IPS E.max press铸瓷全冠在前牙美容修复中的临床应用
【期刊名称】《中国实用医刊》 【年(卷),期】2012(039)020
【摘要】目的 对IPS E.max press铸瓷全冠在前牙美容修复中的临床效果进行短期的观察和评价.方法 对27例患者116颗牙进行IPS E.max press铸瓷全冠修复,修复后3、6、12个月复诊,对修复体的颜色、边缘、形态及有无继发龋进行临床检查.结果 98.2%的修复体形态完整,96.5%的修复体颜色与邻牙匹配,99.1%的边缘密合、无继发龋,97.4%的无边缘着色;96.5%以上的修复体达到A级.结论 前牙IPS E.max press铸瓷全冠修复可获得良好的临床效果.%Objective To observe and evaluate the short-term clinical aesthetic prosthetic effect of IPS E.max press ceramic crown on anterior teeth.Methods One hundred and sixteen teeth of 27 patients were restored with IPS e.max press ceramic crowns.Follow-up surveys were conducted 3 months,6 months and 12 months later,including the dental prosthetic color,marginal adaptation and contours,and secondary caries of abutment teeth.Results 98.2% of prostheses remained complete; 96.5% of them had matching color with the adjacent teeth; 99.1% of them had good marginal adaptation without secondary caries; 97.4% of them had not pigmentation in the margin; over 96.5% of them reached Alevel.Conclusions The clinical effect of IPS e.max press ceramic crown on the restoration of anterior teeth is reliable and ideal.
IPS E.max press铸瓷全冠在前牙美容修复中的临床应用