С⣨5.12 unit 1
1. mean vt. meant meant ٴ mean to do sth ζţ˼ǣmean doing ζҪڵ3Сʱ.
Missing the bus means waiting for three more hours/another three hours.
2. ֱʾĴ֮ΪﶯʣǾ take place vi мƻط happen vi żȻ
break out vi ѣսͻȻ ڹȥҵļ緢˾ı仯
Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past few years. ҵڽϷ˳
A traffic accident happened to my friends on the street yesterdays. ս1939ꡣ
The Second World War broke out in 1939.
3. starve v (˼) n. starvationʽ starve to death սڼǧ˶ˡ millons of Thousands of people starvad to death during the war.
4. harm n ˺ v ˺ harmful adj к harmless adj do harm to ... = be harmful to.. ........кģ ȣкǵĽַ
First of all,somking is harmful to our health. = To begin with, somking does harm to our heanlth. 5. (þת) It is +adj +to do sth = sth+be+adj+to do sth Ӣڶʱ֮ѧáַ
It is difficult to learn English well in a short time. = English is difficult to learn well in a short time.
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6. in memory of sb = in honour of sb ijˣ дһƪѡ They wrote an article in memory of his friends. 7. be satisfied with... ......е⣨
8. Dress up ʢװ磬װ dress sb ij˴·; be dressed in sth ţ· ; ǸŮ촩źɫ· That girl is dressed in a red today. ·!
Wake up and dress yourself. ϲΪʢװ硣
Most people like to dress up for Spiring Festivals.
9. play a trick/tricks on sb = make fun of sb 磬Ūij ϲŪǵ
Chirldren like to play a trick on their friends.
10. admire vt ͣͣ壬佱 admire sb for sth Ϊ.....Ľ/Ľ
Ƕȡõľɾ͡ We all admired him for his great achievement. 11. look forward to + sth / doing sth/sb ڴ
ڴܿյš I am looking forward to hearing from you soon. 12. as if = as though · ʵϣ ʵ
ʵ෴ did ( bewere ) ȥʵ෴ had done 뽫ʵ෴ would do
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13. turn up ֣ ¶棻 turn down С ܾ turn to ; ; turn in Ͻ ; ; turn on ; 14. keep ones words = keep ones promise سŵ ӦһֱҪسŵҪû˻ǡ We should always keep our word or no one will belielve us. 15. Ǹ v apologize n apology apologize to sb for (doing) sth = make an apolgy to sb for (doing) sth ...ij˵Ǹ ΪٶʦǸ÷ He apologized to the teacher for coming later
= He made an apology to the teacher for coming later.
16. remind sb of sth ijij£ʹijij£ijij remind sb to do sth
žҵͯꡣ This old photo reminded me of my children. ҲҪҵŵԡ He reminded me not to forget my words. 17. ԣֱ
Obviously he is lying. It is obvious that that he is lying. 18. set off =set out ; ȼ ǽҪȥĴ They will set off Australia.
19. ɹ v succeed n success adj secessful n health adj healthful adv healthy
ʧdzɹ֮ĸ Failure is the mother of success. Ϊܳɹ
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