Decoherence of two-qubit system in a non-Markovian squeezed reservoir
Wang Fa-Qiang;Zhang Zhi-Ming;Liang Rui-Sheng
【期刊名称】《中国物理:英文版》 【年(卷),期】2009(018)002
【摘要】The decoherence of two initially entangled qubits coupled with a squeezed vacuum cavity separately is investigated exactly. The results show that, first, in principle, the disentanglement time decreases with the increase of squeeze parameter r, due to the augmenting of average photon number of every mode in the squeezed vacuum cavity. Second, there appear entanglement revivals after the complete disentanglement for the case of even parity initial Bell state, while there occur the entanglement decrcase and the entanglement revival before the complete disentanglement for the case of odd parity initial Bell state. The results are quite different from those for the case of qubits in a vacuum cavity.
【总页数】7页(597-603) 【关键词】
【作者】Wang Fa-Qiang;Zhang Zhi-Ming;Liang Rui-Sheng
【作者单位】Laboratory of Photonic Information Technology, School of Information and Photoelectronic Science and Engineering,South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China;Laboratory of Photonic
Decoherence of two-qubit system in a non-Markovian squeezed reservoir