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杨岂深《英国文学选读Book 3》复习笔记【圣才出品】

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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 第1章 复习笔记

第1单元 休?麦克迪尔米德

Hugh MacDiarmid (1892-1978) (休·麦克迪尔米德) 1. Life(生平)

Hugh Macdiarmid was the preeminent Scottish poet, born in Scotland, in the family of a postman. He developed a deep concern for contemporary Scottish literature and advocated a literary renaissance in Scotland. In social and political views MacDiarmid was at first a Scottish Nationalist and then a Socialist. MacDiarmid’s principle of poetic creation was somewhat like that of “originating from life, but rising higher than life”.


2. Major Works(主要作品)

Sangschaw (1925) 《诗集》

A Drunk Man Looks at the Thistle (1926) 《醉汉看蓟》 In Memoriam James Joyce (1955) 《悼念乔伊斯》

3. Selected Works(选读作品)

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www.100xuexi.com 圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 ◆Why I Choose Red《我选择红色的原因》 The reason the poet chooses red is that red stands for neither hide nor retreat. The poet describes the heroic deeds of Giuseppe Garibaldi in Italian national liberation movement.

Garibaldi led red shirt in 1860 and fought bravely. The poet expresses his praise of Garibaldi and his pursuit of just cause.


◆Moonlight among the Pines《松树下的月光》 This poem uses Scottish dialect. In the dim moonlight, the shadows of trees cover the hills like sarong. The poet also expresses his love for the lovely girl. Beautiful scenery and good love form an artistic conception.

这首诗运用了苏格兰方言,诗人描写了朦胧的月色下,树影犹如轻纱笼罩着山丘。诗人还表达了对心仪姑娘的喜爱,良辰美景与美好爱情营造了一个美丽的意境。 ◆Third Hymn to Lenin《三颂列宁》 The poet extols the leader, criticizes the reality and pursues the dream. The whole poem has grand momentum. The poet reveals foul of Glasgow and relentlessly flays the insensitive Scottish people. He intends to call on people to take revolution as Lenin points out. Through the lines of the poem, we can see the poet’s enthusiasm and his desire to change the old world.


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www.100xuexi.com 圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 江奔腾的气势。诗人对格拉斯哥的污浊进行了揭露抨击.用他的诗句无情鞭挞苏格兰那些麻木不仁的人们,想通过鞭挞,唤醒沉睡中的苏格兰起来走上列宁所指出的道路。透过诗的字里行间,我们可以看到诗人的热情及企求改变旧世界的焦灼心情。

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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 第2单元 I?A?理查兹

Ivor Armstrong Richards (1893-1979) (A. 理查兹) 1. Life(生平)

I. A. Richards was a literary critic, poet and linguist. He studied in Clifton College, Bristol and the university of Cambridge. From the 1930s, he focused on the application of modern semantics in literary criticism, Coleridge on Imagination and The Philosophy of Rhetoric as representative works. Since the mid-1930s, he has begun to study the relationship between language and thought, language and learning. He and C .K. Ogden worked together to implement “basic English”.


2. Major Works(主要作品)

Principles of Literary Criticism 《文学批评原理》 Coleridge on Imagination 《柯尔律治论想象》 The Philosophy of Rhetoric 《修辞哲学》 Basic English and Its Uses 《基础英语及其应用》

3. Selected Work(选读作品)

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www.100xuexi.com 圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台 ◆The Four Kinds of Meaning《四种意义》 The author thinks that we can analyze human discourse from four aspects, namely meaning, feeling, tone and intention. Meaning means the meaning of the word itself; feeling refers to personal feelings of the speaker; tone means the speaker changes his attitude according to his audience; intention refers to the purpose of the speaker. The author makes an analysis of the effect of the four aspects have on discourse under different conditions. We can use these four aspects to analyze literature and come to many unknown conclusions.


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杨岂深《英国文学选读Book 3》复习笔记【圣才出品】


