Nowadays,most people learn academic study in university, but others think
we should encourage to learn vocational skills more, do you agree or disagree?
【标题解析】本题为经典教育话题改写:能够了解为职业教育比照综合教育,或者专才教育比照通才教育。 【相关话题】 【教育类】
In some countries, secondary schools aim to provide a general education
across a range of subjects. In others, children focus on a narrow range of
subjects related to a particular career. which is appropriate in today's world.
在一些国度,中学生会学习普遍的课程,在一些国度,学生们会学习一些和将来择业相关的课程,哪一种教育方式愈加适宜? 【谋篇规划】(退让反驳)
首段:背景引见+争议焦点+作家立场 二段:退让原题观点的合理性
三段:反驳原题观点的不合理 尾段:再次亮明观点+总结理由 【思绪拓展】 【职业教育的利好】
1. 人们的精神和时间有限,普遍涉猎,难免走马观花。相反,集中精神学习一门课技艺,可使人成为一个范畴的专家。
2. 职业培训学校培育的学生, 择业更有竞争力,因为他们能够合适特殊企业的需求。 【大学教育的利好】
1. 通才教育协助人完成全面展开,培育多元的兴味和才气,能够使受教育者顺应将来不同范畴的工作,因而,能够减少单一职业选择带来的失业风险。 2.
职业教育通常传授的是以择业为导向的学问,和就业相关联的技艺,仅是一种生存技艺的培育,相反,通才教育不但仅传授学问,还触及到人的道德教育、性格培育、心灵生长,因而,专才教育更能表现圆满教育的真理。 【范文赏析】
【首段】背景引见 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场
Education is one of the key words of our time. A man without education,
many of us believe is the victim of adversity. However,people’s views differ
greatly as to whether or not specialist is superior to generalist. To voice my
opinion, focusing on academic study in university enjoys more benefits.
【二段】 学习职业技艺的利好
Granted,those who advocate vocational training are, to some extent, never
without their reasons. First,zeroing in on vocational skills can help learners
secure well-paid jobs quickly, therefore, the family’s financial burden can be
greatly reduced. From our life, we can find some examples to prove that job
candidates from vocational training schools are very popular because what they
have learnt are career-oriented and job-related. Also,Jack-of-all-trades is
master of none. In comparison with studying a wide range of
subjects,specializing in specific field can make one stand out in a crowd
considering that one’s time and energy is limited