management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information
(complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized
第十四条 物资采购应当以集中公开招标、供应链和寄售三种方式为主,辅之以竞争性谈判采购、单一来源采购、询价采购和网上采购。具体实施办法按照公司有关规定执行。 第十五条 招标前应对所有潜在投标人进行资质审查,基建项目由基建部负责,物资采购由物资供应中心负责,专项资金工程、绿化及环境治理工程、办公用品、微机耗材和设备外委大修等其他专项资金项目由计划部负责。资质审查工作由各招标组织单位独立完成。
第十六条 招标组织单位应根据招标项目的特点和需要做好技术答疑、现场踏勘和招标文件的编制等工作。招标文件包括投标邀请书、投标须知、合同主要条款、投标文件格式、招标项目的技术要求、设计图纸、对投标人资格审查的标准、投标报价要求、评标标准和方法等所有实质性要求和条件。 招标项目需要划分标段、确定工期的,应当合理划分标段、确定工期,并在招标文件中载明。
第十七条 招标组织单位应当按招标公告规定的时间、地点出售招标文件。 section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management
representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its
quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information
(complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized
第十八条 招标组织单位和业务主管部门根据工程及项目特点,具备编制标底条件的,必须编制标底。
标底由工程造价事务所编制,或委托有相应资质的专业机构编制。 第十九条 招标组织单位应当确定投标人编制投标文件所需要的合理时间;依法必须进行招标的项目,自招标文件开始发出之日起至投标人提交投标文件截止之日止,最短不得少于二十日。
第三章 投 标
第二十条 投标人应当具备承担招标项目的能力,具备招标文件规定的资格条件。
第二十一条 投标人应当按照招标文件的要求编制投标文件。投标文件应当对招标文件提出的实质性要求和条件做出响应。 基建、生产和专项资金工程,投标文件的内容应当包括拟派出的项目负责人与主要技术人员的简历、业绩及施工组织设计方案和拟用于完成招标项目的机械设备等。
第二十二条 投标人投标时应当提交投标保证金。具体数额由各招投标组织单位确定,报招投标管理办公室批准。 第二十三条 投标人应当在招标文件要求提交投标文件截止时间前,将投标文件密封加盖公章后送达投标地点,招标组织单位应当签收并妥善保存,开标前不得开启。
第二十四条 投标人拟在中标后将中标项目的部分非主体、非section of the Department of project management; Project documents and information: Project Engineering Department; Materials and equipment: material supply projects; Security controls: the project Department of safety and security; Construction machinery: Project Engineering Department; Financial: Project Management Department of finance; Security and fire services: project security. 3.3.5 management representative and project manager in this item specifies that the Chief Engineer is the management representative, responsible for the operation of quality management system and supervision, regardless of how his other responsibilities, should have a clear mandate to: ensure that the quality management system is implemented and maintained; The running of the quality management system to the project manager, including needed improvements; Always be aware that the customer's needs and requirements. 3.4 3.4.1 project management review should be an annual review of its quality management system to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and
effectiveness. 3.4.2 Administration review by the project manager responsible for organization and implementation, project quality control Department is responsible for specific tasks. 3.4.3 the management review should compare and evaluate the following input: internal and external quality audits and corrective effect; Customer feedback on the construction, installation, commissioning, service information
(complaints and satisfaction); Quality records, quality compliance with trend reports, analysis of results; Combined with the quality policy and the achievement of the goals, status and suitability evaluation of the quality management system to determine corrective, preventive and improvement measures of performance. 3.4.4 evaluation method and procedure (1) review: by the project manager, project manager, functional departments and heads of specialized
关键性工作进行分包的,应当在投标文件中载明。 第二十五条 投标人不得分标、串标,不得哄抬报价、弄虚作假,不得借他人资质投标和围标,不得损害公司或者其他投标人的合法权益。
禁止投标人向组织者或评委用行贿等不正当手段谋取中标。 第四章 开标、评标和中标
第二十六条 开标应当在截标后的规定时间内公开进行;开标地点应当是招标文件中预先确定的地点。
第二十七条 工程建设项目开标,由招标组织单位(专业代理机构)主持,邀请所有投标人参加;其他专项资金项目、物资采购开标,由评标委员会主任主持,各投标人按抽签顺序依次参加。