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【人教版】2020版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版选修6

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Plastic sludge(污泥)and garbage is a disaster for the world's oceans.A film crew traveled the globe to document the rubbish.And Julie Andersen of the Plastic Oceans Foundation says what we see is just the tip of the problem.“Half of the waste actually sinks to the bottom,and that that remains on the surface actually breaks down.”

The filmmakers found rubbish in ocean gyres,the circulating currents that trap large concentrations of pollution in the Atlantic,Indian,and Pacific Oceans,home of what some have called a plastic island.“What we found in the center of the Pacific was not a floating island of plastic.What we found was a plastic smog that spread throughout all the water.And in some parts of the oceans,scientists have found more plastic than plant.”

The pieces of the plastic garbage infect the food chain,sometimes visibly,and more so at the microscopic level,where the plastic particles interact with other pollutants.“There are heavy metals,medicines,industrial waste in the sea,while it acts like magnets(磁铁).These poisonous substances absorb on the plastic,and then when seafood absorbs the plastics,those poisonous substances enter the fatty tissues.”To be consumed by other sea life and by people at last.

China,Indonesia,the Philippines,Thailand and Vietnam are the worst plastic polluters.The United States,although a leader in recycling,is one of the world's 20 since it produces and consumes so much plastic.There are efforts around the world to address the problem,including at this newly opened recycling center in Lebanon(黎巴嫩).But Andersen says there is more that people can do.“Cut back on single-use plastics,straws,plastic cups,plastic water bottles,plastic bags and find alternatives like reusable materials.”She says healthy oceans are essential to our survival.

1.What can we learn from the passage?

A.There's an island full of plastic rubbish in the Pacific. B.The bad effect of plastic pollution can't be seen by eyes. C.The United States is the least plastic polluters.

D.The plastic pollution to oceans is more serious than what we can see. 2.What does the underlined word “it” refer to in Paragraph 3? A.Pollutants like heavy metals and medicines. B.The plastic particles. C.Seafood. D.Fatty tissues.

3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.All Asian countries have the most serious problem of plastic pollution.

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B.The plastic problem hasn't attracted the world's attention.

C.Andersen is not satisfied with what has been done to solve the plastic problem. D.People should stop using plastic products immediately. 4.Which may be the title of the passage? A.Plastic pollution in the World B.Plastic pollution—Oceans' Disaster

C.Ways to solve the problem of plastic pollution to oceans D.Plastic pollution and our health


长难句分析:The pieces of the plastic garbage infect the food chain,sometimes visibly,and more so at the microscopic level,where the plastic particles interact with other pollutants.(第三段第一句)

分析:这是一个主从复合句。where引导的是非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词microscopic level。 译文:塑料垃圾碎片会影响食物链,这种影响有时明显,但更多的还是反映在微观层面上,塑料微粒在这个层面上与其他污染物相互作用。

词汇积累:disaster n.灾难 document v.记载 poisonous adj.有毒的 substance n.物质 tissue n.组织

1.D 考查推理判断。 ...what we see is just the tip of the problem.“Half of the waste actually sinks to the bottom,and that that remains on the surface actually breaks down.”(第一段最后两句)


解题思路:根据关键句可推断出,海洋中的塑料垃圾远比我们看到的要严重得多。根据第二段第二句“What we found in the center of the Pacific was not a floating island of plastic.”可知,A项与原文不符;根据关键句可知,B项与原文不符;根据最后一段第二句中的“one of the world's 20 since it produces and consumes so much plastic”可知,C项与原文不符。故选D。

2.B 考查指代判断。These poisonous substances absorb on the plastic, and then when seafood absorbs the plastics,those poisonous substances enter the fatty tissues.(第三段第三句)

译文:这些有毒物质会吸附在塑料上,然后当海鲜吸收这些塑料时,有毒物质就会进入它们的脂肪组织。 解题思路:根据画线词上句中的“the plastic particles interact with other pollutants”可知,塑料颗粒可与其他污染物相互作用;结合关键句可知,此处应指塑料颗粒就像磁铁一样,可以将毒素吸附到自己身上,然后带入海鲜体内。由此可推知,it指代上文中的“the plastic particles”,故选B。

3.C 考查细节理解。But Andersen says there is more that people can do.“Cut back on single-use plastics,straws,plastic cups, plastic water bottles,plastic bags and find alternatives like reusable materials.”(最后一段第四、五句)


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解题思路:根据关键句可推断出,Andersen对目前人们为解决塑料问题所做的努力并不满意,她认为人们可以做得更多。根据最后一段第一句可知,并非所有的亚洲国家都有严重的塑料污染,所以A项与原文不符;根据最后一段第三句可知,如今全世界都在努力解决这一问题,所以B项与原文不符;根据关键句中的“cut back”可知,D项与原文不符。故选C。

4.B 考查标题概括。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了塑料污染对海洋的严重破坏。B项概括了文章主旨,最适合做标题。故选B。


Have you ever heard that we humans use only ten percent of our brains? This myth holds __1__ certain appeal because if it __2__ (be) true, then we could instantly become ten times __3__ (intelligent) just by firing up that sleepy majority of the brain!

