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1. How many arms do we have?

2. Do children go to the kindergarten? 3. What color is the sky?

4. What do you like to play with? 5. Are there many windows in a bus? 6. What do you every Saturday morning? 听听做做 Set1

道具: 桌上一只书包(内放玩具小汽车一辆,香蕉一只); 纸盒一只, 铅笔盒一只, 内有水笔二只(红,黑)和橡皮,尺子;桌子一角有两本书(英语和数学)

Are you ready, now let’s begin.

1. Take the toy car out of the schoolbag. 2. Put it in the box.

3. Then take a ruler out of the pencil-box and put it on the desk.

4. Now pick up the math book from the desk and open it to page 10.

5. Put the ruler on this page. O.K That’s the end.

Set 2

一叠纸片(桌子右边,左边各放一些)盒子里有一瓶可乐,一个杯子,一听咖啡,绿蓝水笔各一支。 Are you ready, now let’s begin. 1. Take the Coke and cup of the box.

2. Put the Coke to your mouth and then put it on the desk. 3. Pick up a piece of paper on the right-hand side of desk.

4. With the blue pen, write the word “good” on it. 5. Put it under the Coke. O.k. That’s the end. 模仿

An evening ----- a summer evening ------- a beautiful summer evening ----- Kitty is singing happily on a beautiful summer evening. 看图回答 Set1

1. Whose hair is long in the picture? 2. Is the book open?

3. Who is the woman looking at? Set2

1. How many children are there in the picture、

2. Is the boy in the middle wearing a T-shirt? 3. What can you see in the book?



