Review Exercises
1. True/False Questions.(10×1.5=15 points) 2. Multiple Choice Questions (10×1.5=15 points) 3. Essay Questions (3×10=30 points) 4. Case Analysis (2×20=20 points)
Essay Questions:
1. Describe the roles played by line managers and human resource professionals with respect to HRM. P7-8
(1) HR professionals typically assume the four areas of responsibility: ? Establish HRM procedures ? Develop/choose HRM methods ? Monitor/evaluate HR practices
? Advise/assist managers on HRM-related matters
(2) Line managers direct employees’day-to-day tasks.From an HRM perspective, line managers are the main people responsible for: ? Implementing HRM practices
? Providing HR professionals with needed input
2. What are the 16 HRM practices that enhance a firm’s competitive advantage suggested by Professor Jeffrey Pfeffer ? P12
? Employment security Selectivity in recruiting ? High wage Incentive pay
? Employee ownership Information sharing
? Participation and empowerment Teams and job redesign
? Training and development Cross-utilization and cross-training ? Symbolic egalitarianism Wage compression ? Promotion from within Long-term perspective ? Measurement of practices Overarching philosophy
3. Discuss how job analysis lays the foundation for HRM practices that lead to competitive advantage.P45-46
(1)Laying the foundation for recruitment and selection practice (2)Laying the foundation for Training and development programs (3)Laying the foundation for performance appraisal forms (4)Laying the foundation for compensation decisions ……..
4. Understand how a firm’s human resource management practices can help it gain a competitive advantage. P11 P12-17
HR Planning Job Analysis Recruitment Selection Competence Motivation Training/Develop. Performance App. Compensation Productivity Imp. Work Attitudes Output Retention Legal Compliance Company Image Cost Product Leadership; Differentiation Workplace Justice Unions Safety & Health International 5. Explain why and how HRP activities are conducted? P39 第3题
The aim of HRP is to ensure that people are available with the appropriate characteristics and skills when and where the organization needs them. (2) How: HRM consists of the following activities ? Demand forecasting ? Supply forecasting
? An HR plan is derived by combining the results of supply and demand forecasts made for each organizational job group.
6. Why is the internal supply of labor not static? How can organizations keep track of their internal supply of labor?
7. Explain how realistic job previews (RJPs) operate. Why do they appear to be an effective recruitment technique?
(1) How to use(operate) RJPs P79
? Include descriptive information(starting salaries,average length of time to
promotion, hours of work)and judgmental information(aspects that satisfy and dissatisfy employees) ? Avoid giving candidates all possible information
? The relative emphasis you give to positive and negative information should reflect the
actual balance of positive-negative factors found in the environment.
(2)RJPs improve retention rates P65-66
8. What are the pros and cons of recruiting applicants internally and externally?
1)选任时间较为充裕,了解全面,能做到用其所长,避其所短。 2)他们对组织情况较为熟悉,了解与适应工作的过程会大大缩短,他们上任后能很快进入角色。
3)内部提升给每个人带来希望,有利于鼓舞士气,提高工作热情,调动员工的积极性,激发他们的上进心。 内部招聘的缺点
2)容易在组织内部形成错综复杂的关系网,任人唯亲,拉帮结派,给公平、合理、科学的管理带来困难。 3)内部备选对象范围狭窄。 外部招聘的优点
3)可以要求应聘者有一定的学历和工作经验,因而可节省在培训方面所耗费的时间和费用。 外部招聘的缺点
2)容易造成对内部员工的打击。 3)费用高。
9. What is meant by “transfer of training?” What can be done to help ensure transfer? (1) Transfer of training: material learned in training is applied to the job P126
(2)A manager can help ensure transfer by these means:
? Discuss with employees what the program covered and how it can be applied to the job. ? Assign employees tasks that require them to apply the knowledge learned in training ? Give employees coaching and feedback regarding their performance of assigned tasks.
10. Describe how training evaluations should be conducted.
? Level I: Reaction—How did the student feel and what did they think about the training? Distribute an evaluation or feedback form. This is often called a “smilesheet” and can be administered in either paper format or online format. This type of evaluation is usually inexpensive and used by most
organizations. Be sure to distribute evaluations immediately after training ends. You can include questions to evaluate the instructor, material covered, training materials and audio visual equipment.
? Level II: Learning—How much did the student learn? To assess the amount of learning, consider using pre-tests and post-tests. The tests attempt to determine how students have advanced with regards to skills, knowledge and attitude.
? Level III: Behavior—What is the extent of behavior and capability improvement and implementation/application? To determine the extent of behavior and capability improvement, consider observing learners for an
extended period of time after training is completed. This can be measured via post training interviews, monitoring progress and meeting with headmasters of the learners to determine if the training has allowed the learner to excel in his/her study.
? Level IV: Results—What impact on the organization did the training have as a result of the learner’s performance? To determine the impact of the training program, key performance indicators include student satisfaction, achievements, social status and other types of quantifiable aspects of the performance of the organization.
11. Discuss the pros and cons of using different potential raters to appraise a person’s performance.
? Supervisory ratings ? Peer ratings ? Self-ratings