The idea that we use only a small fraction of the brain dates back to animal experiments in the 19th century. When scientists __4__ (stimulate) a specific part of the brain, the animal moved __5__ (it) leg or tail. And some scientists assumed that large parts of the brain were simply useless.

Then, in the early 20th century, scientists observed that stimulating certain regions of the brain had no physical effects, which __6__ (call) the “silent cortex”. Today we know that much of the “silent cortex” is actually devoted to complex activities like language, learning and imagining.

Actually, __7__ we sleep, many areas of the brain are extremely active. Would you be smarter if your entire brain constantly worked to maximum capacity? __8__ (interest) enough, the opposite is probably true. The less brain activity you need to perform a __9__ (give) task, the more the brain as a whole is capable __10__ doing.

1.________ 2.________ 3.________ 4.________ 5.________ 6.________ 7.________ 8.________ 9.________ 10.________


1.a 考查冠词。hold a certain appeal “有一些吸引力”。

2.were 考查虚拟语气。根据空格后的“then we could instantly become ...”可知,此处是与现在事实相反的假设,要用虚拟语气,故此处用were。

3.more intelligent 考查形容词的比较级。由设空前的“ten times”可知,此处表示比较,指(比以前)聪明十倍,应填形容词的比较级,而intelligent是多音节形容词,故填more intelligent。

4.stimulated 考查动词的时态。本句描述19世纪科学家所做的实验,因此用一般过去时。 5.its 考查代词。这里its指代the animal's。

6.are called 考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。which引导非限制性定语从句,which在从句中指代

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regions,此处描述一种研究发现,且call与regions是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填are called。

7.as/when 考查连词。这句话的意思是“事实上,当我们睡觉的时候,大脑的很多区域都是极度活跃的”。 8.Interestingly 考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空格处修饰后面的整个句子,因此此处要用副词Interestingly。

9.given 考查非谓语动词。此处given作定语修饰task,由于give与task之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词。

10.of 考查介词。be capable of doing sth. “有能力做某事”。


I was driving to the grocery store on a warm morning in May.I smiled as I watched the golden sunshine __1__ off the leaves.It was such a __2__ and heavenly time.

My calm was broken,__3__,as I rounded a curve(拐弯处).A huge U-Haul truck was coming my way several feet over the center line.I swerved as far onto the side of the road as I could to __4__ it.It was followed by not one but two other U-Haul trucks just as __5__.I wondered if all the stuff inside of them __6__ the same person.I slowed down my car and waited for my heart rate to __7__.It was then that I __8__ a self-storage business along the side of the highway,building new units for all the people who couldn't fit their __9__ into their houses.I saw a(n)__10__ couple carrying boxes into one of the units.It seemed __11__ that a couple just out of their teens could already have too much stuff.

I lost my own __12__ for owning stuff when a house fire in the middle of the night destroyed everything my family owned.The only thing I had left was the underwear I was wearing.Yet,our whole family had awakened __13__ to escape.In the weeks that followed friends and family gave us a lot of stuff to get us back on our feet,but none of it seemed as __14__ any more.What was important was seeing Mom's smile,giving Nana a hug and a kiss,and watching Dad snooze(打盹) in his chair __15__ a hard day's work.What was important was the stuff of __16__,not the stuff of this world.Since then I have tried to limit the things I would __17__.I didn't want too much stuff to __18__ my life.I wanted to only buy what I needed and to spend my days in learning,growing,and __19__ my family and others.

I assumed that only by doing so could I make my __20__. 1.A.appreciating B.reflecting C.admiring D.releasing 2.A.refreshing B.delightful C.peaceful D.dynamic 3.A.though B.too C.anyway D.instead 4.A.miss B.reject C.ignore D.desert

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5.A.useful B.large C.new D.good

6.A.turned to B.referred to C.reacted to D.belonged to 7.A.beat B.pulse C.accelerate D.follow 8.A.noticed B.thought C.did D.established 9.A.furniture B.boxes C.possessions D.materials 10.A.old B.young

C.middle-aged D.small 11.A.curious B.apparent

C.certain D.obvious 12.A.hope B.talent

C.faith D.taste 13.A.in return B.in turn

C.in time D.in vain 14.A.affordable B.significant

C.beneficial D.practical 15.A.before B.in

C.after D.during 16.A.mind B.hand

C.head D.soul 17.A.purchase B.donate

C.waste D.need 18.A.put up B.crowd up

C.bring up D.set up 19.A.helping B.abusing

C.loving D.affecting 20.A.name B.day

C.world D.way


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【人教版】2020版高考英语一轮复习 Unit 2 Poems达标巩固练(含解析)新人教版选修6


