so is B.as it is
C. and so is D. the same is
考点: justas … , so … 如同。。 ,。。也。。
28. The judge doesn’t knowwhether the witness is telling the truth, but he will ________ it.
A. identify vt. 认出,识别 B. enforce vt.强迫,迫使 C. distinguish v.辨别,区别 D. verify vt.证实,核实
29. It isonlywhen you nearly lose someone ________ fully conscious of how much youvalue him. A. do you become B. then you become C. that you become D. have you become 强调句型
30. He did ________ work as hissister.
A. much as twice B. twice as much C. twice much as D. much twice as 名词 + twice + as much as 或者 twice as much + 名词 + as 结构
** He finished the homework twice as much ashis cousin. ** He finished twice as much homework as hiscousin. 71. The new dormitory is three times as large asthe old one. 新宿舍是旧宿舍的三倍大。
72. Judging from his words, we can know thathe isn’t somuch ill as depressed. notso much A as B 与其是A,不如是B 我们从他的话中可以判断出他不是生病了,而是情绪低落。 73. Fail as he did,he would never give up thepursuit of knowledge. as引导的倒装句,让步状语从句
考点:as 引导的倒装句
结构一:adj. /adv./ 分词/ 名词(无冠词)/ 短语 + as + 主语 + 谓语, 例: Childas he is, he faced the dangerous situation calmly. (名词前不加冠词) 例: Oldestin our workshop as he is, he works hardest. (最高级前不用the) 例: Praisedas he was, he remained modest. (过去分词)
结构二:(vt.+ 宾语)(vi.) + as + 主语 + 助动词, 例: Losemoney as I did, I got a lot ofexperience. == Although I lost money, I got a lot ofexperience. 例: Failas I did, I would never stop trying. 74. I have never seen him laugh, nor have Iseen him ever lose temper. 表示两个都不,否定词应该用nor,放在句首,要倒装 我从没见过他笑,也没见过他发火。
75. The traditional approach todealing with complex problems is to break them down into smaller, more easily managed problems. 复杂句,应找找出主干或简化句式
76. Nowadays,in some developed countries, people who do manualwork often receive far more money than people who work in offices. Nevertheless,a great many people are often willing to sacrifice higher pay for thepride of becoming white-collar employees. As aconsequence, this can give rise to some curious phenomena.
取自 新概念三《阿尔弗雷德.布洛格斯的双重生活》
April 13th, 2014
Dear fellow Students,
We are writing thisletter of appeal to call on all the students in our university to do somethingto make ourselves more honest. as we all know, thereare still some dishonest persons in our society although honesty is believed tobe a virtue. For instance, quite a few university students cheat in the exams.
We firmly believe that everyone in this world should be honestand the reasons are as follows. First andforemost, dishonest people are short-sighted. Those students who sellfake and substandard products may make money at first, but their
classmateswon’t buy the products any more when they know the truth. As a result, they will lose their fortune or even be sentto prison. Additionally, those who always tell truth or keep their promise not only let otherstrust them but gain respect from other people as well. Because they are trustable and respectable, everyone iseager to make friends with them. Lastbut not least, it is easier for aperson with a good record to get a promising job. Generally speaking, every employer wants his employees tobe honest. So we can say that anyone who is honest will be paid back later.
So, it is high time that weimproved our awareness of honesty, and let’s do whatever we can do to make ourcampus more harmonious and beautiful. Join us in the action right now. Thankyou very much for your understanding and cooperation!
Students' Union
巢湖学院招生办0551-82361098,82361303 18377184183