stands there.
“Hello,” she says, “I’m Mrs. “My name is Tom,” he says, Green, I live next door.”
“Come in, please,” says Mrs. White, “Bob and I are so glad to see you. Do you want any help?’
“Yes, I come here to ask for two eggs,” says Mrs. Green, “I want to make a cake.”
“You may have the eggs,” says Mrs. White, “But please sit down. Let’s have coffee and talk a little, OK?”
In the afternoon, someone knocks at the door again. Mrs. White opens it. There stands a boy with a nice smile.
“Mother gives you this cake and these two eggs.”
“Well, thank you, Tom.” Says Mrs. White, “Come in and meet my son, Bob.”
Tom and Bob are
about the same age. Soon they are having the cake and milk.
“Can you stay and
play with me?” asks Bob.
“Yes, I can stay an hour.” Tom says.
“Let’s play football, OK?” says Bob, “I have a little dog. It will play with us. ”
Tom doesn’t have a dog. He finds it is fun to play with Bob and the little dog.
“I’m glad you live next door,” says Bob, “Now I have someone to play together.”
“Mother says we will soon be good friends,” Tom answers.
“I’m glad you mother wants two eggs, “says Bob.
“She doesn’t really want the There is a big, fat
eggs,” Tom laughs, “She just wants frog living in a small to make friends with your mother!” pond. He knows every
Then Bob laughs, too. “That’s
plant and stone in the
a funny way to make friends,” he says,
“but it’s a nice way.”
funny adj.有趣的 sad adj. 忧愁的
wish v.希望 soon adv.不久
wait v.等 knock v.敲,击
smile n.微笑 fun adj.(口语)有趣的
really adv.真正地
27 The Poor Frog
pond very well, and he
can swim across it
easily. He is the
biggest creature in the pond. The other small creatures always swim behind him. So he thinks he is too great,
and very happy to live
One day, when he is
catching flies for breakfast, a beautiful
dragonfly passes by. “You’re
a very fine frog.” she says, “Why don’t you live in a bigger pond? Come to my pond. You’ll find a lot of frogs there. You’ll meet some nice fish, and you’ll see many beautiful flowers. Living in a big pond is wonderful!”
“Now I find living in this small pond is dull,” the frog thinks. So he says to the dragonfly, “OK, I’ll go with you.”
But when he begins to live in the plant n.植物
big pond, he finds he doesn’t like strange adj. 陌it at all. It is full of strange plants. The fish don’t like him, and 生的
he is the smallest frog there…He is lonely and unhappy. He sits on a stone and says sadly to himself, “I don’t like living here. I think I’ll go home tomorrow.”
But a hungry heron(鹭) flies down and catches him. The frog becomes the heron’s supper. What a poor frog!
poor adj.可怜的 beautiful adj.美丽的
frog n.青蛙 wonderful adj.奇妙的
pond n.池塘 dull adj.单调的
stone n.石头 lonely adj.孤单的
across prep.穿过 heron n.苍鹭
live v.生活 dragonfly n.蜻蜓
fly n.苍蝇 pass v.经过